Source code for hybrid_vector_model.hybrid_vector_model


.. note:: This program was created with the motivation to model the traffic
    of boaters potentially carrying aquatic invasive species. Nonetheless,
    the tools are applicable to assess and control any vector road traffic. 
    Due to the initial motivation, however, the wording within this file may at
    some places still be specific to the motivating scenario:
    - We may refer to `vectors` as `boaters` or `agents`. 
    - We may refer to the origins of vectors as `origin`, `source`, or simply `jurisdiction`. 
    - We may refer to the destinations of vectors as `destination`, `sink`, 
      or `lake`.


import os
import sys
import warnings
from copy import copy
from os.path import exists
from itertools import product as iterproduct, repeat, count as itercount, \
                        chain as iterchain
from collections import defaultdict
import traceback

import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rf
from scipy import sparse
import scipy.optimize as op
from scipy.stats import nbinom, f as fdist, linregress, chi2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
import autograd.numpy as ag
from autograd import grad, hessian
from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF

    import cvxpy as cp
except Exception:
    warnings.warn("Failed to import CVXPY. This may be due to the issue of "
                  "MOSEK not being available. See "
                  " for "
                  "installation instructions.")

from vemomoto_core.npcollections.npext import add_fields, list_to_csr_matrix, sparsepowersum, \
    sparsepower, sparsesum, convert_R_0_1, \
    convert_R_pos, FlexibleArrayDict
from import saveobject
from import SeparatelySaveable
from vemomoto_core.npcollections.npextc import FlexibleArray
from import HierarchichalPrinter
from import DocMetaSuperclass, inherit_doc, staticmethod_inherit_doc
from vemomoto_core.concurrent.concurrent_futures_ext import ProcessPoolExecutor
from vemomoto_core.concurrent.nicepar import Counter
from lopaths import FlowPointGraph, FlexibleGraph
from ci_rvm import find_CI_bound

    from .traveltime_model import TrafficDensityVonMises
    from .statsutils import anderson_darling_test_discrete, anderson_darling_NB, anderson_darling_P, R2
    from ._autograd_ext import nbinom_logpmf
    from .route_choice_model import RouteChoiceModel
except ImportError:
    from traveltime_model import TrafficDensityVonMises
    from statsutils import anderson_darling_test_discrete, anderson_darling_NB, anderson_darling_P, R2
    from _autograd_ext import nbinom_logpmf
    from route_choice_model import RouteChoiceModel

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

CPU_COUNT = os.cpu_count() 
"Number of processes for parallel processing."

IDTYPE = "|S11"
"""Type of IDs of origins and destinations. Alpha-numerical code with at most 9 

2 digets remain reserved for internal use.


def _non_join(string1, string2):
    """Joins two strings if they are not ``None``.
    Returns ``None`` if either of the input strings is ``None``.
    string1 : str 
        First string
    string2 : str 
        Second string
    if string1 is not None and string2 is not None:
        return string1 + string2
        return None

[docs]def safe_delattr(obj, attrname): """Deletes and attribute if it exists""" if isinstance(obj, SeparatelySaveable): if obj.hasattr(attrname): delattr(obj, attrname) else: if hasattr(obj, attrname): delattr(obj, attrname)
[docs]def mean_relative_absolute_error(prediction, observation, normalization=None, cutoff=None): """Compute the mean relative absolute error between predictions and observations. Parameters ---------- prediction : float[] Predicted values. observation : float[] Observed values. normalization : float[] Normalization for the error. If not given, the predicted values will be used. cutoff : float | float[] Threshold value. Observed-predicted pairs will be ignored if the predicted value is below `cutoff`. """ if normalization is None: normalization = prediction if cutoff is not None: considered = prediction >= cutoff prediction = prediction[considered] observation = observation[considered] normalization = normalization[considered] return np.mean(np.abs(prediction-observation)/normalization)
[docs]def create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot(predicted, observed, error=None, constError=None, errorFunctions=None, regressionResult=None, labels=None, title="", saveFileName=None, comparisonFileName=None, comparison=None, comparisonPredicted=None, comparisonObserved=None, logScale=False): """Create an observed vs. predicted plot. Parameters ---------- predicted : float[] Array of predicted values. observed : float[] Array of observed values. error : float[] Array with a measure for the expected error of the predictions. This can be used to show how large the expected deviations between predicted and observed values are. constError : float If given, the area `constError` units above and below the `predicted=observed` line will be shaded. This is useful if the figure shall show the confidence interval of predictions. errorFunctions : callable[] Two methods for the lower and the upper predicted error (e.g. 95% confidence interval). Both of these methods must take the predicted value and return the repsective expected bound for the observations. If given, the area between these function will be plotted as a shaded area. regressionResult : float[] Slope and intercept of an observed vs. prediction regression. If given, the regression line will be plotted. labels : str[] Labels for the data points. title : str Title of the plot saveFileName : str Name of the file where the plot and the data used to generate it will be saved. ~+~ .. note:: Note that only predicted and observed values will be saved. comparisonFileName : str Name of the file where alternative results are saved. These results will be loaded and plotted for comparison. comparisonPredicted : float[] Predictions plotted for comparison. comparisonObserved : float[] Observations plotted for comparison. logScale : bool Whether to plot on a log-log scale. """ plt.figure() plt.title(title) if logScale: addition = 0.1 observed = observed + addition predicted = predicted + addition plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') if error is None: error2 = 0 else: error2 = error print(title, "R2:", R2(predicted, observed)) xMax = np.max(predicted+error2) yMax = np.max(observed) # while is just an ugly hack here. It really is just an if statement while ((comparisonPredicted is not None and comparisonObserved is not None) or comparisonFileName): if comparisonPredicted is not None and comparisonObserved is not None: pass elif (comparisonFileName and os.access(comparisonFileName+"_pred.vmdat", os.R_OK) and os.access(comparisonFileName+"_obs.vmdat", os.R_OK)): comparisonPredicted = saveobject.load_object(comparisonFileName+"_pred.vmdat") comparisonObserved = saveobject.load_object(comparisonFileName+"_obs.vmdat") else: break comparison = True print(title, "R2 (comparison):", R2(comparisonPredicted, comparisonObserved)) xMax = max(xMax, np.max(comparisonPredicted)) yMax = max(yMax, np.max(comparisonObserved)) break else: comparison = False addFact = 1.15 if regressionResult is not None: slope, intercept = regressionResult xMax *= addFact yMax *= addFact x = min((yMax-intercept) / slope, xMax) y = x * slope + intercept plt.plot((0, x), (intercept, y), color='C2', linestyle="-", linewidth=1) linestyle = "--" else: linestyle = "-" upperRight = min(yMax, xMax) * addFact plt.plot((0, upperRight), (0, upperRight), color='C1', linestyle=linestyle, linewidth=0.8) plt.xlabel("Predicted") plt.ylabel("Observed") if constError is not None: plt.fill_between((0, upperRight), (constError, upperRight+constError), (-constError, upperRight-constError), facecolor='red', alpha=0.15) elif errorFunctions is not None: lowerError, upperError = errorFunctions xError = np.linspace(0, upperRight, 1000) plt.fill_between(xError, lowerError(xError), upperError(xError), facecolor='red', alpha=0.3) if error is None: plt.scatter(predicted, observed, marker='.') if comparison: plt.scatter(comparisonPredicted, comparisonObserved, marker='^', facecolors='none', edgecolors='g') else: plt.errorbar(predicted, observed, xerr=error, fmt='.', elinewidth=0.5, capsize=1.5, capthick=0.5) if labels is not None: for label, x, y in zip(labels, predicted, observed): if not label: continue plt.annotate( label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(-20, 20), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc='yellow', alpha=0.5), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0')) if saveFileName is not None: saveobject.save_object(predicted, saveFileName+"_pred.vmdat") saveobject.save_object(observed, saveFileName+"_obs.vmdat") plt.savefig(saveFileName + ".png", dpi=1000) plt.savefig(saveFileName + ".pdf")
[docs]def create_distribution_plot(X, observed, predicted=None, best=None, yLabel="PMF", title="", fileName=None): """Creates a plot of a given discrete distribution. Parameters ---------- X : float[] Values that could be observed. observed : float[] Observed cumulative density (non-parametric estimate of the cumulative mass function). predicted : float[] Predicted cumulative density. best : float[] Second predicted cumulative density (different prediction method). yLabel : str Label of the y axis. title : str Title of the plot. fileName : str Name of the file that the plot shall be saved to. """ plt.figure() plt.title(title) plotArr = [observed] labels = ["Observed"] if predicted is not None: plotArr.append(predicted) labels.append("Model Prediction") if best is not None: plotArr.append(best) labels.append("Best Fit") colors = ['C0', 'C1', 'C2'] X = np.append(X, X.size) for Y, color in zip(plotArr, colors): yy = np.append(Y, 0) plt.fill_between(X, 0, yy, step='post', alpha=.3, color=color) for Y, color, label in zip(plotArr, colors, labels): yy = np.insert(Y, 0, Y[0]) plt.step(X, yy, color=color, label=label) plt.ylabel(yLabel) plt.xlabel("x") plt.legend() if fileName is not None: plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf")
[docs]def create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot_from_files(fileName1, fileName2, extension="", **kwargs): """Creates an observed vs. predicted plot from saved data. Parameters ---------- fileName1 : str Name of the file from which the primary data shall be loaded. fileName2 : str Name of the file from which comparison data shall be loaded. extension : str Extension to add to both file names. **kwargs : kwargs Keyword arguments passed to :py:meth:`create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot`. """ fileName1 = os.path.join(fileName1, fileName1+extension) fileName2 = os.path.join(fileName2, fileName2+extension) predicted = saveobject.load_object(fileName1+"_pred.vmdat") observed = saveobject.load_object(fileName1+"_obs.vmdat") create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot(predicted, observed, saveFileName=fileName1, comparisonFileName=fileName2, **kwargs)
[docs]def nbinom_fit(data): """Fits a negative binomial distribution to given data""" f = lambda x: -np.sum(nbinom.logpmf(data, x[0], np.exp(-x[1]*x[1]))) x0 = (1, 1) res = op.minimize(f, x0, method="SLSQP", options={"disp":True}) return res.x[0], np.exp(-res.x[1]*res.x[1])
[docs]@inherit_doc(create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot_from_files) def redraw_predicted_observed(fileName1, fileName2): """Redraws predicted versus oberved plots generated earlier.""" for ext in "Regression", "Regression_scaled": print("Plotting", ext) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot_from_files(fileName1, fileName2, ext, constError=1.96) for ext in ["Stations_raw", "Stations_scaled", "Pairs_raw", "Pairs_scaled", "Destinations_raw", "Destinations_scaled", "Origins_raw", "Origins_scaled"]: print("Plotting", ext) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot_from_files(fileName1, fileName2, ext)
[docs]class TransportNetwork(FlowPointGraph): """A graph representation of the road network. In contrast to the general graph class :py:class:`lopaths.graph.FlowPointGraph`, :py:class:`TransportNetwork` implements invasion-specific functionalities needed for the vector movement model Parameters ---------- fileNameEdges : str Name of a csv file containing the road network. The file must be a csv with header and the following columns, separated by ``,``: ================================================== ============================== ======================================================================== Field Type Description ================================================== ============================== ======================================================================== Road ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the road section Vertex from-ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` Starting vertex of the road section Vertex to-ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` End vertex of the road section Lenght float Length (or travel time) of the road section Survey location for forward traffic :py:data:`IDTYPE`, `optional` ID of the location where forward traffic can be surveyed Survey location for forward traffic :py:data:`IDTYPE`, `optional` ID of the station where backward traffic can be surveyed Survey location for forward and backward traffic :py:data:`IDTYPE`, `optional` ID of the station where forward and backward traffic can be surveyed Destination ID :py:data:`IDTYPE`, `optional` ID of the destination that can be accessed via this road section ================================================== ============================== ======================================================================== fileNameVertices : str Name of a csv file stating which vertices are origins and destinations. The file must be a csv with header and the following columns, separated by ``,``: ==================== ================= ====================================================== Field Type Description ==================== ================= ====================================================== Vertex ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the vertex Potential via vertex bool whether the vertex could be a potential intermediate destination for boaters (should be ``True`` by default, but can be set to ``False`` for many vertices to reduce computational complexity) Vertex type int type identifier for the vertex; see below - ``1``: origin - ``2``: destination - ``3``: postal code area center (used to determine whether destinations are located in populated areas) - `other`: no specific role for the vertex ==================== ================= ====================================================== destinationToDestination : bool ``True`` iff destination to destination traffic is modelled, i.e. if the sets of origins and destinations are equal. Note: a gravity model for destination to destination traffic is not yet implemented, but could be added easily. preprocessingArgs : tuple Arguments for preprocessing of the road network. Refer to :py:class:`lopaths.graph.FlowPointGraph` for further documentation edgeLengthRandomization : float Maximum random perturbation to road lengths. Needed to make it likely that distinct paths have distinct length. printerArgs Arguments passed to :py:class:`` """ # labels that are going to be put at the beginning of origin IDs to avoid # overlapping with other IDs _DESTINATION_SOURCE_LABEL = b'l' _DESTINATION_SOURCE_EDGE_LABEL = b'_l' _DESTINATION_SINK_LABEL = b'L' _DESTINATION_SINK_EDGE_LABEL = b'_L' def __init__(self, fileNameEdges, fileNameVertices, destinationToDestination=False, preprocessingArgs=None, edgeLengthRandomization=.001, **printerArgs): """Constructor See class docs for documentation. """ HierarchichalPrinter.__init__(self, **printerArgs) self.preprocessingArgs = preprocessingArgs self.prst("Reading road network file", fileNameEdges) edges = np.genfromtxt(fileNameEdges, delimiter=",", skip_header = True, dtype = {"names":["ID", "from_to_original", "length", "inspection", "destinationID"], 'formats':[IDTYPE, '2' + IDTYPE, "double", "3" + IDTYPE, IDTYPE]}, autostrip = True) self.prst("Reading vertex file", fileNameVertices) vertexData = np.genfromtxt(fileNameVertices, delimiter=",", skip_header = True, dtype = {"names":["ID", "potentialViaVertex", "type"], 'formats':[IDTYPE, 'bool', 'int']}, autostrip = True) if not vertexData.ndim: vertexData = np.expand_dims(vertexData, 0) if destinationToDestination: # since destination access is given directly in the road network file, # we ignore the given vertexData vertexData["type"][vertexData["type"]==1] = -1 if edgeLengthRandomization: np.random.seed(0) edges["length"] += ((np.random.random(len(edges))-0.5) * edgeLengthRandomization) self.prst("Processing the input") # double the edges to create directed graph from undirected graph from_to = np.vstack((edges["from_to_original"], edges["from_to_original"][:,::-1])) edgeData = rf.repack_fields(edges[["ID", "length", "destinationID"]]) edgeData = np.concatenate((edgeData, edgeData)) edgeData = add_fields(edgeData, ["inspection"], [object], [None]) inspectionStationIDs = np.unique(edges["inspection"]) if inspectionStationIDs[0] == b'': inspectionStationIDs = inspectionStationIDs[1:] self.stationIndexToStationID = inspectionStationIDs inspectionStationIndices = {iD:i for i, iD in enumerate(inspectionStationIDs)} self.stationIDToStationIndex = inspectionStationIndices edgesLen = len(edges) inspectionData = edgeData["inspection"] consideredIndices = np.nonzero(edges["inspection"][:,0])[0] inspectionData[consideredIndices] = [{inspectionStationIndices[iD]} for iD in edges["inspection"][ consideredIndices, 0]] consideredIndices = np.nonzero(edges["inspection"][:,1])[0] inspectionData[edgesLen:][consideredIndices] = [ {inspectionStationIndices[iD]} for iD in edges["inspection"][consideredIndices, 1] ] consideredIndices = np.nonzero(edges["inspection"][:,2])[0] for i, iD in zip(consideredIndices, edges["inspection"][consideredIndices, 2]): for j in i, i + edgesLen: if inspectionData[j]: inspectionData[j].add(inspectionStationIndices[iD]) else: inspectionData[j] = {inspectionStationIndices[iD]} self.prst("Creating graph") graph = FlexibleGraph(from_to, edgeData, vertexData["ID"], vertexData[["potentialViaVertex", "type"]], replacementMode="shortest", lengthLabel="length") graph.add_vertex_attributes(("destinationID", "significant"), (IDTYPE, bool), (b'', graph.vertices.array["type"] > 0)) graph.set_default_vertex_data((0, True, 0, "", False)) # adding virtual edges to represent destinations self._add_virtual_destination_vertices(graph) if destinationToDestination: self._add_virtual_destination_vertices(graph, 1) graph.remove_insignificant_dead_ends("significant") self.prst("Creating fast graph") super().__init__(graph, "length", "significant") self.vertices.array[:self.vertices.size]["significant"] = True self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex = self.vertices.get_array_indices("type", 2) self.sinkIndexToSinkID = self.vertices.array["ID"][ self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex] order = np.argsort(self.sinkIndexToSinkID) self.sinkIndexToSinkID = self.sinkIndexToSinkID[order] self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex = self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex[order] self.sinkIDToSinkIndex = {iD:index for index, iD in enumerate(self.sinkIndexToSinkID)} self.rawSinkIndexToVertexIndex = self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex = self.vertices.get_array_indices("type", 1) self.sourceIndexToSourceID = self.vertices.array["ID"][ self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex] order = np.argsort(self.sourceIndexToSourceID) self.sourceIndexToSourceID = self.sourceIndexToSourceID[order] self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex = self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex[order] self.rawSourceIndexToVertexIndex = self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex self.sourceIDToSourceIndex = {iD:index for index, iD in enumerate(self.sourceIndexToSourceID)} self.sourcesConsidered = np.ones(self.sourceIndexToSourceID.size, dtype=bool) self.postalCodeIndexToVertexIndex = self.vertices.get_array_indices("type", 3) self.set_save_separately("lengthsOfPotentialRoutes", "inspectedPotentialRoutes", "stationCombinations") self.prst("Transport network creation finished.")
[docs] def preprocessing(self, preprocessingArgs=None): """Preprocesses the graph to make path search queries more efficient. This step is a necessary prerequisite to all path queries as implemented here. The 'reach' of each vertex is computed. The 'reach' is high if a vertex is at the center of a long shortest path (e.g. a highway). Parameters ---------- preprocessingArgs : dict or iterable Contains the arguments for :py:class:`lopaths.graph.FlowPointGraph.preprocessing`. If ``None``, reasonable default arguments will be chosen. Refer to :py:class:`lopaths.graph.FlowPointGraph.preprocessing` for a list of the possible arguments and their meaning """ if preprocessingArgs is None: preprocessingArgs = self.preprocessingArgs if preprocessingArgs is None: FlowPointGraph.preprocessing(self, 1, 3, 3, expansionBounds=(1.5, 1.5, 2.5), maxEdgeLength=30) else: if type(preprocessingArgs) == dict: FlowPointGraph.preprocessing(self, **preprocessingArgs) else: FlowPointGraph.preprocessing(self, *preprocessingArgs)
def _add_virtual_destination_vertices(self, graph, vertexType=2): """Creates vertices that represent the destinations """ edges = graph.edges edgeArr = edges.get_array() consideredEdges = edgeArr[edgeArr["destinationID"] != np.array("", dtype=IDTYPE)] if vertexType == 1: destinationLabel = self._DESTINATION_SOURCE_LABEL destinationEdgeLabel = self._DESTINATION_SOURCE_EDGE_LABEL elif vertexType == 2: destinationLabel = self._DESTINATION_SINK_LABEL destinationEdgeLabel = self._DESTINATION_SINK_EDGE_LABEL consideredEdges = consideredEdges[np.argsort(consideredEdges["destinationID"])] if not consideredEdges.size: return self.prst("Adding virtual edges to represent destinations") lastdestinationID = -1 newVertexLines = ( + np.unique(consideredEdges["destinationID"]).size) if newVertexLines > 0: graph.vertices.expand(newVertexLines) newEdgeLines = ( + consideredEdges.size) if newEdgeLines > 0: graph.edges.expand(newEdgeLines) for i, row in enumerate(consideredEdges): if lastdestinationID != row["destinationID"]: lastdestinationID = row["destinationID"] newVertexID = destinationLabel + row["destinationID"] graph.add_vertex(newVertexID, (newVertexID, True, vertexType, lastdestinationID, True)) try: vertex = row["fromID"] if vertexType == 1: fromTo = (newVertexID, vertex) else: fromTo = (vertex, newVertexID) graph.add_edge(*fromTo, (destinationEdgeLabel + bytes(str(i), 'utf8'), row["length"], False, '')) except KeyError: edgeData = graph.get_edge_data(*fromTo, False) if row["length"] < edgeData["length"]: edgeData["length"] = row["length"]
[docs] def find_shortest_distances(self): """Determines the shortest distances between all origins and destinations and from all postal code centres to the destinations """ dists = self.find_shortest_distance_array(self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex, self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex) # treat disconnected sources and sinks well sourcesConsidered = np.min(dists, 1) < np.inf sinksConsidered = np.min(dists, 0) < np.inf if not (sourcesConsidered.all() and sinksConsidered.all()): dists = dists[sourcesConsidered][:,sinksConsidered] self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex = self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex[ sinksConsidered] self.sinkIndexToSinkID = self.vertices.array["ID"][ self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex] self.sinkIDToSinkIndex = {iD:index for index, iD in enumerate(self.sinkIndexToSinkID)} self.update_sources_considered(considered=sourcesConsidered) if (dists == np.inf).any(): warnings.warn("Some sources and sinks are disconnected though " + "no source is separated from all sinks and " + "vice versa. That is, the graph has separate " + "subgraphs.") self.postalCodeDistances = self.find_shortest_distance_array( self.postalCodeIndexToVertexIndex, self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex) if (self.postalCodeDistances == np.inf).any(): warnings.warn("Some postal code areas and sinks are disconnected.") self.shortestDistances = dists if hasattr(self, "sinksConsidered"): tmp = np.nonzero(self.sinksConsidered)[0][~sinksConsidered] self.sinksConsidered[tmp] = False else: self.sinksConsidered = sinksConsidered self._pair_factor = np.array((self.shortestDistances.shape[1], 1))
[docs] def update_sources_considered(self, rawConsidered=None, considered=None): """Changes which origins are considered to fit the model. If long-distance traffic is assumed to follow different mechanisms than intermediate-distance traffic, it can be beneficial to fit two distinct models for traffic from different origins. `update_sources_considered` determines which of the origins are considered to fit the model. Parameters ---------- rawConsidered : bool[] Boolean array determining which of the sources are considered. Must have the same size as the number of sources. considered : bool[] Boolean array determining which of the currently considered sources remain considered. Must have the same size as the number of currently considered sources """ if not hasattr(self, "sourcesConsidered"): self.sourcesConsidered = np.ones(self.sourceIndexToSourceID.size, dtype=bool) if rawConsidered is not None: self.sourcesConsidered = rawConsidered if considered is not None: tmp = np.nonzero(self.sourcesConsidered)[0][~considered] self.sourcesConsidered[tmp] = False self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex = self.rawSourceIndexToVertexIndex[ self.sourcesConsidered] self.sourceIndexToSourceID = self.vertices.array["ID"][ self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex] self.sourceIDToSourceIndex = {iD:index for index, iD in enumerate( self.sourceIndexToSourceID)} if hasattr(self, "shortestDistances"): delattr(self, "shortestDistances")
[docs] def find_potential_routes(self, stretchConstant=1.5, localOptimalityConstant=.2, acceptionFactor=0.667, rejectionFactor=1.333): """Searches potential routes of boaters. For detailed documentation on the arguments, refer to :py:class:`lopaths.graph.FlowPointGraph.find_locally_optimal_paths` Parameters ---------- stretchConstant : >=1 Maximal length of the admissible paths in relation to shortest path. Controls the length of the admissible paths. ``1`` refers to shortest paths only, `infinity` to all paths. localOptimalityConstant : [0, 1] Fraction of the path that must be optimal. Controls how optimal the admissible paths shall be. ``0`` refers to all paths, ``1`` refers to shortest paths only. acceptionFactor : (0,1] Relaxation factor for local optimality constraint. Approximation factor to speed up the local optimality check. ``0`` accepts all paths, ``1`` performs an exact check. Choose the largest feasible value. ``1`` is often possible. rejectionFactor : [1,2] False rejection factor for local optimality constraint. Approximation factor to speed up the local optimality check. ``1`` performs exact checks, ``2`` may reject paths that are admissible but not locally optimal twice as much as required. Choose the smallest feasible value. ``1`` is often possible. """ if not hasattr(self, "shortestDistances"): self.find_shortest_distances() routeLengths, inspectedRoutes, stationCombinations = \ FlowPointGraph.find_locally_optimal_paths(self, self.sourceIndexToVertexIndex, self.sinkIndexToVertexIndex, self.shortestDistances, stretchConstant, localOptimalityConstant, acceptionFactor, rejectionFactor) self.admissibilityParameters = (stretchConstant, localOptimalityConstant, acceptionFactor, rejectionFactor) self.lengthsOfPotentialRoutes = routeLengths self.inspectedPotentialRoutes = inspectedRoutes self.stationCombinations = stationCombinations
def _pair_to_pair_index(self, pair): """Converts a tuple (OriginIndex, DesitnationIndex) to an integer index of the pair. """ return np.sum(self._pair_factor*pair)
[docs]class BaseTrafficFactorModel(metaclass=DocMetaSuperclass): """Base class for traffic factor models. The traffic factor model is a gravity model yielding factors proportional to the vector flow between different origins and destinations. Admissible models should inherit this class and overwrite/implement its variables and methods. Objects of this class save the given covariate data as object variables that can later be used to compute a factor proportional to the mean traffic flow between sources and sinks. Parameters ---------- sourceData : Struct[] Array containing source covariates sinkData : Struct[] Array containing sink covariates postalCodeAreaData : Struct[] Array containing population counts of postal code areas distances : double[] Shortest distances between sources and sinks postalCodeDistances : double[] Shortest distances between postal code areas and sinks """ SIZE = 0 "(`int`) -- Maximal number of parameters in the implemented model." # If only the name of the covariate is given, the data type will be assumed # to be double ORIGIN_COVARIATES = [] """(`(str, type)[]`) -- The names and types of the covariates for the sources. If the type is not spcified, it will default to float. """ DESTINATION_COVARIATES = [] "(`(str, type=double)[]`) -- The names and types of the covariates for the sinks." PERMUTATIONS = None """(`bool[][]`) -- Parameter combinations to be considered when selecting the optimal model. The number of columns must match the maximal number of parameters of the model (see :py:attr:`SIZE`).""" LABELS = np.array([], dtype="object") """(`str[]`) -- The names of the parameters in the implemented model. The length must match the maximal number of parameters of the model (see :py:attr:`SIZE`).""" BOUNDS = np.array([]) """(`(float, float)[]`) -- Reasonable bounds for the parameters (before conversion). The length must match the maximal number of parameters of the model (see :py:attr:`SIZE`).""" def __init__(self, sourceData, sinkData, postalCodeAreaData, distances, postalCodeDistances): """Constructor""" pass @classmethod def _check_integrity(cls): """Checks whether derived classes are implementing the class correctly.""" assert cls.SIZE == len(cls.LABELS) assert cls.SIZE == len(cls.BOUNDS) try: cls.get_mean_factor(None, None, None) except NotImplementedError as e: raise e except Exception: pass
[docs] def convert_parameters(self, dynamicParameters, parametersConsidered): """Converts an array of given parameters to an array of standard (maximal) length and in the parameter domain of the model. Not all parameters may be parametersConsidered in the model (to avoid overfitting) Furthermore, some parameters must be constrained to be positive or within a certain interval. In this method, the parameter vector (containing only the values of the free parameters) is transformed to a vector in the parameter space of the model Parameters ---------- dynamicParameters : float[] Free parameters. The parameters that are not held constant. parametersConsidered : bool[] Which parameters are free? Is ``True`` at the entries corresponding to the parameters that are free. ``parametersConsidered`` must have exactly as many ``True`` entries as the length of ``dynamicParameters`` """ result = np.full(len(parametersConsidered), np.nan) result[parametersConsidered] = dynamicParameters return result
[docs] def get_mean_factor(self, parameters, parametersConsidered, pair=None): """Returns a factor proportional to the mean traveller flow between the source-sink pair ``pair`` or all sources and sinks (if ``pair is None``) ~+~ .. note:: This method MUST be overwritten. Otherwise the model will raise an error. Parameters ---------- parameters : double[] Contains the free model parameters. parametersConsidered : bool[] Which parameters are free? Is ``True`` at the entries corresponding to the parameters that are free. ``parametersConsidered`` must have exactly as many ``True`` entries as the length of ``dynamicParameters``. pair : (int, int) Source-sink pair for which the factor shall be determined. This is the source-sink pair of interest (the indices of the source and the sink, NOT their IDs. If ``None``, the factors for all source-sink combinations are computed). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @inherit_doc(get_mean_factor) def get_mean_factor_autograd(self, parameters, parametersConsidered): """Same as :py:meth:`get_mean_factor`, but must use autograd's functions instead of numpy. This function is necessary to compute derivatives with automatic differentiation. ~+~ To write this function, copy the content of :py:meth:`get_mean_factor` and exchange ``np.[...]`` with ``ag.[...]`` .. note:: Autograd functions do not support in-place operations. Therefore, an autograd-compatible implementation may be less efficient. If efficiency is not of greater concern, just use the autograd functions in `get_mean_factor` already and leave this method untouched. """ return self.get_mean_factor(parameters, parametersConsidered)
[docs] @staticmethod def process_source_covariates(covariates): """Process source covariates before saving them. This method is applied to the source covariates before they are saved. The method can be used to compute derived covariates Parameters ---------- covariates : float[] Covariates describing the repulsiveness of sources """ return covariates
[docs] @staticmethod def process_sink_covariates(covariates): """Process sink covariates before saving them. This method is applied to the sink covariates before they are saved. The method can be used to compute derived covariates Parameters ---------- covariates : float[] Covariates describing the attractiveness of sinks """ return covariates
[docs]class HybridVectorModel(HierarchichalPrinter, SeparatelySaveable): """ Class for the hybrid vector model. Brings the model compoents together and provides functionality to fit, analyze, and apply the model. Parameters ---------- fileName : str Name (without extension) of the file to which the model shall be saved. trafficFactorModel_class : class Class representing the gravity model; must be inherited from :py:class:`BaseTrafficFactorModel`. destinationToDestination : bool If ``True``, the given origins will be ignored and routes will be sought from destinations to destinations. Note that destination to destination model is not yet implemented to an extent that allows the fit of the gravity model. printerArgs : tuple Arguments for the hierarchical printer. Can be ignored ingeneral. """ def __init__(self, fileName, trafficFactorModel_class=None, destinationToDestination=False, **printerArgs): """Constructor""" HierarchichalPrinter.__init__(self, **printerArgs) SeparatelySaveable.__init__(self, extension=".vmm") self.set_traffic_factor_model_class(trafficFactorModel_class) self.fileName = fileName self.destinationToDestination = destinationToDestination
[docs] def save(self, fileName=None): """Saves the model to the file ``fileName``.vmm Parameters ---------- fileName : str File name (without extension). If ``None``, the model's default file name will be used. """ if fileName is None: fileName = self.fileName if fileName is not None: self.prst("Saving the model as file", fileName+".vmm") if hasattr(self, "roadNetwork"): self.roadNetwork.lock = None self.save_object(fileName)
[docs] @inherit_doc(TransportNetwork) def create_road_network(self, fileNameEdges=None, fileNameVertices=None, preprocessingArgs=None, edgeLengthRandomization=0.001 ): """Creates and preprocesses a route network""" self.roadNetwork = TransportNetwork(fileNameEdges, fileNameVertices, self.destinationToDestination, preprocessingArgs, edgeLengthRandomization, parentPrinter=self) self._check_origin_road_match() self._check_destination_road_match() self._check_postal_code_road_match() self.roadNetwork.preprocessing(preprocessingArgs) if hasattr(self.roadNetwork, "shortestDistances"): warnings.warn("The road network changes. The previous model" + "and processing result are therefore inconsistent " + "and will be removed.")
[docs] def set_compliance_rate(self, complianceRate): """Sets the boaters' compliance rate (for stopping at inspection/survey locations) The rate is used for both fitting the model and optimizing inspection station operation Parameters ---------- complianceRate : float Proportion of agents stopping at survey/inspection stations. """ self.complianceRate = complianceRate self._erase_flow_model_fit()
[docs] def read_postal_code_area_data(self, fileNamePostalCodeAreas): """Reads and saves data on postal code regions. Creates and saves an array with postal code area center vertex ID, postal code, and population Parameters ---------- fileNamePostalCodeAreas : str Name of a csv file with (ignored) header and columns separated by ``,``. The following columns must be present in the specified order: ============ ================== ======================================================================== Field Type Description ============ ================== ======================================================================== Postal code :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the postal code area Vertex ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of a vertex representing the postal code area (e.g. a vertex at the centre or population centre) Population int Population living in the postal code area. Can be the actual population count or the number in hundrets, thousands, etc. the results just have to be interpreted accordingly ============ ================== ======================================================================== """ self.prst("Reading postal code area data file", fileNamePostalCodeAreas) popData = np.genfromtxt(fileNamePostalCodeAreas, delimiter=",", skip_header = True, dtype = {"names":["postal_code", "vertexID", "population"], 'formats':[IDTYPE, IDTYPE, int]}) popData.sort(order="vertexID") self.postalCodeAreaData = popData self._check_postal_code_road_match() self._erase_traffic_factor_model() self._erase_flow_model_fit()
[docs] def read_origin_data(self, fileNameOrigins): """Reads and saves data that can be used to determine the repulsiveness of origins in the vector traffic model. Parameters ---------- fileNameOrigins : str Name of a csv file with (ignored) header and columns separated by ``,``. The following columns must be present in the specified order ======================================================================= ============================== ========= Field Type Description ======================================================================= ============================== ========= Origin ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the origin. Must be coinciding with the respective ID used in the road network :py:attr:`ORIGIN_COVARIATES <BaseTrafficFactorModel.ORIGIN_COVARIATES>` ... Columns with the information and types specified in the :py:class:`TrafficFactorModel` class. See :py:attr:`BaseTrafficFactorModel.ORIGIN_COVARIATES` ... ======================================================================= ============================== ========= """ self.prst("Reading origin data file", fileNameOrigins) dtype = [("originID", IDTYPE), ("infested", bool)] for nameType in self._trafficFactorModel_class.ORIGIN_COVARIATES: if type(nameType) is not str and hasattr(nameType, "__iter__"): if len(nameType) >= 2: dtype.append(nameType[:2]) else: dtype.append((nameType[0], "double")) else: dtype.append((nameType, "double")) popData = np.genfromtxt(fileNameOrigins, delimiter=",", skip_header=True, dtype=dtype) popData = self._trafficFactorModel_class.process_source_covariates(popData) popData.sort(order="originID") #self.jurisdictionPopulationFactor = np.max(popData["population"]) #popData["population"] /= self.jurisdictionPopulationFactor self.rawOriginData = popData self._check_origin_road_match() self._erase_flow_model_fit() self._erase_traffic_factor_model() if hasattr(self, "roadNetwork"): self.originData = popData[self.roadNetwork.sourcesConsidered]
[docs] def read_destination_data(self, fileNameDestinations): """Reads and saves data that can be used to determine the attractiveness of destinations in the vector traffic model. Parameters ---------- fileNameDestinations : str Name of a csv file with (ignored) header and columns separated by ``,``. The following columns must be present in the specified order ================================================================================= ============================== ========= Field Type Description ================================================================================= ============================== ========= Destination ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the destination. Must be coinciding with the respective ID used in the road network :py:attr:`DESTINATION_COVARIATES <BaseTrafficFactorModel.DESTINATION_COVARIATES>` ... Columns with the information and types specified in the :py:class:`TrafficFactorModel` class. See :py:attr:`BaseTrafficFactorModel.DESTINATION_COVARIATES` ... ================================================================================= ============================== ========= """ self.prst("Reading destination data file", fileNameDestinations) dtype = [("destinationID", IDTYPE)] for nameType in self._trafficFactorModel_class.DESTINATION_COVARIATES: if type(nameType) is not str and hasattr(nameType, "__iter__"): if len(nameType) >= 2: dtype.append(nameType[:2]) else: dtype.append((nameType[0], "double")) else: dtype.append((nameType, "double")) destinationData = np.genfromtxt(fileNameDestinations, delimiter=",", skip_header = True, dtype = dtype) destinationData = self._trafficFactorModel_class.process_sink_covariates(destinationData) destinationData.sort(order="destinationID") self.rawDestinationData = destinationData self._check_destination_road_match() self._erase_flow_model_fit() self._erase_traffic_factor_model() if (hasattr(self, "roadNetwork") and hasattr(self.roadNetwork, "sinksConsidered")): self.destinationData = self.rawDestinationData[self.roadNetwork.sinksConsidered]
[docs] def set_infested(self, originID, infested=True): """Chenges the infestation state of an origin with the given ID. Parameters ---------- originID : :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the origin whose state shall be changed infested : bool Infestation state. ``True`` means infested. """ inds = np.nonzero(self.originData["originID"]==originID)[0] if not inds.size: raise ValueError("A jursidiction with ID {} does not exist".format(originID)) self.originData["infested"][inds] = infested
def _check_postal_code_road_match(self): """Checks whether the given vertex IDs in the postal code area data are present in the road network """ if (hasattr(self, "roadNetwork") and hasattr(self, "postalCodeAreaData")): popData = self.postalCodeAreaData if not (popData["vertexID"] == self.roadNetwork.vertices.get_array()["ID"][ self.roadNetwork.postalCodeIndexToVertexIndex]).all(): raise ValueError("The vertexIDs of the postal code area centers" + " and the road network do not match.\n" + "Maybe some postal code area data are " + "missing?") def _check_origin_road_match(self): """Checks whether the vertices given in the origin data are present in the road network and vice versa """ if self.destinationToDestination: return if hasattr(self, "roadNetwork") and hasattr(self, "rawOriginData"): popData = self.rawOriginData if not (popData["originID"] == self.roadNetwork.vertices.get_array()["ID"][ self.roadNetwork.rawSourceIndexToVertexIndex]).all(): raise ValueError("The originIDs of the population data and " + "the road network do not match.\n" + "Maybe some population data are missing?") def _check_destination_road_match(self): """Checks whether all destinations for which we have covariates are present in the road network and vice versa """ if hasattr(self, "roadNetwork") and hasattr(self, "rawDestinationData"): destinationData = self.rawDestinationData if (not destinationData.size == self.roadNetwork.rawSinkIndexToVertexIndex.size): raise ValueError("The numbers of destinations in the destination data " + str(destinationData["destinationID"].size) + " and the road network " + str(self.roadNetwork.sinkIndexToSinkID.size) + " do not match. Maybe some destination data are" + " missing?") L = self.roadNetwork._DESTINATION_SINK_LABEL for ID1, ID2 in zip(destinationData["destinationID"], self.roadNetwork.vertices.get_array( )["ID"][ self.roadNetwork.rawSinkIndexToVertexIndex]): if not L + ID1 == ID2: # and False: raise ValueError("The destinationIDs of the destination data and the road" + " network do not match.\n" + "Maybe some destination data are missing?")
[docs] def find_shortest_distances(self): """Determines the shortest distances between all considered origins and destinations, and destinations and postal code area centres See :py:meth:`TransportNetwork.find_shortest_distances`. """ roadNetwork = self.roadNetwork reset = hasattr(self, "shortestDistances" ) if reset: oldSinksConsidered = roadNetwork.sinksConsidered oldSourcesConsidered = roadNetwork.sourcesConsidered roadNetwork.find_shortest_distances() sourcesConsidered = roadNetwork.sourcesConsidered sinksConsidered = roadNetwork.sinksConsidered if reset: if not ((sourcesConsidered == oldSourcesConsidered).all() and (sinksConsidered == oldSinksConsidered).all()): warnings.warn("The road network must have changed. " + "Previous results are therefore inconsistent " + "and will be removed.") self._erase_processed_survey_data() else: reset = False else: reset = True if reset: if hasattr(self, "rawOriginData"): self.originData = self.rawOriginData[ sourcesConsidered] if hasattr(self, "rawDestinationData"): self.destinationData = self.rawDestinationData[sinksConsidered]
[docs] def set_origins_considered(self, considered=None, infested=None): """Determines which origins are considered in the model fit. It can happen that the model is to be fitted to model vectors coming from specific origins, e.g. a model for long-distance traffic and a model for intermediate-distance traffic. In this case, ``considered`` can be used to specify the origins considered to fit the model. If ``infested`` is given and ``considered`` is NOT specified, then the model will be fitted to the origins with the given infestation status. E.g. ``infested=True`` will result in the model being fitted to estimate traffic from infested jursidictions only. All other data will be ignored. Parameters ---------- considered : bool[] Array determining which of the sources are considered infested : bool Select considered sources based on the infestation status """ if considered is None: if infested is None: considered = np.ones(self.rawOriginData["infested"].size, dtype=bool) else: considered = self.rawOriginData["infested"]==infested if not (considered == self.roadNetwork.sourcesConsidered).all(): self.roadNetwork.update_sources_considered(considered) self._erase_survey_data()
[docs] @inherit_doc(TransportNetwork.find_potential_routes) def find_potential_routes(self, stretchConstant=1.5, localOptimalityConstant=.2, acceptionFactor=0.667, rejectionFactor=1.333): """# Find potential vector routes.""" self.roadNetwork.find_potential_routes(stretchConstant, localOptimalityConstant, acceptionFactor, rejectionFactor)
def _create_travel_time_model(self, index=None, longDist=True, trafficData=None, parameters=None): """Create and fit the travel time model. .. todo:: Complete parameter documentation. Parameters ---------- parameters : float[] If given, this will be the parameters of the travel time distribution. If not given, the optimal parameters will be determined via a maximum likelihood fit. See :py:class:`traveltime_model.TrafficDensityVonMises` """ if parameters is not None: return TrafficDensityVonMises(*parameters) travelTimeModel = TrafficDensityVonMises() if trafficData is None: if longDist: trafficData = self.surveyData["longDistTimeData"] else: trafficData = self.surveyData["restTimeData"] if index is None: timeData = np.concatenate([td.get_array() for td in trafficData.values()]) elif hasattr(index, "__iter__"): timeData = np.concatenate([trafficData[i].get_array() for i in index]) else: timeData = trafficData[index].get_array() travelTimeModel.maximize_likelihood(timeData["time"], timeData["shiftStart"], timeData["shiftEnd"], getCI=True) return travelTimeModel
[docs] @inherit_doc(_create_travel_time_model) def create_travel_time_model(self, parameters=None, fileName=None): """Create and fit the travel time model. Parameters ---------- fileName : str If given, a plot with the density function of the distribution will be saved under the given name as pdf and png. Do not include the file name extension. """ self.prst("Fitting the travel time model") self.travelTimeModel = travelTimeModel = self._create_travel_time_model(parameters=parameters) self._erase_processed_survey_data() if fileName is not None: travelTimeModel.plot(None, False, fileName) self.prst("Temporal traffic distribution found.")
[docs] def read_survey_data(self, fileNameObservations, pruneStartTime=11, pruneEndTime=16, properDataRate=None): """Reads the survey observation data. Parameters ---------- fileNameObservations : str Name of a csv file containing the road network. The file must be a have a header (will be ignored) and the following columns, separated by ``,``: ============ ============================== ====================================================== Field Type Description ============ ============================== ====================================================== Station ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the survey location Day ID :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID for the day of the survey (e.g. the date) Shift start [0, 24), `optional` Start time of the survey shift Shift end [0, 24), `optional` End time of the survey shift Time [0, 24), `optional` Time when the agent was observed From ID :py:data:`IDTYPE`, `optional` ID of the origin of the agent To ID :py:data:`IDTYPE`, `optional` ID of the destination of the agent Relevant bool Whether or not this agent is a potential vector ============ ============================== ====================================================== The times must be given in the 24h format. For example, 2:30PM translates to ``14.5``. Missing or inconsistent data will either be ignored (if ``relevant==False``) or incorporated as 'unknown' (if ``relevant==True``). All applicable data will be used to fit the temporal traffic distribution. If a survey shift has been conducted without any agent being observed, include at least one observation with origin and destination left blank and ``relevant`` set to ``False``. pruneStartTime : float Some parts of the extended model analysis require that only data collected within the same time frame are considered. ``pruneStartTime`` gives the start time of this time frame. It should be chosen so that many survey shifts include the entire time interval [``pruneStartTime``, ``pruneEndTime``]. pruneEndTime : float End of the unified time frame (see :py:obj:`pruneStartTime`). properDataRate : float Fraction of agents providing inconsistent, incomplete, or wrong data. I not given, the rate will be estimated from the data. """ self.prst("Reading boater data", fileNameObservations) self._erase_processed_survey_data() self._erase_flow_model_fit() self._erase_travel_time_model() self._erase_route_choice_model() dtype = {"names":["stationID", "dayID", "shiftStart", "shiftEnd", "time", "fromID", "toID", "relevant"], 'formats':[IDTYPE, IDTYPE, 'double', 'double', 'double', IDTYPE, IDTYPE, bool]} surveyData = np.genfromtxt(fileNameObservations, delimiter=",", skip_header = True, dtype = dtype) surveyData = np.append(surveyData, np.zeros(1, dtype=surveyData.dtype)) self.prst("Determining observed daily boater counts") pairCountData = np.zeros((self.roadNetwork.sourceIndexToVertexIndex.size, self.roadNetwork.sinkIndexToVertexIndex.size), dtype=int) shiftDType = [("dayIndex", int), ("stationIndex", int), ("shiftStart", 'double'), ("shiftEnd", 'double'), ("countData", object), ("prunedCountData", object), ("totalCount", object), ("prunedCount", object), ] dayDType = [("shifts", object), ("countData", object), ] dayData = FlexibleArray(10000, dtype=dayDType) shiftData = FlexibleArray(10000, dtype=shiftDType) timeDType = {"names":["shiftStart", "shiftEnd", "time"], 'formats':['double', 'double', 'double']} longDistTimeData = defaultdict(lambda: FlexibleArray(1000, dtype=timeDType)) restTimeData = defaultdict(lambda: FlexibleArray(1000, dtype=timeDType)) dayIDToDayIndex = dict() considered = surveyData["stationID"] != b'' surveyData = surveyData[considered] dayArr = surveyData["dayID"] stationArr = surveyData["stationID"] shiftStartArr = surveyData["shiftStart"] shiftEndArr = surveyData["shiftEnd"] fromArr = surveyData["fromID"] toArr = surveyData["toID"] timeArr = surveyData["time"] relevantArr = surveyData["relevant"] sourceIndices = self.roadNetwork.sourceIDToSourceIndex sinkIndices = self.roadNetwork.sinkIDToSinkIndex a = surveyData[["stationID", "dayID", "shiftStart", "shiftEnd"]] b = np.roll(a, -1) newShift = ~((a == b) | ((a != a) & (b != b))) newShift[-1] = True shiftStartIndex = 0 l = self.roadNetwork._DESTINATION_SOURCE_LABEL if self.destinationToDestination else b'' L = self.roadNetwork._DESTINATION_SINK_LABEL rejectedCount = 0 acceptedCount = 0 for shiftEndIndex in np.nonzero(newShift)[0]+1: obsdict = defaultdict(lambda: 0) try: stationIndex = self.roadNetwork.stationIDToStationIndex[ stationArr[shiftStartIndex]] except KeyError: shiftStartIndex = shiftEndIndex continue if dayArr[shiftStartIndex] == b'': shiftStartIndex = shiftEndIndex continue shiftStart = shiftStartArr[shiftStartIndex] shiftEnd = shiftEndArr[shiftStartIndex] if shiftStart >= shiftEnd: shiftStart -= 24 # we assume that we have no shifts longer than 12 hours # therefore, too long over night shifts are considered an error. if shiftEnd - shiftStart >= 12: shiftStart = shiftEnd = np.nan validObservationCount = np.isfinite(timeArr[shiftStartIndex:shiftEndIndex]).sum() if np.isnan(shiftStart): if not validObservationCount: shiftStartIndex = shiftEndIndex continue t = timeArr[shiftStartIndex:shiftEndIndex] if np.isfinite(shiftEnd): if shiftEnd-12 < 0 and (t >= (shiftEnd-12)%24).any(): shiftStart = np.min(t[t >= (shiftEnd-12)%24]) - 24 else: shiftStart = np.nanmin(t) else: t = np.sort(t[np.isfinite(t)]) diffs = (t - np.roll(t, 1)) % 24 switch = np.argmax(diffs) shiftStart = t[switch] shiftEnd = t[switch-1] if switch: shiftStart -= 24 elif np.isnan(shiftEnd): if not validObservationCount: shiftStartIndex = shiftEndIndex continue t = timeArr[shiftStartIndex:shiftEndIndex] if shiftStart+12 > 24 and (t <= (shiftStart+12)%24).any(): shiftEnd = np.max(t[t <= (shiftStart+12)%24]) shiftStart -= 24 else: shiftEnd = np.nanmax(t) if not shiftStart < shiftEnd: shiftStartIndex = shiftEndIndex continue if shiftStart < 0: timeArr[shiftStartIndex:shiftEndIndex][ timeArr[shiftStartIndex:shiftEndIndex] > shiftEnd] -= 24 # Here we assume that pruneStartTime and pruneEndTime are >= 0 if ((shiftStart <= pruneStartTime and shiftEnd >= pruneEndTime) or (shiftStart < 0 and shiftStart+24 <= pruneStartTime)): prunedCount = 0 includePrunedShift = True prunedObsdict = defaultdict(lambda: 0) else: includePrunedShift = False prunedObsdict = None totalCount = 0 for i in range(shiftStartIndex, shiftEndIndex): time = timeArr[i] if time < 0: includeTime = False includePrunedShift = False elif not np.isnan(time): if not shiftStart < time < shiftEnd: #shiftStartIndex = shiftEndIndex continue includeTime = True else: includeTime = False # put totalCount here, if observations that were not included # in the optimization shall be counted as well #totalCount += 1 try: if not relevantArr[i]: raise KeyError() fromIndex = sourceIndices[l+fromArr[i]] toIndex = sinkIndices[L+toArr[i]] # comment, if not infested jursidictions shall be included #if not self.originData[fromIndex]["infested"]: #if self.originData[fromIndex]["infested"]: # raise KeyError() obsdict[(fromIndex, toIndex)] += 1 pairCountData[fromIndex, toIndex] += 1 totalCount += 1 if includePrunedShift: if pruneStartTime <= time <= pruneEndTime: prunedCount += 1 prunedObsdict[(fromIndex, toIndex)] += 1 if includeTime: longDistTimeData[stationIndex].add_tuple((shiftStart, shiftEnd, time)) except KeyError: if includeTime: restTimeData[stationIndex].add_tuple((shiftStart, shiftEnd, time)) rejectedCount += relevantArr[i] if not includePrunedShift: prunedCount = -1 dayID = dayArr[shiftStartIndex] if dayID not in dayIDToDayIndex: dayIndex = dayData.add_tuple(([], obsdict)) dayIDToDayIndex[dayID] = dayIndex else: dayIndex = dayIDToDayIndex[dayID] dayObsdict = dayData[dayIndex]["countData"] for pair, count in obsdict.items(): dayObsdict[pair] += count shiftIndex = shiftData.add_tuple((dayIndex, stationIndex, shiftStart, shiftEnd, dict(obsdict), (dict(prunedObsdict) if prunedObsdict is not None else None), totalCount, prunedCount)) acceptedCount += totalCount dayData[dayIndex]["shifts"].append(shiftIndex) shiftStartIndex = shiftEndIndex self.surveyData = {} self.surveyData["pruneStartTime"] = pruneStartTime self.surveyData["pruneEndTime"] = pruneEndTime self.surveyData["longDistTimeData"] = dict(longDistTimeData) self.surveyData["restTimeData"] = dict(restTimeData) self.surveyData["shiftData"] = shiftData.get_array() self.surveyData["dayData"] = dayData.get_array() _properDataRate = acceptedCount/(rejectedCount+acceptedCount) self.prst("Fraction of complete data:", _properDataRate) if properDataRate is None: self.properDataRate = _properDataRate else: self.properDataRate = properDataRate self.prst("Set properDataRate to given value", properDataRate) dayCountData = self.surveyData["dayData"]["countData"] for i, d in enumerate(dayCountData): dayCountData[i] = dict(d) self.surveyData["pairCountData"] = pairCountData self.prst("Daily boater counts and time data determined.")
def _erase_flow_model_fit(self): """Resets the gravity model to an unfitted state.""" safe_delattr(self, "flowModelData") def _erase_traffic_factor_model(self): """Erases the gravity model.""" safe_delattr(self, "trafficFactorModel") self._erase_flow_model_fit() def _erase_travel_time_model(self): """Erases the travel time model.""" self._erase_route_choice_model() safe_delattr(self, "travelTimeModel") def _erase_route_choice_model(self): """Erases the route choice model.""" safe_delattr(self, "routeChoiceModel") self._erase_traffic_factor_model() def _erase_survey_data(self): """Erases the survey data.""" safe_delattr(self, "surveyData") self._erase_processed_survey_data() self._erase_travel_time_model() def _erase_processed_survey_data(self): """Erases the observation data prepared for the model fit.""" safe_delattr(self, "processedSurveyData") self._erase_route_choice_model()
[docs] def create_route_choice_model(self, redo=False): """Creates and fits the route choice model. Parameters ---------- redo : bool Whether the route choice model shall be refitted if it has been fitted already. If set to ``True``, the previous fit will be ignored. """ self.prst("Creating route choice model") if not redo and hasattr(self, "routeChoiceModel"): self.prst("Route model has already been created.") return False if not hasattr(self.roadNetwork, "inspectedPotentialRoutes"): warnings.warn("Route candidates must be computed before a route " + "model can be created. Nothing has been done. Call" + "model.find_potential_routes(...)") return False self.increase_print_level() shiftData = self.surveyData["shiftData"] self.prst("Preparing road model") routeChoiceModel = RouteChoiceModel(parentPrinter=self) routeChoiceModel.set_fitting_data(self.surveyData["dayData"], shiftData, self.roadNetwork.inspectedPotentialRoutes, self.roadNetwork.lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, self.travelTimeModel, self.complianceRate, self.properDataRate) self.routeChoiceModel = routeChoiceModel self.decrease_print_level() return True
[docs] def preprocess_survey_data(self, redo=False): """Takes the raw survey data and preprocesses them for the model fit. Parameters ---------- redo : bool Whether the task shall be repeated if it had been done before. If set to ``True``, the earlier result be ignored. """ self.prst("Extrapolating the boater count data") if not redo and hasattr(self, "processedSurveyData"): self.prst("Count data have already been prepared.") return False if not hasattr(self.roadNetwork, "inspectedPotentialRoutes"): warnings.warn("Route candidates must be computed before a route " + "model can be created. Nothing has been done. Call" + "model.find_potential_routes(...)") return False self.increase_print_level() self.prst("Extrapolating the count data") sourceIndexToSourceID = self.roadNetwork.sourceIndexToSourceID sinkIndexToSinkID = self.roadNetwork.sinkIndexToSinkID stationIndexToStationID = self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID self.increase_print_level() self.prst("Extrapolating boater count data") countDType = {"names":["pairIndex", "p_shift", "count"], 'formats':[int, 'double', int]} fullCountData = FlexibleArray(10000, dtype=countDType) shiftDType = {"names":["p_shift", "usedStationIndex", "shiftStart", "shiftEnd"], 'formats':['double', int, float, float]} shiftData = np.empty(self.surveyData["shiftData"].size, dtype=shiftDType) noiseDType = {"names":["pairIndex", "p_shift", "count"], 'formats':[int, 'double', int]} observedNoiseData = FlexibleArray(10000, dtype=noiseDType) inspectedRoutes = self.roadNetwork.inspectedPotentialRoutes routeLengths = self.roadNetwork.lengthsOfPotentialRoutes countData = self.surveyData["shiftData"] factor = np.array((self.roadNetwork.shortestDistances.shape[1], 1)) usedStationIndexToStationIndex = np.unique(countData["stationIndex"] ) self.usedStationIndexToStationIndex = usedStationIndexToStationIndex stationIndexToUsedStationIndex = {index:i for i, index in enumerate(usedStationIndexToStationIndex)} stationDType = {"names":["pairIndices", "consideredPathLengths"], 'formats':[object, object]} stationData = np.empty(usedStationIndexToStationIndex.size, dtype=stationDType) for i, stationIndex in enumerate(usedStationIndexToStationIndex): if stationIndex in inspectedRoutes: consideredPathLengths = [ [routeLengths[pair[0], pair[1], pathIndex] for pathIndex in pathIndices] for pair, pathIndices in inspectedRoutes[stationIndex].items()] else: consideredPathLengths = [] if stationIndex in inspectedRoutes: pairIndices = np.array([np.sum(factor*pair) for pair in inspectedRoutes[stationIndex].keys()], dtype=int) else: pairIndices = np.array([], dtype=int) stationData[i] = (pairIndices, list_to_csr_matrix(consideredPathLengths)) consideredPathLengths = [] travelTimeModel = self.travelTimeModel.interval_probability allObservations = 0 falseObservations = FlexibleArray(1000, dtype=[("stationID", IDTYPE), ("fromID", IDTYPE), ("toID", IDTYPE)]) counter = Counter(self.surveyData["shiftData"].size, 0.01) for i, row in enumerate(countData): p_shift = travelTimeModel(row["shiftStart"], row["shiftEnd"]) stationIndex = row["stationIndex"] obsdict = row["countData"] percentage = if percentage: self.prst(percentage, percent=True) inspectedRoutesDict = inspectedRoutes.get(stationIndex, []) fullCountData.extend([(np.sum(factor*pair), p_shift, count) for pair, count in obsdict.items() if pair in inspectedRoutesDict] ) consideredPathLengths.extend( [routeLengths[pair[0], pair[1], pathIndex] for pathIndex in inspectedRoutesDict[pair]] for pair in obsdict.keys() if pair in inspectedRoutesDict ) observedNoise = (set(obsdict) - set(inspectedRoutes.get(stationIndex, set())) ) observedNoiseData.extend([(np.sum(factor*pair), p_shift, obsdict[pair]) for pair in observedNoise]) # number of all possible pairs - number of covered pairs # + number of false observations shiftData[i] = (p_shift, stationIndexToUsedStationIndex[stationIndex], row["shiftStart"], row["shiftEnd"]) allObservations += len(obsdict) stationID = stationIndexToStationID[stationIndex] for pair in observedNoise: falseObservations.add_tuple( (stationID, sourceIndexToSourceID[pair[0]], sinkIndexToSinkID[pair[1]])) consideredPathLengths = list_to_csr_matrix(consideredPathLengths) self.prst(falseObservations.size, "out of", allObservations, "boaters were observed at an unexpected location.", "({:6.2%})".format(falseObservations.size/ allObservations)) falseObservations = falseObservations.get_array() print(falseObservations) df = pd.DataFrame(falseObservations) df.to_csv(self.fileName + "FalseObservations.csv", index=False) self.processedSurveyData = { "fullCountData": fullCountData.get_array(), "consideredPathLengths": consideredPathLengths, "observedNoiseData": observedNoiseData.get_array(), "shiftData": shiftData, "stationData": stationData } self.decrease_print_level() self.decrease_print_level() return True
#@staticmethod #@inherit_doc(BaseTrafficFactorModel.get_mean_factor) @staticmethod_inherit_doc(BaseTrafficFactorModel.get_mean_factor) def _get_k_value_static(parameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel, pair=None): """Returns the ``k`` parameter of the negative binomial distribution. The value is computed accoring to the gravity model implemented in the ``trafficFactorModel``. Note that in contrast to the ``trafficFactorModel``, Similarly, ``parametersConsidered`` must have entries for these parameters, which will be assumed to be ``True``. Parameters ---------- trafficFactorModel : :py:class:`BaseTrafficFactorModel` Traffic factor model that is to be used to compute the ``k`` value. parameters # >!The first two entries must refer to the proportionality constant and the parameter ``q``, which is `1-mean/variance`. The remaining parameters are used to compute the traffic factor. parametersConsidered # >!The first two entries must refer to the proportionality constant and the parameter ``q`` and will be assumed to be ``True``. """ q = parameters[1] c0 = parameters[0] * (1-q) / q # reparameterization k->mu return trafficFactorModel.get_mean_factor(parameters[2:], parametersConsidered[2:], pair) * c0 @inherit_doc(_get_k_value_static) def _get_k_value(self, parameters, parametersConsidered, pair=None): """#Returns the ``k`` parameter of the negative binomial distribution.""" return HybridVectorModel._get_k_value_static( parameters, parametersConsidered, self.trafficFactorModel, pair) @staticmethod_inherit_doc(_get_k_value_static) def _get_k_value_autograd_static(parameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel): """Same as :py:meth:`_get_k_value_static`, but must use autograd's functions instead of numpy. """ q = parameters[1] c0 = parameters[0] * (1-q) / q # reparameterization k->mu return trafficFactorModel.get_mean_factor_autograd(parameters[2:], parametersConsidered[2:]) * c0 @staticmethod_inherit_doc(BaseTrafficFactorModel.convert_parameters) def _convert_parameters_static(parameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel): """ Parameters ---------- parameters : float[] Free parameters. The parameters that are not held constant. trafficFactorModel : :py:class:`BaseTrafficFactorModel` Traffic factor model that is to be used. """ return ([convert_R_pos(parameters[0]), convert_R_0_1(parameters[1])] + trafficFactorModel.convert_parameters(parameters[2:], parametersConsidered[2:])) @inherit_doc(_convert_parameters_static) def _convert_parameters(self, parameters, parametersConsidered): return HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( parameters, parametersConsidered, self.trafficFactorModel) #@staticmethod #@inherit_doc(_get_k_value_static) @staticmethod_inherit_doc(_get_k_value_static) def _negLogLikelihood(parameters, routeChoiceParameters, parametersConsidered, pairIndices, stationPairIndices, observedNoisePairs, routeProbabilities, stationRouteProbabilities, stationIndices, p_shift, shiftDataP_shift, observedNoiseP_shift, p_shift_mean, stationKs, kSumNotObserved, approximationNumber, counts, observedNoiseCounts, trafficFactorModel): """Returns the negative log-likelihood of the model. Parameters ---------- routeChoiceParameters : float[] Route choice parameters. The first entry is the probability to select an inadmissible path. The second entry is the exponent controlling the preference for shorter paths. The third entry is the probability that a given suvey location is on a randomly selected inadmissible path. pairIndices : int[] For each set of agents who were (1) suveyed during the same survey shift and (2) travelling between the smae origin-destination pair the index of the origin-destination pair. The index for an origin-dedtination pair `(fromIndex, toIndex)` is computed as `fromIndex * #destinations + toIndex`. stationPairIndices : int[][] ``stationPairIndices[i]`` contains an int[] with the indices of pairs that have an admissible path via survey station ``i``. observedNoisePairs : int[] For each agent that has been observed at a location that it is not on any admissible path between the agent's origin and destination, :py:obj:`observedNoisePairs` contains the repsective origin-destination pair index. routeProbabilities : float[] Contains for each agent set (see :py:obj:`pairIndices`) the probability that any given agent from this set chooses a route via the location where they were observed. stationRouteProbabilities : float[][] ``stationRouteProbabilities[i]`` contains a float[] with the respective probabilities to drive via survey station i for all origin-destination pairs in ``stationPairIndices``. That is, ``stationRouteProbabilities[i][j]`` is the probability that an agent will travel via location ``i`` on their trip between origin-dsetination pair ``j``. stationIndices : int[] Contains for each survey shift the index of the location where the survey was conducted. p_shift : float[] Contains for each agent set (see :py:obj:`pairIndices`) the probability that they timed their journey in a way that they would pass the survey location while a survey was conducted there. shiftDataP_shift : float[] Contains for each survey shift the probability that an agent that is known to pass the respective survey location at some time does so while the survey was conducted. observedNoiseP_shift : float[] Contains for each set of agents that who was (1) surveyed in the same survey shift and (2) `not` observed on an admissible route between their origin and destination the probability that they timed their journey in a way that they would pass the survey location while a survey was conducted there. p_shift_mean : float Mean of :py:obj:`shiftDataP_shift`. stationKs : float[][] An empty array of dimension `(stationNumber, approximationNumber+1)`, whereby `stationNumber` is the number of used survey locations and approximationNumber the degree of the Tailor approximation that is to be used (see below). kSumNotObserved : float[] An empty array whose length coincides with the number of used survey locations. approximationNumber : int Degree of the Taylor approximation that is to be used. The higher this number the more precise the likelihood will be but also the longer will the computation take. Must be `>= 1`. counts : int[] The size of each agent set described in the explanation for :py:obj:`pairIndices`. observedNoiseCounts : The size of each agent set described in the explanation for :py:obj:`observedNoiseP_shift` . trafficFactorModel : :py:class:`BaseTrafficFactorModel` Traffic factor model used to determine the strengths of the agent flows between the individual origin-destination pairs. ~+~ The rationale for passing empty arrays to :py:meth:`_negLogLikelihood` is to save the computation time for object creation. This may be an unnecessary optimization. """ parameters = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( parameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) c1 = parameters[1] c2, _, c4 = routeChoiceParameters kMatrix = HybridVectorModel._get_k_value_static( parameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) kMatrix = kMatrix.ravel() k = kMatrix[pairIndices] aq = routeProbabilities * p_shift * c1 qqm = (1-c1)/(1-c1+aq) # Liekelihood associated with observations > 0 on expected routes likelihoodOnWays = np.sum(nbinom.logpmf(counts, k, qqm), 0) for i, stPairIndices, sRP in zip(itercount(), stationPairIndices, stationRouteProbabilities): qr = sRP * c1 ks = kMatrix[stPairIndices] x4 = np.log(1-c1)-np.log((1-c1) + p_shift_mean * qr) x4 *= ks stationKs[i, 0] = np.sum(x4, 0) tmpFact = -qr / ((1-c1) + qr*p_shift_mean) tmp = tmpFact.copy() stationKs[i, 1] = np.sum(tmp * ks, 0) for j in range(2, approximationNumber+1): tmp *= tmpFact stationKs[i, j] = np.sum(tmp * ks, 0) kSumNotObserved[i] = np.sum(ks, 0) shiftP_shiftAppr = shiftDataP_shift - p_shift_mean p_shiftAppr = p_shift - p_shift_mean # Likelihood associated with obervations = 0 on expected routes # (here: assume all observations have been 0) likelihoodNotObservedOnWays = np.sum(stationKs[stationIndices, 0], 0) # Compute the share of likelihoodNotObservedOnWays that is wrong, # because we actually observed something qr = c1 * routeProbabilities likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg = (np.log(1-c1) - np.log((1-c1)+(qr*p_shift_mean)) ) #print("np.isfinite(likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg).all()", np.isfinite(likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg).all()) for j in range(1, approximationNumber+1): likelihoodNotObservedOnWays += np.sum( np.power(shiftP_shiftAppr, j)*stationKs[stationIndices, j] / j, 0 ) likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg += np.power(-qr*p_shiftAppr / ((1-c1) +qr*p_shift_mean), j) / j likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg = np.sum( k*likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg, 0) likelihoodNotObservedOnWays -= likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg # Likelihood associated with observations = 0 on not expected # routes (assume first that all pairs have no route via this spot) aq = (c2 * c4 * c1) * shiftDataP_shift qq2ml = np.log(1-c1) - np.log(1-c1+aq) likelihoodRestWays = (np.sum(qq2ml) * np.sum(kMatrix, 0) - np.sum(qq2ml*kSumNotObserved[stationIndices], 0)) aq = (c2 * c4 * c1) * observedNoiseP_shift qq3m = (1-c1)/(1-c1+aq) k2 = kMatrix[observedNoisePairs] likelihoodFalseWays = np.sum(nbinom.logpmf(observedNoiseCounts, k2, qq3m), 0) likelihoodRestWays -= np.sum(k2 * np.log(qq3m), 0) result = (- likelihoodOnWays - likelihoodRestWays - likelihoodFalseWays - likelihoodNotObservedOnWays) if np.any(np.isnan(result)): return np.inf return result @staticmethod_inherit_doc(_negLogLikelihood) def _negLogLikelihood_autograd(parameters, routeChoiceParameters, parametersConsidered, pairIndices, stationPairIndices, observedNoisePairs, routeProbabilities, stationRouteProbabilities, stationIndices, p_shift, shiftDataP_shift, observedNoiseP_shift, p_shift_mean, stationNumber, approximationNumber, counts, observedNoiseCounts, trafficFactorModel, convertParameters=True): """Returns the negative log-likelihood of the model, thereby using the functions provided by :py:mod:`autograd`. """ log = ag.log if convertParameters: parameters = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( parameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) else: parameters = parameters c1 = parameters[1] c2, _, c4 = routeChoiceParameters kMatrix = HybridVectorModel._get_k_value_autograd_static( parameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) kMatrix = kMatrix.reshape((kMatrix.size,)) k = kMatrix[pairIndices] aq = routeProbabilities * p_shift * c1 qqm = (1-c1)/(1-c1+aq) # = 1-aq/(1-c1+aq) stationKs = ag.zeros((stationNumber, approximationNumber+1), dtype=object) if isinstance(c1, ag.float): kSumNotObserved = ag.zeros(stationNumber) else: kSumNotObserved = ag.zeros(stationNumber, dtype="object") #kSumNotObserved = AutogradStorage(stationNumber) #ag.zeros(stationNumber, dtype="object") # Liekelihood associated with observations > 0 on expected routes likelihoodOnWays = ag.sum(nbinom_logpmf(counts, k, qqm), 0) for i, stPairIndices, sRP in zip(itercount(), stationPairIndices, stationRouteProbabilities): qr = sRP * c1 ks = kMatrix[stPairIndices] x4 = log(1-c1)-log((1-c1) + p_shift_mean * qr) x4 *= ks stationKs[i, 0] = ag.sum(x4, 0) tmpFact = -qr / ((1-c1) + qr*p_shift_mean) tmp = tmpFact + 0 stationKs[i, 1] = ag.sum(tmp * ks, 0) for j in range(2, approximationNumber+1): tmp *= tmpFact stationKs[i, j] = ag.sum(tmp * ks, 0) kSumNotObserved[i] = ag.sum(ks, 0) shiftP_shiftAppr = shiftDataP_shift - p_shift_mean p_shiftAppr = p_shift - p_shift_mean # Likelihood associated with obervations = 0 on expected routes # (here: assume all observations have been 0) likelihoodNotObservedOnWays = ag.sum(stationKs[stationIndices, 0], 0) # Compute the share of likelihoodNotObservedOnWays that is wrong, # because we actually observed something qr = c1 * routeProbabilities likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg = (log(1-c1) - log((1-c1)+(qr*p_shift_mean)) ) likelihoodNotObservedOnWays += ag.sum(shiftP_shiftAppr *stationKs[stationIndices, 1] , 0) likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNegTmp = -qr*p_shiftAppr / ((1-c1) + qr*p_shift_mean) likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg += likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNegTmp for j in range(2, approximationNumber+1): shiftP_shiftAppr *= shiftP_shiftAppr likelihoodNotObservedOnWays += ag.sum( shiftP_shiftAppr*stationKs[stationIndices, j] / j, 0 ) likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNegTmp *= likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNegTmp likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg += likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNegTmp / j likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg = ag.sum(k*likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg, 0) likelihoodNotObservedOnWays -= likelihoodNotObservedOnWaysNeg # Likelihood associated with observations = 0 on not expected # routes (assume first that all pairs have no route via this spot) aq = (c2 * c4 * c1) * shiftDataP_shift qq2ml = log(1-c1) - log(1-c1+aq) prd = 0 for I, K in enumerate(stationIndices): prd = prd + qq2ml[I] * kSumNotObserved[K] #prd = prd + kSumNotObserved[K] likelihoodRestWays = (ag.sum(qq2ml) * ag.sum(kMatrix) # * shiftNumber - prd) """ likelihoodRestWays = (ag.sum(qq2ml) * ag.sum(kMatrix, 0) # * shiftNumber - ag.sum(qq2ml*kSumNotObserved[stationIndices], 0)) if type(kSumNotObserved) == AutogradStorage: kSumNotObserved = #to_autograd_array(kSumNotObserved) likelihoodRestWays = (ag.sum(qq2ml) * ag.sum(kMatrix, 0) # * shiftNumber #- ag.sum(kSumNotObserved*qq2ml[0])) - sum(qq2ml*kSumNotObserved[stationIndices])) """ aq = (c2 * c4 * c1) * observedNoiseP_shift qq3m = (1-c1)/(1-c1+aq) k2 = kMatrix[observedNoisePairs] likelihoodFalseWays = ag.sum(nbinom_logpmf(observedNoiseCounts, k2, qq3m), 0) likelihoodRestWays -= ag.sum(k2 * log(qq3m), 0) result = (- likelihoodOnWays - likelihoodRestWays - likelihoodFalseWays - likelihoodNotObservedOnWays) if isinstance(result, ag.float) and ag.isnan(result): return ag.inf return result @staticmethod_inherit_doc(_negLogLikelihood, set_compliance_rate) def _get_nLL_funs(processedSurveyData, lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, complianceRate, properDataRate, parametersConsidered, approximationNumber=3): """Returns the model's negative log-likelihood function and its derivatives. Parameters ---------- processedSurveyData : dict Processed survey data, which are computed with :py:meth:`preprocess_survey_data` lengthsOfPotentialRoutes : :py:class:`csr_matrix_nd <vemomoto_core.npcollections.npext.csr_matrix_nd>` For each origin-destination pair the lengths of all potential (i.e. admissible) agent routes. properDataRate : float Fraction of agents providing inconsistent, incomplete, or wrong data. """ if parametersConsidered is None: parametersConsidered = np.ones(20, dtype=bool) fullCountData = processedSurveyData["fullCountData"] consideredPathLengths = processedSurveyData["consideredPathLengths"] observedNoiseData = processedSurveyData["observedNoiseData"] shiftDataP_shift = processedSurveyData["shiftData"]["p_shift"] * complianceRate * properDataRate stationIndices = processedSurveyData["shiftData"]["usedStationIndex"] stationPathLengths = processedSurveyData["stationData"][ "consideredPathLengths"] stationPairIndices = processedSurveyData["stationData"]["pairIndices"] p_shift = fullCountData["p_shift"] * complianceRate * properDataRate pairIndices = fullCountData["pairIndex"] counts = fullCountData["count"] routeLengths = observedNoiseP_shift = observedNoiseData["p_shift"] * complianceRate * properDataRate observedNoiseCounts = observedNoiseData["count"] observedNoisePairs = observedNoiseData["pairIndex"] p_shift_mean = np.mean(shiftDataP_shift) stationNumber = stationPairIndices.size stationKs = np.zeros((stationNumber, approximationNumber+1)) kSumNotObserved = np.zeros(stationNumber) _negLogLikelihood = HybridVectorModel._negLogLikelihood _negLogLikelihood_autograd = HybridVectorModel._negLogLikelihood_autograd c2, c3, c4 = routeChoiceParameters normConstants = sparsepowersum(routeLengths, c3) routeProbabilities = sparsepowersum(consideredPathLengths, c3) routeProbabilities = (routeProbabilities / normConstants[pairIndices] * (1-c2) + c2 * c4) stationRouteProbabilities = [] for stPairIndices, pathLengths in zip(stationPairIndices, stationPathLengths): x1 = sparsepowersum(pathLengths, c3) x2 = normConstants[stPairIndices] stationRouteProbabilities.append( np.add(np.multiply(np.divide(x1, x2, x2), (1-c2), x2), c2 * c4, x2) ) def negLogLikelihood(parameters): return _negLogLikelihood(parameters, routeChoiceParameters, parametersConsidered, pairIndices, stationPairIndices, observedNoisePairs, routeProbabilities, stationRouteProbabilities, stationIndices, p_shift, shiftDataP_shift, observedNoiseP_shift, p_shift_mean, stationKs, kSumNotObserved, approximationNumber, counts, observedNoiseCounts, trafficFactorModel) def negLogLikelihood_autograd(parameters, convertParameters=True): return _negLogLikelihood_autograd(parameters, routeChoiceParameters, parametersConsidered, pairIndices, stationPairIndices, observedNoisePairs, routeProbabilities, stationRouteProbabilities, stationIndices, p_shift, shiftDataP_shift, observedNoiseP_shift, p_shift_mean, stationNumber, approximationNumber, counts, observedNoiseCounts, trafficFactorModel, convertParameters=convertParameters) jac = grad(negLogLikelihood_autograd) hess = hessian(negLogLikelihood_autograd) return negLogLikelihood, negLogLikelihood_autograd, jac, hess, None
[docs] @staticmethod_inherit_doc(_get_nLL_funs) def maximize_log_likelihood_static(processedSurveyData, lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, complianceRate, properDataRate, parametersConsidered, approximationNumber=3, flowParameters=None, x0=None): """Maximizes the likelihood of the hybrid model. Parameters ---------- flowParameters : float[] If given, a model with these parameters will be used and assumed as being the best-fitting model. x0 : float[] Will be used as initial guess if given and if :py:obj:`flowParameters` is not given. """ negLogLikelihood, negLogLikelihood_autograd, jac, hess, hessp = \ HybridVectorModel._get_nLL_funs(processedSurveyData, lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, complianceRate, properDataRate, parametersConsidered, approximationNumber) if flowParameters is None: bounds = [(-15, 15), (-10, 0.5)] parametersConsidered[:2] = True for bound in trafficFactorModel.BOUNDS[parametersConsidered[2:]]: bounds.append(tuple(bound)) if x0 is None: np.random.seed() x0 = np.ones(np.sum(parametersConsidered)) negLogLikelihood(x0) negLogLikelihood_autograd(x0) result = op.differential_evolution(negLogLikelihood, bounds, popsize=20, maxiter=20, #300, #popsize=20, maxiter=2, disp=True) print(parametersConsidered) print("GA result", result) x0 = result.x.copy() result.xOriginal = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( result.x, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) result.jacOriginal = jac(result.xOriginal, False) else: result = op.OptimizeResult(x=x0, success=True, status=0, fun=negLogLikelihood(x0), nfev=1, njev=0, nhev=0, nit=0, message="parameters checked") result.xOriginal = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( result.x, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) result.jacOriginal = jac(result.xOriginal, False) print(negLogLikelihood(x0)) print(negLogLikelihood_autograd(x0)) result2 = op.minimize(negLogLikelihood_autograd, x0, method="L-BFGS-B", jac=jac, hess=hess, bounds=None, options={"maxiter":800, "iprint":2}) print(parametersConsidered) result2.xOriginal = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( result2.x, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) result2.jacOriginal = jac(result2.xOriginal, False) print("L-BFGS-B", result2) #if < x0 = result2.x.copy() result = result2 result2 = op.minimize(negLogLikelihood_autograd, x0, jac=jac, hess=hess, bounds=None, options={"maxiter":800, "iprint":2}, method="SLSQP") print(parametersConsidered) result2.xOriginal = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( result2.x, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) result2.jacOriginal = jac(result2.xOriginal, False) print("SLSQP", result2) if < x0 = result2.x.copy() result = result2 try: result2 = op.minimize(negLogLikelihood_autograd, result.x, jac=jac, hess=hess, bounds=None, method="trust-exact", options={"maxiter":500, "disp":True}) except ValueError: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, file=sys.stdout) result2 = op.OptimizeResult(x=x0, success=False, status=1, fun=np.inf, message="ValueError thrown") print(parametersConsidered) result2.xOriginal = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( result2.x, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) result2.jacOriginal = jac(result2.xOriginal, False) print("trust-exact", result2) if < result = result2 else: result = op.OptimizeResult(x=flowParameters, success=True, status=0, fun=negLogLikelihood(flowParameters), jac=jac(flowParameters), nfev=1, njev=1, nhev=1, nit=0, message="parameters checked") result.xOriginal = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( flowParameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) result.jacOriginal = jac(result.xOriginal, False) checkParametersO = HybridVectorModel._convert_parameters_static( flowParameters, parametersConsidered, trafficFactorModel) return result
[docs] @inherit_doc(maximize_log_likelihood_static) def maximize_log_likelihood(self, parametersConsidered=None, approximationNumber=3, flowParameters=None, x0=None): """# Maximizes the likelihood of the hybrid model""" routeChoiceParameters = self.routeChoiceModel.parameters return HybridVectorModel.maximize_log_likelihood_static( self.processedSurveyData, self.roadNetwork.lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, self.trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, self.complianceRate, self.properDataRate, parametersConsidered, approximationNumber, flowParameters, x0)
@staticmethod_inherit_doc(_get_nLL_funs, find_CI_bound) def _find_profile_CI_static(processedSurveyData, lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, complianceRate, properDataRate, parametersConsidered, index, x0, direction, approximationNumber=3, profile_LL_args={}): """Searches the profile likelihood confidence interval for a given parameter. Parameters ---------- profile_LL_args : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to :py:meth:`find_CI_bound`. """ negLogLikelihood, negLogLikelihood_autograd, jac, hess, hessp = \ HybridVectorModel._get_nLL_funs(processedSurveyData, lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, complianceRate, properDataRate, parametersConsidered, approximationNumber) negLogLikelihood_autograd_ = lambda x: -negLogLikelihood_autograd(x) jac_ = lambda x: -jac(x) hess_ = lambda x: -hess(x) return find_CI_bound(x0, negLogLikelihood_autograd_, index, direction, jac_, hess_, **profile_LL_args)
[docs] @inherit_doc(_find_profile_CI_static) def investigate_profile_likelihood(self, x0, processedSurveyData, lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, complianceRate, properDataRate, parametersConsidered, approximationNumber=3, **profile_LL_args): """# Searches the profile likelihood confidence interval for a given parameter.""" negLogLikelihood, negLogLikelihood_autograd, jac, hess, hessp = \ HybridVectorModel._get_nLL_funs(processedSurveyData, lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, complianceRate, properDataRate, parametersConsidered, approximationNumber) self.prst("Investigating the profile likelihood") self.increase_print_level() if not "fun0" in profile_LL_args: self.prst("Determining logLikelihood") profile_LL_args["fun0"] = -negLogLikelihood_autograd(x0) if not "hess0" in profile_LL_args: self.prst("Determining Hessian of logLikelihood") profile_LL_args["hess0"] = -hess(x0) dim = len(x0) result = np.zeros((dim, 2)) labels = ["c0", "q"] + list(self.trafficFactorModel.LABELS[parametersConsidered[2:]]) indices, directions = zip(*iterproduct(range(dim), (-1, 1))) const_args = [processedSurveyData, lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, trafficFactorModel, routeChoiceParameters, self.complianceRate, self.properDataRate, parametersConsidered] self.prst("Creating confidence intervals") #try: #, max_workers=13 with ProcessPoolExecutor(const_args=const_args) as pool: mapObj =, indices, repeat(x0), directions, repeat(approximationNumber), repeat(profile_LL_args)) for index, direction, r in zip(indices, directions, mapObj): result[index][(0 if direction==-1 else 1) ] = np.array(self._convert_parameters(r.x, parametersConsidered))[parametersConsidered][index] self.prst("Printing confidence intervals and creating profile plots") self.increase_print_level() x0Orig = np.array(self._convert_parameters(x0, parametersConsidered))[parametersConsidered] for index, intv in enumerate(result): start, end = intv strs = [] for v in start, x0Orig[index], end: if (0.01 < np.abs(v) < 1e6) or v == 0: strs.append("{:10.4f}".format(v)) else: strs.append("{:<10}".format(str(v))) self.prst("CI for {:<40}: [{} --- {} --- {}]".format( labels[index], *strs)) self.decrease_print_level() self.decrease_print_level()
[docs] @inherit_doc( def fit_route_choice_model(self, refit=False, guess=None, improveGuess=False, disp=True, get_CI=True): """Fits the route choice model. Parameters ---------- refit : bool Whether the model shall be refitted if it has already been fitted earlier. get_CI : bool Whether confidence intervals for the parameters shall be computed after the model has been fitted. """ self.increase_print_level() if not hasattr(self, "routeChoiceModel"): warnings.warn("A route choice model must be created before it can " "be fitted. Call create_route_choice_model!") return False if not refit and self.routeChoiceModel.fitted: self.prst("A route choice model does already exist. I skip", "this step. Enforce fitting with the argument", "refit=True") return False if not self.routeChoiceModel.prepared: self.prst("The route choice model has not been prepared for model", "fit. I ignore it.", "Call create_route_choice_model if you want to", "use the model.") return False self.prst("Fitting route choice model") self.increase_print_level(), improveGuess, disp) self.decrease_print_level() self.prst("Constructing confidence intervals for route", "choice model") if not (guess is not None and improveGuess==False) and get_CI: self.increase_print_level() fileName = self.fileName if not os.access(fileName, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(fileName) fileName = os.path.join(fileName, fileName) self.routeChoiceModel.get_confidence_intervals(fileName) self.decrease_print_level() self.decrease_print_level() return True
[docs] def set_traffic_factor_model_class(self, trafficFactorModel_class=None): """Sets the class representing the traffic factor (gravity) model. Parameters ---------- trafficFactorModel_class : class Class of the traffic factor model. Must inherit from :py:class:`BaseTrafficFactorModel`. """ if trafficFactorModel_class is not None: try: if self._trafficFactorModel_class == trafficFactorModel_class: return except AttributeError: pass trafficFactorModel_class._check_integrity() self._trafficFactorModel_class = trafficFactorModel_class safe_delattr(self, "destinationData") safe_delattr(self, "rawDestinationData") safe_delattr(self, "originData") safe_delattr(self, "rawOriginData") self._erase_traffic_factor_model()
[docs] def prepare_traffic_factor_model(self): """Prepares the traffic factor model. This may be necessary if derived covariates shall be used and these derived covariates do not depend on paramters that shall be fitted. """ if not self._trafficFactorModel_class: raise ValueError("_trafficFactorModel_class is not specified. Call " + "`model.set_traffic_factor_model_class(...)`") self.trafficFactorModel = self._trafficFactorModel_class( self.originData, self.destinationData, self.postalCodeAreaData, self.roadNetwork.shortestDistances, self.roadNetwork.postalCodeDistances)
[docs] def fit_flow_model(self, permutations=None, refit=False, flowParameters=None, continueFlowOptimization=False, get_CI=True): """Fits the traffic flow (gravity) model. Fits one or multiple candidates for the traffic flow model and selects the model with minimal AIC value. Parameters ---------- permutations : bool[][] Each row corresponds to a parameter combination of a models that is to be considered. For each parameter that could be potentially included, the row must contain a boolean value. Do only include parameters included in the traffic factor model. If ``None``, the :py:attr:`PERMUTATIONS <BaseTrafficModel.PERMUTATIONS>` given in the traffic factor model class will be considered. If this attribute is not implemented, only the full model will be considered. refit : bool Whether to repeat the fitting procedure if the model has been fitted earlier. flowParameters : dict Dictionary with the keys ``"parametersConsidered"`` and ``"parameters"`` that provides an initial guess for the optimization or the corresponding solution. ``"parametersConsidered"`` contains a `bool[]` with the considered parameter combination (see :py:obj:`permutations`); ``"parameters"`` contains a `float[]` with the values for the parameters where ``flowParameters["parametersConsidered"]`` is ``True``. continueFlowOptimization : bool If ``True``, the :py:obj:`flowParameters` will be used as initial guess. Otherwise, they will be considered as the optimal parameters. get_CI : bool Whether confidence intervals shall be computed after the model has been fitted. Note that no confidence intervals will be computed, if ``continueFlowOptimization is False``. """ self.prst("Fitting flow models.") self.increase_print_level() fittedModel = False if not refit and hasattr(self, "flowModelData"): self.prst("A model does already exist. I skip", "this step. Enforce fitting with the argument", "refit=True") return False if not hasattr(self, "processedSurveyData"): self.prst("The model has no prepared traveller data. I stop.", "Call preprocess_survey_data if you want to", "use the model.") return False if not hasattr(self, "trafficFactorModel"): self.prst("No traffic factor model has been specified. Call " "model.set_traffic_factor_model(...)!") return False self.prst("Fitting the traffic factor model") self.increase_print_level() if permutations is None: permutations = self.trafficFactorModel.PERMUTATIONS if permutations is None: permutations = np.ones(self.trafficFactorModel.SIZE, dtype=bool)[None,:] permutationsFull = [] for l in permutations: permutationsFull.append([True, True] + list(l)) permutations = np.array(permutationsFull) parameters = [] AICs = [] LLs = [] results = [] if flowParameters is None: if (hasattr(self, "flowModelData") and "parameters" in self.flowModelData and "covariates" in self.flowModelData and "AIC" not in self.flowModelData): x0 = [self.flowModelData["parameters"]] permutations = np.array([self.flowModelData["parametersConsidered"]]) else: x0 = repeat(None) const_args = [self.processedSurveyData, self.roadNetwork.lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, self.trafficFactorModel, self.routeChoiceModel.parameters, self.complianceRate, self.properDataRate] with ProcessPoolExecutor(const_args=const_args) as pool: mapObj = HybridVectorModel.maximize_log_likelihood_static, permutations, repeat(3), repeat(None), x0, chunksize=1) for permutation, result in zip(permutations, mapObj): x, xOrig, nLL = result.x, result.xOriginal, AIC = 2 * (np.sum(permutation) + nLL) AICs.append(AIC) LLs.append(nLL) parameters.append(x) results.append(result) self.prst(permutation, "| AIC:", AIC, x, xOrig) fittedModel = True else: if continueFlowOptimization: result = self.maximize_log_likelihood( flowParameters["parametersConsidered"], x0=flowParameters["paramters"]) parameters = [result.x] fittedModel = True else: result = self.maximize_log_likelihood( flowParameters["parametersConsidered"], flowParameters=flowParameters["paramters"]) parameters = [flowParameters["paramters"]] nLL = LLs.append(nLL) AICs = [2 * (np.sum(flowParameters["parametersConsidered"]) + nLL)] permutations = [flowParameters["parametersConsidered"]] results.append(result) self.decrease_print_level() bestIndex = np.argmin(AICs) AIC = AICs[bestIndex] LL = LLs[bestIndex] parameters = parameters[bestIndex] covariates = permutations[bestIndex] self.prst("Choose the following covariates:") self.prst(covariates) self.prst("Parameters (transformed):") self.prst(parameters) self.prst("Parameters (original):") self.prst(results[bestIndex].xOriginal) self.prst("Negative log-likelihood:", LL, "AIC:", AIC) if results and fittedModel and get_CI: # or True: self.investigate_profile_likelihood(parameters, self.processedSurveyData, self.roadNetwork.lengthsOfPotentialRoutes, self.trafficFactorModel, self.routeChoiceModel.parameters, self.complianceRate, self.properDataRate, covariates, disp=True) if (not hasattr(self, "flowModelData") or "AIC" not in self.flowModelData or self.flowModelData["AIC"] >= AIC or (flowParameters is not None and not continueFlowOptimization)): self.flowModelData = { "AIC": AIC, "parameters": parameters, "parametersConsidered": covariates } self.decrease_print_level() return fittedModel
[docs] def get_station_mean_variance(self, stationIndices=None, shiftStart=0, shiftEnd=24, getStationResults=True, getPairResults=False, fullCompliance=False, correctData=False): """Returns the mean agent traffic that could be observed at survey locations and the respective vairances. The values are returned both for all agents and the agents coming from infested origins only, respectively. The traffic can be returned either per survey location or per origin-destination pair (assuming that surveys were conducted at the given locations and time intervals). Parameters ---------- stationIndices : int[] Indices of the locations for which the traffic estimate is desired. If ``None``, the traffic for all potential survey locations will be returned. The same location can be mentioned multiple times to model multiple inspection shifts on different days. shiftStart : [0, 24) The start of the time interval for which the agent counts shall be estimated. Must be given in a 24h format. That is, 14.5 represents 2:30PM. Can also be an array, which then must have the same length as :py:obj:`stationIndices`. shiftStart : [0, 24) The end of the time interval for which the agent counts shall be estimated. Must be given in a 24h format. That is, 14.5 represents 2:30PM. Can also be an array, which then must have the same length as :py:obj:`stationIndices`. getStationResults : bool Whether the estimates shall be returned by survey location. getPairResults : bool Whether estimates shall be returned by origin-destination pair. ~+~ .. todo:: This method can be made much more efficient, if the road choice probabilities and the k values are computed once for each origin-destination pair or inspection location only. That is, we would not need to reconsider teh same location multiple times. This would speed up this method by orders of magnitude. """ self.prst("Computing the mean and the variance of the traffic at the", "given locations.") if not getStationResults and not getPairResults: return if stationIndices is None: stationIndices = range(len( self.roadNetwork.stationIDToStationIndex)) if fullCompliance: complianceRate = 1 else: complianceRate = self.complianceRate if correctData: properDataRate = 1 else: properDataRate = self.properDataRate c2, c3, c4 = self.routeChoiceModel.parameters infested = self.originData["infested"] kMatrix, q = self._get_k_q() timeFactor = self.travelTimeModel.interval_probability(shiftStart, shiftEnd ) * complianceRate * properDataRate constantTime = not hasattr(timeFactor, "__iter__") aq = q * c2 * c4 * timeFactor qq = aq/(1-q+aq) factor = (1-c2) * q * timeFactor addition = c2 * c4 * q * timeFactor if constantTime: blindMeans = kMatrix * (qq / (1-qq)) blindVariances = blindMeans / (1-qq) blindMeanSum = np.sum(blindMeans) blindVarianceSum = np.sum(blindVariances) blindMeanInfestedSum = np.sum(blindMeans[infested]) blindVarianceInfestedSum = blindMeanInfestedSum / (1-qq) blinds = [blindMeans, blindVariances, blindMeanSum, blindVarianceSum, blindMeanInfestedSum, blindVarianceInfestedSum] qqBase = repeat(qq) factorBase = repeat(factor) additionBase = repeat(addition) else: qqBase = qq factorBase = factor additionBase = addition blinds = [None] * 6 routeLengthsPowers = copy(self.roadNetwork.lengthsOfPotentialRoutes) = routeLengthsNorm = inspectedRoutes = self.roadNetwork.inspectedPotentialRoutes stationIDs = self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID if getStationResults: dtype = {"names":["stationID", "mean", "meanInfested", "variance", "varianceInfested"], 'formats':[IDTYPE, 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double']} stationResult = np.zeros(len(stationIndices), dtype=dtype) if getPairResults: dtype = {"names":["mean", "variance"], 'formats':['double', 'double']} pairResult = np.zeros(kMatrix.shape, dtype=dtype) self.increase_print_level() counter = Counter(len(stationIndices), 0.01) const_args = [routeLengthsPowers, routeLengthsNorm, kMatrix, infested, q, constantTime, getStationResults, getPairResults] + \ blinds with ProcessPoolExecutor(const_args=const_args) as pool: l = [(inspectedRoutes[ind] if ind in inspectedRoutes else {}) for ind in stationIndices] mapObj = HybridVectorModel._get_station_mean_variance_partial, l, qqBase, factorBase, additionBase, chunksize=1) for i, stationIndex, result in zip(itercount(), stationIndices, mapObj): percentage = if percentage: self.prst(percentage, percent=True) if getStationResults: mean, meanInfested, variance, varianceInfested = result[0] stationResult[i] = (stationIDs[stationIndex], mean, meanInfested, variance, varianceInfested) if getPairResults: means, variances = result[1] pairResult["mean"] += means pairResult["variance"] += variances self.decrease_print_level() if getStationResults: if getPairResults: return stationResult, pairResult else: return stationResult else: return pairResult
@staticmethod def _get_station_mean_variance_partial(routeLengthsPowers, routeLengthsNorm, kMatrix, infested, q, constantTime, getStationResults, getPairResults, blindMeans, blindVariances, blindMeanSum, blindVarianceSum, blindMeanInfestedSum, blindVarianceInfestedSum, inspectedRoutesDict, qq, factor, addition, ): """A subroutine of the algorithm for :py:meth:`get_station_mean_variance` for parallelization. .. todo:: Argument documentation """ #tedRoutesDict = inspectedRoutes[stationIndex] if not constantTime: #qq = qqBase[i] blindMeans = kMatrix * (qq / (1-qq)) blindVariances = blindMeans / (1-qq) #factor = factorBase[i] #addition = additionBase[i] if getStationResults: blindMeanSum = np.sum(blindMeans) blindVarianceSum = np.sum(blindVariances) blindMeanInfestedSum = np.sum(blindMeans[infested]) blindVarianceInfestedSum = blindMeanInfestedSum / (1-qq) if len(inspectedRoutesDict): routeProbabilities = [routeLengthsPowers[pair[0], pair[1], pathIndices].sum() / routeLengthsNorm[pair] for pair, pathIndices in inspectedRoutesDict.items()] pairs = tuple(zip(*inspectedRoutesDict.keys())) aq = np.array(routeProbabilities) * factor + addition qq = aq/(1-q+aq) qqm = 1 - qq means = kMatrix[pairs] * qq / qqm variances = means / qqm else: means = variances = 0 if getStationResults and len(inspectedRoutesDict): infestedRoutes = [i for i, pair in enumerate(inspectedRoutesDict) if infested[pair[0]]] infestedSources = [pairs[0][i] for i in infestedRoutes] infestedSinks = [pairs[1][i] for i in infestedRoutes] mean = np.sum(means) + blindMeanSum - np.sum(blindMeans[pairs]) variance = (np.sum(variances) + blindVarianceSum - np.sum(blindVariances[pairs])) meanInfested = (np.sum(means[infestedRoutes]) + blindMeanInfestedSum - np.sum(blindMeans[infestedSources, infestedSinks])) varianceInfested = (np.sum(variances[infestedRoutes]) + blindVarianceInfestedSum - np.sum(blindVariances[infestedSources, infestedSinks])) stationResult = (mean, meanInfested, variance, varianceInfested) elif getStationResults: stationResult = (blindMeanSum, blindMeanInfestedSum, blindVarianceSum, blindVarianceInfestedSum) else: stationResult = None if getPairResults: pairResultMean = blindMeans pairResultVariance = blindVariances if len(inspectedRoutesDict): pairResultMean[pairs] += means - blindMeans[pairs] pairResultVariance[pairs] += variances - blindVariances[pairs] pairResult = (pairResultMean, pairResultVariance) else: pairResult = None return stationResult, pairResult @inherit_doc(_get_k_value) def _get_k_q(self, pair=None, shiftStart=None, shiftEnd=None, stationIndex=None): """Computes the parameters `k` and `q` for the (negative binomial) traffic distribution between origin-destination pairs. The arguments can also be provided as arrays of matching dimensions. Parameters ---------- shiftStart : [0, 24) The start of the time interval(s) for which the parameters shall be computed. Must be given in a 24h format. That is, 14.5 represents 2:30PM. If not given, travel timing will be neglected and the complete daily traffic flow will be considered. shiftStart : [0, 24) The end of the time interval(s) for which the parameters shall be computed. Must be given in a 24h format. That is, 14.5 represents 2:30PM. If not given, travel timing will be neglected and the complete daily traffic flow will be considered. stationIndex : int Index of the survey location to be considered. If not given, route choice will be neglected and the complete traffic flow will be computed. """ covariates = self.flowModelData["parametersConsidered"] parameters = self._convert_parameters(self.flowModelData["parameters"], covariates) q = parameters[1] k = self._get_k_value(parameters, covariates, pair) factor = 1 if stationIndex is not None: c2, c3, c4 = self.routeChoiceModel.parameters try: routeLengths = self.roadNetwork.lengthsOfPotentialRoutes[pair].data stationPathLengths = [routeLengths[i] for i in self.roadNetwork.inspectedPotentialRoutes[stationIndex][pair]] stationPathLengths = np.power(stationPathLengths, c3).sum() normConstant = np.power(routeLengths, c3).sum() factor = (1-c2)*stationPathLengths/normConstant + c2*c4 except KeyError: factor = c2*c4 if shiftStart is not None and shiftEnd is not None: timeFactor = self.travelTimeModel.interval_probability(shiftStart, shiftEnd) factor *= timeFactor if not factor == 1: q = factor*q/(1-q+factor*q) return k, q
[docs] def optimize_inspection_station_operation(self, costShift, # costs per inspection shift costSite, # costs per used inspection site costBound, # cost budget shiftLength, # length of shift measured in time steps, # if float: approx. length nightPremium=None, #(nightcost, start, end) # shift costs in time interval [start, end] allowedShifts=None, # list of allowed shift starting times # measured in time units # if floats: approx. shift starting times costRoundCoeff=1, # specifies up to which fraction of the # smallest cost the costs are rounded baseTimeInv=24, # number of time intervals, # if float: approx. interval ignoreRandomFlow=False, # indicates whether we should ignore # randomly moving boaters integer=True, # if True, the solver solves the integer # problem directly. Otherwise, we use our # own rounding scheme. timeout=1000, perturbation=1e-6, fancyRounding=True, full_result=False, extended_info=False, init_greedy=True, saveFile=True, loadFile=True, fileNameAddition="", ): """Computes the optimal locations for agent inspections. Maximizes the number of agents who are inspected at least once given a certain budget and other constraints for operation. The inspections are assumed to be conducted in shifts of given lengths. The best results will be obtained, if the number of possible shifts per day is an integer. However, other shift lengths are possible as well. The day will need to be discretized. The method will take efforts to make the input match a discretization scheme so that not more time intervals than necessary need to be considered. .. note:: This method assumes that `MOSEK <>`_ is installed to solve linear programming problems. (See also the `cvxpy documentation <>`_.) A different solver could be used as well, but this has to be changed in the source code. .. note:: By the time when this document was created, the MOSEK interface of cvxpy did not implement the option to pass an initial condition to the solver. If this feature shall be used (which is recommended), the cvxpy installation needs to be pached. Please copy the files in the subdirectory cvxpy_changes to the locations designated in their headers and replace the original files. Parameters ---------- costShift : float Costs per (daytime) inspection shift. costSite : float Costs per used inspection site. costBound : float Budget for the overall costs. shiftLength : int/float If given as `int`, length of an inspection shift measured in time steps; if given as `float`, approximate length of an inspection shift. nightPremium : (>=0, [0,24), [0,24)) Describes additional costs for overnight inspections. Must be given as a tuple ``(nightcost, start, end)``, whereby ``nightcost`` is the cost for an overnight inspection shift, and ``start`` and ``start`` and ``end`` denote the time interval in which the additional costs are due (24h format). Note that ``nightcost`` refers to a complete inspection shift conducted in the time interval of additional costs. In practice, however, the costs will only increased for the fraction of a shift that overlaps with the given time interval of additional costs. allowedShifts : int[]/float[] List of permitted shift starting times measured in time units (if given as `int[]`) or as time points in the 24h format (if given as `float[]`). costRoundCoeff : float Specifies up to which fraction of the smallest cost the costs are rounded. Rounding can increase the efficiency of the approach significantly. baseTimeInv : int/float Number of time intervals per day (if given as `int`) or approximate length of one time interval in the 24h format (if given as `float`). ignoreRandomFlow : bool Indicates whether traffic via inadmissibe routes shall be ignored. This traffic noise adds uncertainty to the results but may lead to overall more precise estimates. integer : bool If ``True``, the solver applies an integer programming algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Otherwise a greedy rounding scheme based on linear programming will be used (potentially faster but with lower performance guarantee). timeout : float Timeout for internal optimization routines (in seconds). perturbation : float Perturbation added to make one inspection shift slightly more effective. This is needed for tie breaking only. fancyRounding : bool If ``True`` a more sophisticated rounding scheme will be applied. full_result : bool If ``True``, the optimized variables will be returned in addition to the expected numer of inspected agents under the optimal solution. extended_info : bool If ``True``, the covered fraction of the total agent flow and the used inspection locations (according to the optimal solution) will be returned in addition to other results. init_greedy : bool If ``True``, the greedy rounding algorithm will be used as initial condition for the integer optimization algorithm. Use in conjunction with ``integer=True``. saveFile : bool Whether to save the optimization results to a file. loadFile : boold Whetehr the results may be loaded from a file if available. fileNameAddition : str Addition to the generated file name. """ # Checking of a result had already been computed earlier if type(baseTimeInv) != int and type(baseTimeInv) != baseTimeInv = int(round(24 / baseTimeInv)) baseTime = 24 / baseTimeInv if allowedShifts is None: allowedShifts = np.arange(baseTimeInv, dtype=int) allowedShifts = np.array(allowedShifts) if allowedShifts.dtype != allowedShifts = np.round(allowedShifts / baseTime ).astype(int) if type(shiftLength) != int and type(shiftLength) != shiftLength = int(round(shiftLength / baseTime)) # transforming the input timeIntervalBreaks = np.union1d(allowedShifts, (allowedShifts + shiftLength) % baseTimeInv) timeIntervalStarts = timeIntervalBreaks * baseTime timeIntervalEnds = np.roll(timeIntervalBreaks, -1) timeIntervalEnds[-1] += baseTimeInv # careful: This time exceeds 24! timeIntervalEnds = timeIntervalEnds*baseTime shiftTimeIntervals = np.vstack((allowedShifts*baseTime, ((allowedShifts+shiftLength)*baseTime)%24)).T if costRoundCoeff or not costSite: if costRoundCoeff < 1: costRoundCoeffInv = round(1/costRoundCoeff) else: costRoundCoeffInv = 1/costRoundCoeff if costShift < costSite or not costSite: baseCost = costShift costShift = 1 costSite = (round(costSite / baseCost * costRoundCoeffInv) / costRoundCoeffInv) else: baseCost = costSite costSite = 1 costShift = (round(costShift / baseCost * costRoundCoeffInv) / costRoundCoeffInv) costBound = (round(costBound / baseCost * costRoundCoeffInv) / costRoundCoeffInv) else: baseCost = 1 if extended_info and not full_result and self.fileName: if not os.access(self.fileName, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(self.fileName) fileName = (self.fileName + fileNameAddition + str([costShift, costSite, costBound, shiftLength, nightPremium, int(ignoreRandomFlow)]) + ".dat") fileName = os.path.join(self.fileName, fileName) if loadFile and exists(fileName): return saveobject.load_object(fileName) else: saveFile = False self.prst("Optimizing inspection station placement", "and operating times.") self.increase_print_level() self.prst("Using the following parameters:") self.increase_print_level() self.prst("Cost per shift:", baseCost*costShift) self.prst("Cost per site:", baseCost*costSite) self.prst("Budget:", baseCost*costBound) self.prst("Length of the shifts:", baseTime*shiftLength) self.prst("Shift start times:", baseTime*allowedShifts) self.prst("Interval start times:", timeIntervalStarts) self.prst("Interval end times:", timeIntervalEnds) self.prst("Time unit:", baseTime) self.prst("Cost unit:", baseCost) self.prst("Perturbation:", perturbation) self.prst("Ignore random boater flow:", ignoreRandomFlow) self.decrease_print_level() # prepare problem matrices and vectors roadNetwork = self.roadNetwork stationCombinations = roadNetwork.stationCombinations stationIndexToRelevantStationIndex = {spot:i for i, spot in enumerate(roadNetwork.inspectedPotentialRoutes.keys())} relevantStationIndexToStationIndex = np.zeros( len(stationIndexToRelevantStationIndex), dtype=int) for spot, i in stationIndexToRelevantStationIndex.items(): relevantStationIndexToStationIndex[i] = spot originInfested = self.originData["infested"] covariates = self.flowModelData["parametersConsidered"] parameters = self._convert_parameters(self.flowModelData["parameters"], covariates) routeLengths = q = parameters[1] c2, c3, c4 = self.routeChoiceModel.parameters intervalTimeFactors = self.travelTimeModel.interval_probability( timeIntervalStarts, timeIntervalEnds) shiftTimeFactors = self.travelTimeModel.interval_probability( baseTime*allowedShifts, baseTime*(allowedShifts+shiftLength)) routePowers = routeLengths.power(c3) routeNormConsts = np.asarray(routePowers.sum(1)).ravel() stationArrI = [] stationArrJ = [] sinkNumber = self.roadNetwork.shortestDistances.shape[1] kArray = self._get_k_value(parameters, covariates) kArrayInfested = kArray[self.originData["infested"]] totalRandomFlow = np.sum(kArrayInfested) * c2 * q / (1-q) kArray = kArray.ravel() # List of full-day flows fullFlowList = [] # iterate over path sets with distinct station sets for stationSet, flowInfos in stationCombinations.items(): if not len(stationSet): continue # contains the pair index and the flow index for all considered # flows tmpArr = np.array([(sinkNumber*source + sink, flowIndex) for source, sink, flowIndex in flowInfos if originInfested[source]], dtype=int) if len(tmpArr): i = len(fullFlowList) pairIndices, flowIndices = tmpArr.T # proportional to full-day flow flow = np.sum(kArray[pairIndices] * np.asarray(routePowers[pairIndices, flowIndices] ).ravel() / routeNormConsts[pairIndices]) * (q / (1-q) * (1-c2)) fullFlowList.append(flow) # note the flow-station pairs that are related # Y_ij = 1, iff stationArrI[k]=i and stationArrJ[k]=1 for some k stationArrI.extend([i] * len(stationSet)) stationArrJ.extend( stationIndexToRelevantStationIndex[stationIndex] for stationIndex in stationSet) flowNumber = len(fullFlowList) spotNumber = len(stationIndexToRelevantStationIndex) timeNumber = len(intervalTimeFactors) shiftNumber = len(shiftTimeFactors) self.prst("We optimize {} flows at {} times over {} locations and {} shifts.".format( flowNumber, timeNumber, spotNumber, shiftNumber)) flowDim = flowNumber * timeNumber inspectionDim = shiftNumber * spotNumber fullFlowList = np.array(fullFlowList) intervalFlows = fullFlowList[:,None] * (intervalTimeFactors*self.complianceRate) flowCoefficients = intervalFlows.ravel() totalPredictableFlow = np.sum(kArrayInfested)*q/(1-q)*(1-c2) totalFlow = (totalPredictableFlow + (not ignoreRandomFlow)*totalRandomFlow) self.prst("The total reducable predictable flow is {}.".format( np.sum(intervalFlows))) self.prst("The total predictable flow is {}.".format( totalPredictableFlow)) self.prst("The total random flow is {}.".format(totalRandomFlow)) self.prst("Creating subSubMatrixTime") # subMatrixTime[i, j] = 1, iff shift j covers time interval i subSubMatrixTime = np.zeros((timeNumber, shiftNumber), dtype=int) for i, t in enumerate(timeIntervalBreaks): for j, tStart, tEnd in zip(itercount(), allowedShifts, (allowedShifts+shiftLength) % baseTimeInv): if tStart < tEnd: if t >= tStart and t < tEnd: subSubMatrixTime[i, j] = 1 else: if t >= tStart or t < tEnd: subSubMatrixTime[i, j] = 1 def setSubmatrix(spm, pos, subm, grid=None): if grid is None: dim1, dim2 = subm.size i, j = pos spm[i:i+dim1, j:j+dim2] = subm else: i, j = pos fact1, fact2 = grid spm[i*fact1:(i+1)*fact1, j*fact2:(j+1)*fact2] = subm self.prst("Creating matrixFlowConstraint") matrixFlowConstraint = sparse.dok_matrix((flowDim, inspectionDim)) for i, j, k in zip(stationArrI, stationArrJ, itercount()): setSubmatrix(matrixFlowConstraint, (i,j), subSubMatrixTime, subSubMatrixTime.shape) if not k % 500: self.prst(round(k/len(stationArrI)*100,2)) self.prst("Creating matrixTimeConstraint") matrixTimeConstraint = sparse.dok_matrix((spotNumber*timeNumber, inspectionDim)) for i in range(spotNumber): setSubmatrix(matrixTimeConstraint, (i,i), subSubMatrixTime, subSubMatrixTime.shape) if not i % 10: self.prst(round(i/spotNumber*100,2)) if integer: operations = cp.Variable(inspectionDim, boolean=True) spotusage = cp.Variable(spotNumber) #, boolean=True) flows = cp.Variable(flowDim) #, integer=True) else: flows = cp.Variable(flowDim) spotusage = cp.Variable(spotNumber) operations = cp.Variable(inspectionDim) #operations = cp.Variable(inspectionDim, integer=True) if integer and init_greedy: self.prst("Applying greedy rounding to determine good initial guess") flows_, operations_, spotusage_ = self.optimize_inspection_station_operation( costShift, costSite, costBound, shiftLength, nightPremium, allowedShifts, costRoundCoeff, baseTimeInv, ignoreRandomFlow, False, timeout, perturbation, fancyRounding, True)[1] flows.value = flows_ spotusage.value = spotusage_ operations.value = operations_ warm_start = True else: warm_start = False spotusageConstr = np.zeros(spotusage.size) operationConstr = np.zeros(operations.size) #coveredFlow = flowCoefficients@flows + operationCoefficients@operations if nightPremium: costShiftNight, nightStart, nightEnd = nightPremium transformedShiftStart = allowedShifts.copy() transformedShiftStart[transformedShiftStart<nightEnd] += 24 if nightStart < nightEnd: nightStart += 24 nightEnd += 24 left = np.maximum(transformedShiftStart, nightStart) right = np.minimum(transformedShiftStart+shiftLength, nightEnd) factor = np.maximum(right-left, 0)/shiftLength costShift_ = factor*costShiftNight + (1-factor)*costShift costShift__ = np.tile(costShift_, spotNumber) else: costShift__ = costShift coveredReducableFlow = flowCoefficients@flows if ignoreRandomFlow: coveredFlow = coveredReducableFlow else: randomFlows = np.sum(kArrayInfested) * shiftTimeFactors * (c2*c4*q/(1-q)*self.complianceRate) operationCoefficients = np.tile(randomFlows, spotNumber) coveredRandomFlow = cp.minimum(operationCoefficients@operations, totalRandomFlow*self.complianceRate) coveredFlow = coveredReducableFlow + coveredRandomFlow #coveredFlow = flowCoefficients@flows + operationCoefficients@operations if perturbation: coveredFlow += cp.sum(operations[::shiftNumber])*perturbation self.prst("Creating cost constraint") remainingBudget = (costBound - cp.sum(operations * costShift__) - cp.sum(spotusage) * costSite) costConstraint = [remainingBudget >= 0] """ update locOperated to exclude locations that have been chosen to be used. Determine the best location first, then set it to be chosen, reduce the remaining budget but remove the location cost for this location determine for each station the maximal usage value. For the station with the maximal usage value remove the cost constraint, if not done already. if done already, register highest value. #""" operatingTimeSums = matrixTimeConstraint*operations constraints = [ flows <= matrixFlowConstraint*operations, flows <= 1, operations >= 0, #spotusage <= 1 ] constraints += [operatingTimeSums[i::timeNumber] <= spotusage for i in range(timeNumber)] equalityConstraints = [] coveredFlowValues = [] #co.solvers.options['interior'] = False locationUsed = np.zeros(spotNumber, dtype=bool) iterations = 0 noNewSpot = False relaxAffordable = True fixedLocations = [] success = True repetition = False while True: iterations += 1 self.prst("Creating optimizer") optimizer = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(coveredFlow), costConstraint +constraints+equalityConstraints) if integer: self.prst("Solving ILP") else: self.prst("Solving LP") try: #if integer: # optimizer.solve(verbose=True, warm_start=warm_start, solver=cp.SCS) #else: optimizer.solve(verbose=True, warm_start=warm_start, solver=cp.MOSEK, mosek_params=dict(MSK_DPAR_MIO_MAX_TIME=timeout, MSK_DPAR_MIO_TOL_REL_GAP=0.005)) except cp.error.SolverError as e: print("Solver error", e) pass warm_start = True if optimizer.status == "optimal" or optimizer.solver_stats.solve_time>=timeout: coveredFlowValues.append(coveredFlow.value) self.prst("Optimization was successful. Covered flow:", "{} ({:6.2%} of optimal value)".format( coveredFlowValues[-1], coveredFlowValues[-1]/coveredFlowValues[0])) operatingTimeSumsOriginal = np.array(operatingTimeSums.value).round(4) operationResult = np.array(operations.value).round(4) operations.value = operationResult operationResultReshaped = operationResult.reshape((spotNumber,shiftNumber)) if not ignoreRandomFlow: coveredRandomFlowCorrect = (*shiftTimeFactors, 1) *c4))*totalRandomFlow*self.complianceRate self.prst(("Random flow: {:6.2f} ({:6.2%} of total covered flow; " "actual random flow: {:6.2f} ({:6.2%} overestimate)" ).format(coveredRandomFlow.value, coveredRandomFlow.value/coveredFlow.value, coveredRandomFlowCorrect, (coveredRandomFlow.value-coveredRandomFlowCorrect)/ coveredRandomFlowCorrect )) #print(operationResultReshaped[np.any(operationResultReshaped > 0, 1)]) #print(np.array(spotusage.value)[np.any(operationResultReshaped > 0, 1)]) if ((operationResult == 1) | (operationResult == 0)).all(): # just because there could be multiple feasible solutions spotusage.value = np.array(operations.value).reshape((spotNumber, shiftNumber)).max(1) self.prst("Reached integer solution") break operations.value = (operationResult==1).astype(int) spotusageOriginal = np.array(spotusage.value).round(4) spotusage.value = np.array(operations.value).reshape((spotNumber, shiftNumber)).max(1) remainingBudgetValue = remainingBudget.value locationUsed |= np.array(spotusage.value).astype(bool).ravel() locationUsed_ = np.tile(locationUsed, (shiftNumber, 1)).T.ravel() affordable = (costShift__+(~locationUsed_)*costSite <= remainingBudgetValue) #covered = np.array(operatingTimeSums.value).astype(bool) covered = (matrixTimeConstraint.T@operationConstr + matrixTimeConstraint@operationConstr).astype(bool) mask = covered | (~affordable) | np.array(operations.value).astype(bool) nonIntegralSpot = (1e-4 < spotusageOriginal) & (spotusageOriginal < 0.999) #nonIntegralSpotCosts = (spotusageOriginal[nonIntegralSpot].sum()*costSite # +(operationResultReshaped[nonIntegralSpot]*costShift_).sum()) nonIntegralShift = (1e-4 < operatingTimeSumsOriginal) & (operatingTimeSumsOriginal < 0.999) """ addCostSpot = (spotusageOriginal-spotusage.value).round(4).any() * costSite print(remainingBudgetValue, addCostSpot, 2*costShift+addCostSpot-0.0001, noNewSpot, nonIntegralSpot.any(), constrainNonIntegralShifts, nonIntegralShift.any(), ) """ if mask.all(): if noNewSpot: fixedLocations.append(np.nonzero(nonIntegralShift.reshape((spotNumber,timeNumber)).any(1))[0][0]) noNewSpot = True repetition = False #if not nonIntegralSpot.any(): # and nonIntegralSpotCosts >= costShift: #self.prst("No admissible location is affordable") #break #elif fancyRounding and ( # (remainingBudgetValue < 2*costShift+addCostSpot-0.0001 # and (noNewSpot or not nonIntegralSpot.any()) # and nonIntegralShift.any()) # or constrainNonIntegralShifts): # constrainNonIntegralShifts = True # if no variable that should be constrained to 0 is positive elif not (mask & (0 < operationResult))[operationResult<1].any(): argmax = np.argmax(, mask=mask)) maxLocation = argmax // shiftNumber self.prst("Rounding up location", self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID[ relevantStationIndexToStationIndex[ maxLocation]]) if spotusageOriginal[maxLocation] > 0.999: intervalCoverage = operatingTimeSums.value[maxLocation*timeNumber:(maxLocation+1)*timeNumber] newIntervalCoverage =[maxLocation*timeNumber:(maxLocation+1)*timeNumber], mask=intervalCoverage.astype(bool)) if noNewSpot or not nonIntegralSpot.any(): while True: firstNewIntervalCovered = np.argmax(newIntervalCoverage) shiftFirstNewIntervalCoverd = np.nonzero(subSubMatrixTime[:,firstNewIntervalCovered])[0][0] newIndex = int(shiftNumber*maxLocation + shiftFirstNewIntervalCoverd) if not mask[newIndex]: break else: newIntervalCoverage.mask[shiftFirstNewIntervalCoverd] = True else: newIndex = int(argmax) # because np.int64 is not supported operations.value[newIndex] = 1 operationConstr[newIndex] = 1 self.prst("Rounding up interval [{}, {}]".format(*shiftTimeIntervals[newIndex % shiftNumber])) locationUsed[maxLocation] = True spotusageConstr[maxLocation] = 1 spotusage.value = locationUsed.astype(int) locationUsed_ = np.tile(locationUsed, (shiftNumber, 1)).T.ravel() affordable = (costShift__+(~locationUsed_)*costSite <= remainingBudget.value) if ((noNewSpot or not nonIntegralSpot.any()) and not affordable.reshape((spotNumber, shiftNumber))[maxLocation].any()): fixedLocations.append(maxLocation) if len(fixedLocations) == locationUsed.sum(): self.prst("All locations fixed.") break if not (affordable & (operatingTimeSums.value<1)).any(): #if (nonIntegralSpot & (~locationUsed)).any(): # and # #nonIntegralSpotCosts >= costShift): noNewSpot = True #else: # self.prst("No admissible location is affordable after rounding") # break if not remainingBudget.value: self.prst("The budget has been used completely.") break chosenLocations = np.nonzero(locationUsed)[0] chosenOperations = np.array(operations.value, dtype=bool ).reshape((spotNumber, shiftNumber)) self.prst("Chose the following spots so far:") self.increase_print_level() usedStationIDs = self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID[ relevantStationIndexToStationIndex[ chosenLocations]] order = np.argsort(usedStationIDs) for i, iD in zip(chosenLocations[order], usedStationIDs[order]): self.prst(iD, *shiftTimeIntervals[chosenOperations[i]], ("*" if i in fixedLocations else "")) self.decrease_print_level() self.prst("Remaining budget:", remainingBudget.value * baseCost) repetition = False else: if repetition: #fixedLocations.append(np.nonzero((mask & (0 < operationResult))[operationResult<1] // shiftNumber)[0][0]) fixedLocations.append(np.nonzero((mask & (0 < operationResult))[operationResult<1])[0][0] // shiftNumber) repetition = False else: repetition = True #operatingTimeSumsReshaped = np.array(operatingTimeSums.value).reshape((spotNumber, shiftNumber)) if noNewSpot and relaxAffordable: operationConstr[:] = 0 if noNewSpot: affordable[:] = True if fixedLocations: if len(fixedLocations) == locationUsed.sum(): self.prst("All locations fixed.") break self.prst("Fixate spot usage") fixedOperation = np.zeros((spotNumber, shiftNumber), dtype=bool) fixedOperation[fixedLocations] = True fixed = fixedOperation.ravel() operationConstr[fixed] = np.array(operations.value)[fixed] #equalityConstraints += [operatingTimeSums[i*timeNumber:(i+1)*timeNumber] # == operatingTimeSums.value[i*timeNumber:(i+1)*timeNumber] # for i in fixedLocations] else: fixed = ~affordable covered = (matrixTimeConstraint.T@operationConstr + matrixTimeConstraint@operationConstr).astype(bool) previous = False equalityConstraints = [] for i, v, c, a in zip(itercount(), operationConstr, covered, fixed): if c or a: if not previous: index = i constrArr = [] constrArr.append(v) previous = True else: if previous: equalityConstraints.append(operations[index:i] == np.array(constrArr)) previous = False if previous: equalityConstraints.append(operations[index:] == np.array(constrArr)) #equalityConstraints = [operations[i] == v for i, v, c, a in # zip(itercount(), operations.value, # operatingTimeSums.value, affordable) # if c or not a] # just for debugging #equalityConstraints_ = [(self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID[ # relevantStationIndexToStationIndex[ # i // shiftNumber]], # i % shiftNumber, # operations.value[i], v) for i, v, c, a in # zip(itercount(), operations.value, # operatingTimeSums.value, affordable) # if c or not a] """ if constrainNonIntegralShifts: self.prst("Rounding shift choice") #TODO make this wrap around the day newNonIntegralShiftSpot = np.nonzero(nonIntegralShift.reshape((spotNumber,timeNumber)).any(1))[0][0] nonIntegralShiftSpots = np.unique(np.concatenate([newNonIntegralShiftSpot], nonIntegralShiftSpots)).astype(int) for i in nonIntegralShiftSpots: thisSpotOperation = operations.value[i*timeNumber:(i+1)*timeNumber] coveredIntervals = subSubMatrixTime@thisSpotOperation roundedIntervals = np.floor(operatingTimeSumsOriginal)[i*timeNumber:(i+1)*timeNumber] newCoveredIntervals = (roundedIntervals.astype(bool) & (~coveredIntervals.astype(bool))) firstNewIntervalCovered = np.nonzero(newCoveredIntervals)[0][0] #shiftFirstNewIntervalCoverd = np.nonzero(subSubMatrixTime[:,firstNewIntervalCovered])[0][0] equalityConstraints.append(operatingTimeSums[i*timeNumber:i*timeNumber+firstNewIntervalCovered+1] == newCoveredIntervals[:firstNewIntervalCovered+1]) equalityConstraints += [operatingTimeSums[i*timeNumber:(i+1)*timeNumber] == np.floor(operatingTimeSumsOriginal)[i*timeNumber:(i+1)*timeNumber] for i in nonIntegralShiftSpots] spotusage.value = spotusageOriginal noNewSpot = True """ if noNewSpot: # fixate spotusage self.prst("Fixate spot choice") equalityConstraints += [spotusage == spotusage.value] relaxAffordable = False else: equalityConstraints += [spotusage[i] == 1 for i, v in enumerate(spotusage.value) if v > 0.999] #y = matrixFlowConstraint*operations.value #equalityConstraints += [flows[i] == 1 for i, v in # enumerate(y) if v] else: success = False break if not success: self.prst("Optimization failed with message:", optimizer.status) return self.prst("Optimization process terminated successfully", "after {} iteration(s).".format(iterations)) y = matrixFlowConstraint*operations.value flows.value = np.array([min(yy, 1) for yy in y]) coveredFlowValue = coveredFlow.value operationResult = np.array(operations.value).reshape((spotNumber, shiftNumber)) operationResult = np.round(operationResult, 4).astype(bool) chosenLocations = np.nonzero(np.round(spotusage.value, 4))[0] self.increase_print_level() if integer: intGap = coveredFlowValue/coveredFlowValues[0] else: intGap = coveredFlowValue/coveredFlowValues[0] self.prst("Covered flow: {} ({:6.2%} of optimal value; {:6.2%} of total flow)".format( coveredFlowValue, intGap, coveredFlowValue/totalFlow)) if not ignoreRandomFlow: coveredRandomFlowCorrect = (*shiftTimeFactors, 1) *c4))*totalRandomFlow*self.complianceRate self.prst(("Random flow: {:6.2f} ({:6.2%} of total covered flow; " "actual random flow: {:6.2f} ({:6.2%} overestimate)" ).format(coveredRandomFlow.value, coveredRandomFlow.value/coveredFlow.value, coveredRandomFlowCorrect, (coveredRandomFlow.value-coveredRandomFlowCorrect)/ coveredRandomFlowCorrect )) self.prst("Remainig budget: {}".format(remainingBudget.value * baseCost)) self.prst("Chose the following spots:") self.increase_print_level() usedStationIDs = self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID[ relevantStationIndexToStationIndex[chosenLocations]] order = np.argsort(usedStationIDs) for i, iD in zip(chosenLocations[order], usedStationIDs[order]): self.prst(iD, *shiftTimeIntervals[operationResult[i]]) self.decrease_print_level() self.decrease_print_level() self.decrease_print_level() if ignoreRandomFlow: coveredFlowCorrect = coveredFlowValue else: coveredFlowCorrect = coveredRandomFlowCorrect + coveredReducableFlow.value self.prst("Corrected total flow: {:6.2f} ({:6.2%} error)".format( coveredFlowCorrect, (coveredFlowValue-coveredFlowCorrect)/coveredFlowCorrect)) result = coveredFlowCorrect if extended_info: dtype = [("stationID", IDTYPE), ("flowCover", float), ("timeCover", float)] info = np.zeros_like(usedStationIDs, dtype=dtype) info["stationID"] = usedStationIDs for i, stationIndex in enumerate(chosenLocations): ops = np.zeros_like(operationResult, dtype=float) ops[stationIndex] = 1 info["flowCover"][i] = np.sum(fullFlowList[(matrixFlowConstraint@ops.ravel()).reshape((flowNumber, timeNumber)).max(1) > 0]) info["timeCover"][i] = np.sum(operationResult[stationIndex] *shiftTimeFactors) result = result, coveredFlowCorrect/totalFlow, info if full_result: result = result, (np.array(flows.value), np.array(operations.value), np.array(spotusage.value)) if saveFile: saveobject.save_object(result, fileName) return result
[docs] def create_caracteristic_plot(self, characteristic, values, characteristicName=None, valueNames=None, **optim_kwargs): """Creates a plot of the characteristics of the optimal inspection policy. The probability that an agent chooses a time while the inspection station is operated is plotted against the expected number of infested agents at the inspection stations for all used inspection stations. Parameters ---------- characteristic : callable/str Property or argument whose impact on the results shall be studeied. If of type `callable`, for each entry ``val`` of :py:obj:`values`, ``callable(self, val)`` will be executed. If of type `str`, it will be interpreted as a keyword argument of :py:obj:`optimize_inspection_station_operation`, which will be set to ``val``. values : arr Array of argument values. characteristicName : str Name of the property/argument that is studied. Used as axis label in the plot and to generate file names. valueNames : str Names of the values of the characteristic (used for the legend). **optim_kwargs : kwargs Keyword arguments passed to :py:obj:`optimize_inspection_station_operation`. """ optim_kwargs.pop("characteristic", None) optim_kwargs.pop("full_result", None) optim_kwargs.pop("extended_info", None) if not characteristicName: characteristicName = str(characteristic) figsize = (4, 3) rect = [0.17, 0.18, 0.75, 0.78] ax = plt.figure(figsize=figsize).add_axes(rect) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) #nticks=3, markers = ["D", "^", "o", "v", "p", "s", ">", "*", "X"] cmap1 ='inferno') cmap2 ='viridis') cmap3 ='plasma') cmaps = [cmap2] #, cmap3] #, cmap3] colors = [] for i, v in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 0.9, len(values))): colors.append(cmaps[i % len(cmaps)](v)) colors = colors[::-1] alphas = np.linspace(0.7, 1, len(values))[::-1] if valueNames is None: valueNames = values if not hasattr(characteristic, "__call__"): optim_kwargs.pop(characteristic, None) sizes = np.linspace(3, 10, len(values))[::-1] #valueNames2 = ["0.1%", "5%", "20%"] #valueNames2 = [" 0.1%", " 5%", "20%"] for val, m, col, alpha, size, name in zip(values, markers, colors, alphas, sizes, valueNames): #, valueNames2): , name2 name = str(name) if hasattr(characteristic, "__call__"): kwargs = optim_kwargs characteristic(self, val) fileNameAddition = characteristicName[:3] + name[:5] else: kwargs = {characteristic:val, **optim_kwargs} fileNameAddition = "" _, _, info = self.optimize_inspection_station_operation( full_result=False, extended_info=True, fileNameAddition=fileNameAddition, **kwargs) #""" if m == markers[0]: markeredgewidth = 0.5 #mfc = {} else: markeredgewidth = 0 #mfc = dict(markerfacecolor="None") #""" mfc = {} self.prst("Covered flow", name, info["flowCover"]) ax.plot(info["timeCover"], info["flowCover"], linestyle="", marker=m, markersize=size, markerfacecolor=col, markeredgewidth=markeredgewidth, markeredgecolor='w', alpha=1, #alpha, **mfc) #label=name2, ax.set_xlabel("Fraction of daily traffic covered") ax.set_ylabel("Daily boater traffic") ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_ylim((0.1, 3)) #characteristicName2 = "Boaters using\nunknown routes" l = plt.legend(title=characteristicName, fancybox=True, loc='upper left', framealpha=0.5) #frameon=False loc='upper left', #l.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) fileName = self.fileName + "Char_" + characteristicName plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000)
[docs] def create_budget_plots(self, minBudget, maxBudget, nSteps=10, **optim_kwargs): """Creates plots of the inspection success and price per inspected agent dependent on the invested budget. Parameters ---------- minBudget : float Minimal budget to be considered. maxBudget : float Maximal budget to be considered. nSteps : int Number of budget values to be considered. **optim_kwargs : kwargs Keyword arguments passed to :py:obj:`optimize_inspection_station_operation`. """ figsize = (4, 3) budgets = np.linspace(minBudget, maxBudget, nSteps) fractions = np.zeros_like(budgets) boaters = np.zeros_like(budgets) optim_kwargs.pop("costBound", None) optim_kwargs.pop("full_result", None) optim_kwargs.pop("extended_info", None) for i, budget in enumerate(budgets): coveredFlow, coveredFraction, _ = self.optimize_inspection_station_operation( costBound=budget, full_result=False, extended_info=True, **optim_kwargs) fractions[i] = coveredFraction boaters[i] = coveredFlow print("Budgets", budgets) print("Covered Fractions", fractions) print("Boaters", boaters) print("Price", budgets/boaters) rect = [0.15, 0.18, 0.75, 0.78] ax = plt.figure(figsize=figsize).add_axes(rect) ax.set_xlabel('Budget') ax.set_ylabel('Fraction of boaters inspected') ax.plot(budgets, fractions) ax.plot(budgets, np.ones_like(budgets)*self.complianceRate, ":k") ax.set_ylim((0, 1)) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) #nticks=3, #plt.tight_layout() fileName = self.fileName + "Budget" + str([minBudget, maxBudget]) plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) rect = [0.15, 0.18, 0.75, 0.78] ax = plt.figure(figsize=figsize).add_axes(rect) ax.set_ylabel('Costs per inspected high-risk boater') ax.set_xlabel('Fraction of boaters inspected') ax.plot(fractions, budgets/boaters, "-") ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) #nticks=3, #plt.tight_layout() fileName = self.fileName + "Price" + str([minBudget, maxBudget]) plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) """ fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.set_xlabel('Budget') ax1.set_ylabel('Fraction of boaters inspected') ax1.plot(budgets, fractions) ax1.plot(budgets, np.ones_like(budgets)*self.complianceRate, ":k") ax1.set_ylim((0, 1)) ax1.locator_params(nticks=3, nbins=3) ax2 = ax1.twinx() # instantiate a second axes that shares the same x-axis ax2.set_ylabel('Price per boater') ax2.plot(budgets, budgets/boaters, "-", color="C1") ax2.locator_params(nticks=3, nbins=3) fig.tight_layout() """
[docs] @inherit_doc(_get_k_q) def get_pair_distribution_property(self, dist_property=nbinom.mean, arg=None, pair=None, shiftStart=None, shiftEnd=None): """Computes a property of the distribution of the agent flow between origin-destination pairs. Parameters ---------- dist_property : callable The distribution property of interest. Must be properties :py:obj:`scipy.stats.nbinom`. Can also be a list of properties. arg : float Additional argument for :py:obj:`dist_property`. For example which quantile is desired, if `dist_property==nbinom.ppf`. Can also be of type `float[]`. pair : tuple The origin-destination pair(s) of interest as ``(fromIndex, toIndex)`` respectively. If ``None``, the property will be computed for all origin-destination pairs. """ k, q = self._get_k_q(pair, shiftStart, shiftEnd) qm = 1-q if arg is None: if hasattr(dist_property, "__iter__"): return [m(k, qm) for m in dist_property] else: return dist_property(k, qm) else: if hasattr(dist_property, "__iter__"): if hasattr(arg, "__iter__"): return [m(a, k, qm) if a is not None else m(k, qm) for m, a in zip(dist_property, arg)] else: return [m(arg, k, qm) for m in dist_property] else: return dist_property(arg, k, qm)
[docs] def get_station_observation_prediction(self, predictions=None): """Returns observed and predicted agent counts for the inspection locations for which data are available. Parameters ---------- predictions : struct[] If the predictions have been computed earlier, they can be provided as this argument. Otherwise the predictions will be computed anew. Must be the results of :py:meth:`get_station_mean_variance`. """ countData = self.surveyData["shiftData"] if predictions is None: rawPredictions = self.get_station_mean_variance( countData["stationIndex"], countData["shiftStart"], countData["shiftEnd"]) else: rawPredictions = predictions # count, mean, variance predictions = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0, 0]) for stationID, count, mean, variance in zip(rawPredictions["stationID"], countData["totalCount"], rawPredictions["mean"], rawPredictions["variance"]): item = predictions[stationID] item[0] += count item[1] += mean item[2] += variance dtype = {"names":["stationID", "count", "mean", "variance"], 'formats':[IDTYPE, int, 'double', 'double']} return np.array([(iD, *vals) for iD, vals in predictions.items()], dtype=dtype)
[docs] def get_normalized_observation_prediction(self, minSampleSize=20): """Returns the mean observed and predicted agent counts at survey locations, thereby scaling the values so that they should come from a normal distribution. Only data obtained between a specific daytime interval will be considered to ensure individual observations are identically distributed and will yield a normal distribution when added together. minSampleSize : int The minimal number of survey shifts that must be available before a survey location can be considered. If this value is too low, the resulting values will not follow an approximate normal distribution. If the value is too large, no data will be available to compute the results. """ countData = self.surveyData["shiftData"] countData = countData[countData["prunedCount"] >= 0] # use only observations with a sufficiently large sample stationIndices, reverse_indices, counts = np.unique(countData["stationIndex"], return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) considered = counts >= minSampleSize stationIndices = stationIndices[considered] resultDType = [("stationID", IDTYPE), ("observed", float), ("predicted", float), ("observedMean", float), ("observedMeanScaled", float), ("predictedMeanScaled", float)] if not len(stationIndices): return np.zeros(0, dtype=resultDType) counts = counts[considered] rawPredictions = self.get_station_mean_variance( stationIndices, self.surveyData["pruneStartTime"], self.surveyData["pruneEndTime"]) resultData = np.zeros(len(stationIndices), dtype=resultDType) resultData["stationID"] = rawPredictions["stationID"] for i, station in enumerate(np.nonzero(considered)[0]): resultData["observed"][i] = np.sum(countData["prunedCount"][ reverse_indices==station]) resultData["observedMean"][i] = np.mean(countData["prunedCount"][ reverse_indices==station]) # get the observed and predicted mean values resultData["predicted"] = rawPredictions["mean"] # get the predicted varience (note: By CLT, the variance decreases # with the number of samples) # scale the mean values to have a variance of 1 so that they become # comparable (note: By CLT they are approximately normal distributed) resultData["observed"] -= counts*rawPredictions["mean"] resultData["observed"] /= np.sqrt(rawPredictions["variance"] * counts) resultData["observed"] += rawPredictions["mean"] stdFact = np.sqrt(counts / rawPredictions["variance"]) resultData["observedMeanScaled"] = resultData["observedMean"] * stdFact resultData["predictedMeanScaled"] = rawPredictions["mean"] * stdFact return resultData
[docs] @inherit_doc(get_station_observation_prediction) def get_pair_observation_prediction(self, predictions=None): """Returnes predicted and observed agent counts by origin-destination pair. """ if predictions is None: countData = self.surveyData["shiftData"] predictions = self.get_station_mean_variance( countData["stationIndex"], countData["shiftStart"], countData["shiftEnd"], getStationResults=False, getPairResults=True) dtype = {"names":["count", "mean", "variance"], 'formats':[int, 'double', 'double']} result = np.zeros(self.surveyData["pairCountData"].shape, dtype=dtype) result["count"] = self.surveyData["pairCountData"] result["mean"] = predictions["mean"] result["variance"] = predictions["variance"] return result
[docs] def check_count_distributions_NB(self, minDataSetSize=20, fileName=None): """Checks whether the observed data may be normally distributed. Computes p-values for the test with null hypothesis `H0: Data are negative binomially distributed`. If the p-values are high, we cannot reject the hypothesis and may conclude that the negative binomial distribution is modelling the data appropriately. Parameters ---------- minDataSetSize : int It is necessary that parts of the considered data are identically distributed and that the samples are large enough. :py:obj:`minDataSetSize` sets the minimal size of such a data set. fileName : str Names of the files to which plots of the resulting p-values will be saved. """ self.prst("Checking whether the count data follow a negative " + "binomial distribution") self.increase_print_level() allObservations = [] allParams = [] allCountData = self.surveyData["shiftData"][self.surveyData["shiftData"]["prunedCount"] >= 0] totalCount = 0 for stationIndex in self.usedStationIndexToStationIndex: stationID = self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID[stationIndex] self.prst("Station:", stationID) countData = allCountData[allCountData["stationIndex"] == stationIndex]["prunedCountData"] if len(countData) < minDataSetSize: continue observations = FlexibleArrayDict( (3*max(len(countData[0]), 100), countData.size) ) parameters = FlexibleArrayDict( (3*max(len(countData[0]), 100), 2) ) for i, obsdict in enumerate(countData): for pair, count in obsdict.items(): if pair not in parameters.indexDict: k, q = self._get_k_q(pair, self.surveyData["pruneStartTime"], self.surveyData["pruneEndTime"], stationIndex) parameters.add(pair, [k, 1-q]) observations.get(pair)[i] = count allObservations.append(observations.get_array()) allParams.append(parameters.get_array()) totalCount += observations.size pModelAgg = [] self.prst("Computing p-values ({} distributions)".format(totalCount)) resolution = 50 testN = 20 counter = Counter(totalCount*testN, 0.01) self.increase_print_level() for i in range(testN): pValuesModel = [] modelData = [] with ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool: modelPs =, iterchain(*allObservations), iterchain(*allParams), repeat(False), repeat(100)) for pModel, cModel in modelPs: modelData.append(cModel) pValuesModel.append(pModel) percentage = if percentage: self.prst(percentage, percent=True) modelData = np.concatenate(modelData) ecmf = ECDF(modelData.ravel()) x = np.unique(modelData) pModelAgg.append(anderson_darling_test_discrete(pValuesModel, x, ecmf(x), True)) self.decrease_print_level() self.prst("p-value that data come from model", np.mean(pModelAgg)) self.prst("Standard deviation:", np.std(pModelAgg), "| Results", pModelAgg) #sumv = np.array([np.sum(r) for r in iterchain(*allObservations)]) #pValues = pValues[sumv>2,:] pmfhist = lambda x: np.histogram(x, int(np.max(x))+1, [0, int(np.max(x))+1]) def reducedPmfhist(x): freq, bins = pmfhist(x) mask = freq > 0 return freq[mask], bins[:-1][mask] lenv = np.array([len(r) for r in iterchain(*allObservations)]) #[sumv>2] maxv = [np.max(r) for r in iterchain(*allObservations)] self.prst("Distribution of the maximal count values", *reducedPmfhist(maxv)) sumv = np.array([np.sum(r) for r in iterchain(*allObservations)]) self.prst("Distribution of the total count values", *reducedPmfhist(sumv)) self.prst("Distribution of sample sizes", *reducedPmfhist(lenv)) c = Counter(totalCount*testN, 0.01) def counter(): perc = if perc: self.prst(perc, percent=True) self.prst("Computing p-values to check the general distribution") pNBs = [anderson_darling_P(iterchain(*allObservations), False, 200, 200, 200, counter) for i in range(testN)] self.prst("p-value that data are NB distributed", np.mean(pNBs)) self.prst("Standard deviation:", np.std(pNBs), "| Results", pNBs) c.reset() pPoiss = [anderson_darling_P(iterchain(*allObservations), True, 200, 200, 200, counter) for i in range(testN)] self.prst("p-value that data are Poisson distributed", np.mean(pPoiss)) self.prst("Standard deviation:", np.std(pPoiss), "| Results", pPoiss) freqM, bins = np.histogram(pValuesModel, resolution, [0, 1]) xModelRes, bins = np.histogram(modelData, resolution, [0, 1]) if fileName is not None: self.prst("Plotting p-values") #plt.plot(np.insert(np.cumsum(xNBres), 0, 0), # np.insert(np.cumsum(freq)/np.sum(freq), 0, 0)) #plt.plot(np.insert(np.cumsum(xPoisres), 0, 0), # np.insert(np.cumsum(freqP)/np.sum(freqP), 0, 0)) #plt.plot(np.insert(np.cumsum(xModelRes)/np.sum(xModelRes), 0, 0), plt.plot(np.insert(np.cumsum(xModelRes)/np.sum(xModelRes), 0, 0), np.insert(np.cumsum(freqM)/np.sum(freqM), 0, 0)) #plt.plot(bins, np.insert(np.cumsum(freqP1)/np.sum(freqP1), 0, 0)) #plt.plot(bins, np.insert(np.cumsum(freq10/np.sum(freq10)), 0, 0)) #plt.plot(bins, np.insert(np.cumsum(freq20/np.sum(freq20)), 0, 0)) plt.plot([0,1], [0,1], 'k--') plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) self.decrease_print_level()
[docs] def compare_travel_time_distributions(self, saveFileName=None): """Compares agents' travel time distributions at different survey locations. Conducts likelihood ratio tests evaluating whether multiple distributions are equal and plots the respective best-fitting time distributions at different locations. Compares not only travel time distributions at different locations but also travel time distributions of local and long-distance travellers. Parameters ---------- saveFileName : str File name for plots. """ self.prst("Creating traffic distribution comparison plots") self.increase_print_level() # create comparison plots times = np.linspace(0, 24, 5000) yLabel = "Traffic Density" xLabel = "Time" # compare long distance versus short distance plt.figure() longDistDistribution = self._create_travel_time_model(None, True) restDistribution = self._create_travel_time_model(None, False) H0Distribution = self._create_travel_time_model(None, None, {key:val for key, val in enumerate(iterchain(( self.surveyData["longDistTimeData"].values()), self.surveyData["restTimeData"].values()))}) #dict must be merged without overwriting keys! LR = 2 * (H0Distribution.negLL - longDistDistribution.negLL - restDistribution.negLL) p = chi2.sf(LR, df=2) plh = " " self.prst("H0: Long distance and rest have same distribution.") self.prst(plh, "-2*ln(LR):", LR) self.prst(plh, "p-Value:", p) plt.plot(times, longDistDistribution.pdf(times), label="Long-Distance Traffic") plt.plot(times, restDistribution.pdf(times), label="Other Traffic") plt.ylabel(yLabel) plt.xlabel(xLabel) plt.legend() if saveFileName is not None: fn = saveFileName + "_LongVsRest" plt.savefig(fn + ".pdf") plt.savefig(fn + ".png") longDistTimeData = {key:val for key, val in self.surveyData["longDistTimeData"].items() if len(val)>=50} restTimeData = {key:val for key, val in self.surveyData["restTimeData"].items() if len(val)>=50} # compare traffic at the different sites for data, long, nameExt in ((longDistTimeData, True, "long"), (restTimeData, False, "rest")): if not len(data): continue LR = np.zeros((len(data), len(data))) nLL = np.zeros(len(data)) plt.figure() keyList = list(data.keys()) for i, label in enumerate(keyList): try: dist = self._create_travel_time_model(label, long) nLL[i] = dist.negLL if np.isfinite(dist.negLL): plt.plot(times, dist.pdf(times), label=str(self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID[ label])) except RuntimeError: pass for j in range(i+1, len(keyList)): label2 = keyList[j] try: dist = self._create_travel_time_model([label, label2], long) LR[i,j] = LR[j,i] = dist.negLL except RuntimeError: pass nLLH0 = nLL + nLL[:,None] LR -= nLLH0 LR *= 2 # nan matrix entries result here only from inf-inf. This, in turn, # happens only if all entries are similar, which implies that # the MLs are equal #LR[np.isnan(nLLH0)] = 0 # we cannot draw inference over distributions with too few data # therefore, we set those with too few data to nan. LR[np.isinf(nLLH0)] = np.nan np.fill_diagonal(LR, 0) p = chi2.sf(LR, df = 2) self.prst("Considered stations:", *self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID[ list(data.keys())]) self.prst("Respective numbers of data points:", *(len(val) for val in data.values())) self.prst("H0: Locations have pair-wise same distribution. (" + nameExt + ")") self.prst(plh, "-2*ln(LR):") self.prst(np.round(LR,3)) self.prst(plh, "p-Value:") self.prst(np.round(p,3)) someInfNan = not np.isfinite(nLL).all() if someInfNan: warnings.warn("Some likelihood values are NaNs or Infs. "+ "The following reuslt may be biased.") H0Distribution = self._create_travel_time_model(None, None, data) LR = 2 * (H0Distribution.negLL - np.sum(nLL[np.isfinite(nLL)])) p = chi2.sf(LR, df = 2*np.sum(np.isfinite(nLL))-2) self.prst("H0: All locations have same distribution. (" + nameExt + ")") self.prst(plh, "-2*ln(LR):", LR) self.prst(plh, "p-Value:", p) plt.ylabel(yLabel) plt.xlabel(xLabel) plt.legend() if saveFileName is not None: fn = saveFileName + "_" + nameExt plt.savefig(fn + ".pdf") plt.savefig(fn + ".png") self.decrease_print_level()
[docs] def get_PMF_observation_prediction(self, stationID, fromID, toID, xMax=None, getBestPMF=True, getPureObservations=False): """Determines the observed and predicted probability mass function for agent counts between specific origin-destination pairs. Parameters ---------- stationID : :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the survey location where the considered data have been collected. Can be an array. fromID : :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the origin of the considered agents. Can be an array. toID : :py:data:`IDTYPE` ID of the destination of the considered agents. Can be an array. xMax : int Count value up to which the probablity mass function is plotted at least. If not given, the probability mass function will be computed up to the maximal observed count value. getBestPMF : bool If ``True``, a negative binomial distribution will be fitted directly to the observed data. This can be helpful if it is of interest whether the observations come from a negative binomial distribution. getPureObservations : bool Whether the pure observed count data shall be returned in addition to the other results. """ stationIndex = self.roadNetwork.stationIDToStationIndex[stationID] fromIndex = self.roadNetwork.sourceIDToSourceIndex[fromID] toIndex = self.roadNetwork.sinkIDToSinkIndex[toID] countData = self.surveyData["shiftData"] countData = countData[countData["stationIndex"] == stationIndex] countData = countData[countData["prunedCount"] >= 0] if not len(countData): raise ValueError("No observations have been made at the specified " + "inspection spot. I stop comparing the distributions." ) pair = (fromIndex, toIndex) observations = [obsdict.get(pair, 0) for obsdict in countData["prunedCountData"]] observations = np.array(observations) if xMax is None: xMax = np.max(observations) else: xMax = max(np.max(observations), xMax) observedPMF, _ = np.histogram(observations, xMax+1, (0, xMax+0.5)) observedPMF = observedPMF / np.sum(observedPMF) X = np.arange(xMax+1, dtype=int) k, q = self._get_k_q((fromIndex, toIndex), self.surveyData["pruneStartTime"], self.surveyData["pruneEndTime"], stationIndex) if hasattr(k, "__iter__"): k = k[0] predictedPMF = nbinom.pmf(X, k, 1-q) result = (X, observedPMF, predictedPMF) if getBestPMF: def negLogLikelihood(parameters): kk, qq = parameters return -np.sum(nbinom.logpmf(observations, np.exp(kk), 1-np.exp(-qq*qq))) x0 = [0, 1] optResult = op.basinhopping(negLogLikelihood, x0, 40, minimizer_kwargs={"method":"SLSQP", "options":{"maxiter":300}}) bestK, bestQ = optResult.x bestK = np.exp(bestK) bestQ = np.exp(-bestQ*bestQ) self.prst("Optimal k and q for this pair and this station", "compared to the predicted k and q:") self.increase_print_level() self.prst("Optimal k:", bestK, "- Predicted k:", k) self.prst("Optimal q:", bestQ, "- Predicted q:", q) self.decrease_print_level() bestPMF = nbinom.pmf(X, bestK, 1-bestQ) result += (bestPMF, ) if getPureObservations: result += (observations,) return result
[docs] @inherit_doc(get_PMF_observation_prediction) def compare_distributions(self, stationID, fromID, toID, xMax=None, saveFileName=None): """Compares distributions of agent obervations via Anderson-Darling tests and comparative plots of the observed and predicted cumulitive mass functions. Parameters ---------- saveFileName : str File name for plots. If ``None`` no plots will be saved. """ try: X, observedPMF, predictedPMF, bestPMF, observations = \ self.get_PMF_observation_prediction(stationID, fromID, toID, xMax, getPureObservations=True) except KeyError: warnings.warn("One of the indices could not be resolved. " + "I stop comparing the distributions.") return except ValueError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) return observedCMF = np.cumsum(observedPMF) predictedCMF = np.cumsum(predictedPMF) bestCMF = np.cumsum(bestPMF) self.prst("Testing whether the distribution for the flow from", fromID, "to", toID, "as observed at", stationID, "matches", "the expectations.") p = anderson_darling_test_discrete(observations, X, predictedCMF, True) self.increase_print_level() self.prst("p-value (for H0: the distributions are equal):", p) self.decrease_print_level() if saveFileName is not None: saveFileNamePMF = saveFileName + "PMF" saveFileNameCMF = saveFileName + "CMF" else: saveFileNamePMF = saveFileNameCMF = None create_distribution_plot(X, observedPMF, predictedPMF, bestPMF, "PMF", fileName=saveFileNamePMF) create_distribution_plot(X, observedCMF, predictedCMF, bestCMF, "CMF", fileName=saveFileNameCMF) return p
[docs] @inherit_doc(get_normalized_observation_prediction) def test_1_1_regression(self, minSampleSize=20, saveFileName=None, comparisonFileName=None): """Tests whether the model results are biased. Compares predicted and observed values and tests the null hypothesis that the model yields unbiased estimates. If we obtain a high p-value and are unable to reject this hypothesis, we may assume that the model dies a good job. Parameters ---------- saveFileName : str File name for a plot depicting the test and to save the results. comparisonFileName : str File name to load results from a different model or different data set for comparison. """ self.prst("Performing a 1:1 regression test.") self.increase_print_level() if not os.access(saveFileName, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(saveFileName) saveFileName = os.path.join(saveFileName, saveFileName) if comparisonFileName: comparisonFileName = os.path.join(comparisonFileName, comparisonFileName) self.prst("Computing normalized observation and prediction values.") regressionData = self.get_normalized_observation_prediction( minSampleSize) if regressionData.size <= 2: self.prst("Too few stations have the required sample size.", "No regression analysis is possible.", "Try to reduce minSampleSize.") self.decrease_print_level() return X, Y = regressionData["predicted"], regressionData["observed"] self.prst("Doing regression.") slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(X, Y) self.increase_print_level() self.prst("Slope: ", slope) self.prst("Intercept: ", intercept) self.prst("Correlation coefficient: ", r_value) self.prst("R squared: ", R2(X, Y)) self.prst("p-value for H0: no correlation:", p_value) self.prst("Standard error: ", std_err) # compute the F-statistic n = regressionData.size RMSE = np.sum((Y - (intercept+slope*X))**2) / (n-2) F = (n*intercept**2 + 2*intercept*(slope-1)*np.sum(X) + (slope-1)**2 * np.sum(X**2)) / (2 * RMSE) self.prst("f-value: ", F) def fInt(p): a, b = fdist.interval(1-p, 2, n-2) return np.minimum(F-a, b-F) p = op.brenth(fInt, 0, 1) self.prst("p-value for H0: slope=1 and intercept=0:", p) for level in 98, 95, 90, 80, 70, 50, 25, 10, 5, 2: lbound, ubound = fdist.interval(level/100, 2, n-2) self.prst("Reject slope=1 and intercept=0 on a", level, "% significance level:", not lbound <= F <= ubound) self.decrease_print_level() self.prst("Creating regression plot.") if saveFileName is not None: saveFileName += "Regression" create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot(X, Y, None, 1.96, None, (slope, intercept), title="Observed vs. Predicted Regression Analysis", saveFileName=saveFileName, comparisonFileName=comparisonFileName ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot(regressionData["predictedMeanScaled"], regressionData["observedMeanScaled"], None, 1.96, title="Observed vs. Predicted Regression Analysis", saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "_scaled"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "_scaled") ) self.decrease_print_level()
[docs] @inherit_doc(create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot) def create_quality_plots(self, worstLabelNo=5, saveFileName=None, comparisonFileName=None): """Creates predicted vs. observed plots. Parameters ---------- worstLabelNo : int Number of data points that shall be labelled with their respective IDs. The data points will be labelled in order of the largest deviance between predictions and observations. ~+~ .. todo:: Compute mean at stations only, incorporate timing later. This could speed up the procedure significatnly. """ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! porting an old version of the program. if not hasattr(self, "originData"): self.originData = self.lakeData del self.lakeData self.destinationData = self.jurisdictionData del self.jurisdictionData self.rawDestinationData= self.rawLakeData del self.rawLakeData self.rawOriginData = self.rawJurisdictionData del self.rawJurisdictionData if not os.access(saveFileName, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(saveFileName) saveFileName = os.path.join(saveFileName, saveFileName) if comparisonFileName: comparisonFileName = os.path.join(comparisonFileName, comparisonFileName) self.prst("Creating quality plots.") countData = self.surveyData["shiftData"] rawStationData, rawPairData = self.get_station_mean_variance( countData["stationIndex"], countData["shiftStart"], countData["shiftEnd"], getStationResults=True, getPairResults=True) stationData = self.get_station_observation_prediction(rawStationData) self.prst("Creating plot of the quality by station.") station_std = np.sqrt(stationData["variance"].ravel()) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( stationData["mean"].ravel(), stationData["count"].ravel(), station_std, None, None, None, stationData["stationID"].ravel(), "Predicted and observed boater flows by station", _non_join(saveFileName, "Stations"), ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( stationData["mean"].ravel(), stationData["count"].ravel(), saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Stations_raw"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "Stations_raw") ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( stationData["mean"].ravel()/station_std, stationData["count"].ravel()/station_std, saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Stations_scaled"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "Stations_scaled") ) self.prst("Creating plot of the quality by pair.") pairData = self.get_pair_observation_prediction(rawPairData) pair_std = np.sqrt(pairData["variance"].ravel()) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( pairData["mean"].ravel(), pairData["count"].ravel(), pair_std, title="Predicted and observed boater flows by source-sink pair", saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Pairs") ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( pairData["mean"].ravel(), pairData["count"].ravel(), saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Pairs_raw"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "Pairs_raw") ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( pairData["mean"].ravel()/pair_std, pairData["count"].ravel()/pair_std, saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Pairs_scaled"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "Pairs_scaled") ) self.prst("Creating plot of the quality by destination.") meanDestination = np.sum(pairData["mean"], 0).ravel() countDestination = np.sum(pairData["count"], 0).ravel() if worstLabelNo >= self.destinationData.size: labels = self.destinationData["destinationID"] else: diff = np.abs(meanDestination-countDestination) max10DiffInd = np.argpartition(diff, -worstLabelNo)[-worstLabelNo:] labels = np.empty_like(meanDestination, dtype=object) labels[max10DiffInd] = self.destinationData["destinationID"][max10DiffInd] destination_std = np.sqrt(np.sum(pairData["variance"], 0)).ravel() create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( meanDestination, countDestination, destination_std, title="Predicted and observed boater flows by destination", labels=labels, saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Destinations") ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( meanDestination, countDestination, saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Destinations_raw"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "Destinations_raw") ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( meanDestination/destination_std, countDestination/destination_std, saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Destinations_scaled"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "Destinations_scaled") ) self.prst("Creating plot of the quality by origin.") meanOrigin = np.sum(pairData["mean"], 1).ravel() countOrigin = np.sum(pairData["count"], 1).ravel() if worstLabelNo >= self.originData.size: labels = self.originData["originID"] else: diff = np.abs(meanOrigin-countOrigin) max10DiffInd = np.argpartition(diff, -worstLabelNo)[-worstLabelNo:] labels = np.empty_like(meanOrigin, dtype=object) labels[max10DiffInd] = self.originData["originID"][ max10DiffInd] origin_std = np.sqrt(np.sum(pairData["variance"], 1)).ravel() create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( meanOrigin, countOrigin, origin_std, title="Predicted and observed boater flows by origin", labels=labels, saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Origins") ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( meanOrigin, countOrigin, saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Origins_raw"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "Origins_raw") ) create_observed_predicted_mean_error_plot( meanOrigin/origin_std, countOrigin/origin_std, saveFileName=_non_join(saveFileName, "Origins_scaled"), comparisonFileName=_non_join(comparisonFileName, "Origins_scaled") ) self.prst("Relative errors:") self.increase_print_level() self.prst("Station:", mean_relative_absolute_error( stationData["mean"].ravel(), stationData["count"].ravel(), station_std, 1), mean_relative_absolute_error( stationData["mean"].ravel(), stationData["count"].ravel(), station_std, None)) self.prst("Pair:", mean_relative_absolute_error( pairData["mean"].ravel(), pairData["count"].ravel(), pair_std, 1), mean_relative_absolute_error( pairData["mean"].ravel(), pairData["count"].ravel(), pair_std, None)) self.prst("Origin:", mean_relative_absolute_error( meanOrigin, countOrigin, origin_std, 1), mean_relative_absolute_error( meanOrigin, countOrigin, origin_std, None)) self.prst("Destination:", mean_relative_absolute_error( meanDestination, countDestination, destination_std, 1), mean_relative_absolute_error( meanDestination, countDestination, destination_std, None)) self.decrease_print_level()
[docs] def save_model_predictions(self, fileName=None): """Computes and saves model predictions by origin, destination, origin-destination pair, and inspection location. Saves the estimated mean traffic and Parameters ---------- fileName : str Base of the file name to which the predictions shall be saved. """ if fileName is None: fileName = self.fileName if fileName is None: raise ValueError("The model must have an internal file name or" + "fileName must be explicitely given.") self.prst("Saving the model predictions to file", fileName) stationData = self.get_station_mean_variance(fullCompliance=True, correctData=True) df = pd.DataFrame(stationData) df.to_csv(fileName + "Stations.csv", index=False) measures = [nbinom.mean, nbinom.var, nbinom.median, nbinom.ppf, nbinom.ppf, nbinom.ppf, nbinom.ppf] args = [None, None, None, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975] pairData = self.get_pair_distribution_property(measures, args) dtype = {"names":["fromID", "toID", "mean", "variance", "median", "75_percentile", "90_percentile", "95_percentile", "97.5_percentile"], 'formats':[IDTYPE, IDTYPE, 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double', 'double']} result = np.zeros(pairData[0].size, dtype=dtype) for data, name in zip(pairData, dtype["names"][2:]): result[name] = data.ravel() fromID = self.roadNetwork.vertices.array["ID"][ self.roadNetwork.sourceIndexToVertexIndex] toID = self.roadNetwork.vertices.array["ID"][ self.roadNetwork.sinkIndexToVertexIndex] result["fromID"] = np.repeat(fromID, len(toID)) result["toID"] = np.tile(toID, len(fromID)) df = pd.DataFrame(result) df.to_csv(fileName + "Pair.csv", index=False) result = result.reshape((len(fromID), len(toID))) originResult = np.zeros(len(fromID), dtype=[("fromID", IDTYPE), ("mean", 'double'), ("variance", 'double'), ("95_percentile", 'double'), ]) destinationResult = np.zeros(len(toID), dtype=[("toID", IDTYPE), ("mean", 'double'), ("variance", 'double'), ("meanInfested", 'double'), ("varianceInfested", 'double'), ("95_percentile", 'double'), ("95_percentileInfested", 'double'), ]) alpha = 0.95 def get_ppf(mean, var): p = mean / var n = mean**2/(var-mean) return nbinom.ppf(alpha, n, p) originResult["fromID"] = result["fromID"][:,0] originResult["mean"] = result["mean"].sum(1) originResult["variance"] = result["variance"].sum(1) originResult["95_percentile"] = get_ppf( originResult["mean"], originResult["variance"]) assert (originResult["fromID"]==self.originData["originID"]).all() destinationResult["toID"] = result["toID"][0] destinationResult["mean"] = result["mean"].sum(0) destinationResult["variance"] = result["variance"].sum(0) destinationResult["meanInfested"] = result["mean"][self.originData["infested"]].sum(0) destinationResult["varianceInfested"] = result["variance"][self.originData["infested"]].sum(0) destinationResult["95_percentile"] = get_ppf(destinationResult["mean"], destinationResult["variance"]) destinationResult["95_percentileInfested"] = get_ppf( destinationResult["meanInfested"], destinationResult["varianceInfested"]) df = pd.DataFrame(originResult) df.to_csv(fileName + "Origin.csv", index=False) df = pd.DataFrame(destinationResult) df.to_csv(fileName + "Destination.csv", index=False)
[docs] @inherit_doc(_convert_parameters_static) def simulate_count_data(self, stationTimes, day, parameters, parametersConsidered, limitToOneObservation=False): """Simulate observation data that would be obtained one one day if the model were True. For each boater, start, end, and path are returned. Parameters ---------- stationTimes : dict Keys: indices of the survey locations; values: 2-tuples for start and end time of the survey shift at that location (in 24h format). day : int ID for that day. parameters : float[] Parameters for the traffic flow (gravity) model. limitToOneObservation : bool Whether an agent travelling on an inadmissible route can be observed at one location only (as assumed when we fit the route choice model) or at multiple locations. """ routeLengths = parameters = self._convert_parameters(parameters, parametersConsidered) pRandom, routeExp, pObserve = self.routeChoiceModel.parameters kMatrix = self._get_k_value(parameters, parametersConsidered) q = parameters[1] # number of people going for each pair n1 = np.random.negative_binomial(kMatrix, 1-q) routePowers = sparsepower(routeLengths, routeExp) normConstants = sparsesum(routePowers) pairToPairIndex = self.roadNetwork._pair_to_pair_index multObservations = defaultdict(lambda: 0) stations = list(stationTimes.keys()) times = list(stationTimes.values()) shiftNo = len(stations) inspectedRoutes = self.roadNetwork.inspectedPotentialRoutes observationsDType = [ ("stationID", IDTYPE), ("day", int), ("shiftStart", "double"), ("shiftEnd", "double"), ("time", "double"), ("sourceID", IDTYPE), ("sinkID", IDTYPE), ("relevant", bool), ] observations = FlexibleArray(10000, dtype=observationsDType) stationIndexToStationID = self.roadNetwork.stationIndexToStationID sourceIndexToSourceID = self.roadNetwork.sourceIndexToSourceID sinkIndexToSinkID = self.roadNetwork.sinkIndexToSinkID # boaters' route choices for source, row in enumerate(n1): for sink, n_ij in enumerate(row): pair = pairToPairIndex((source, sink)) rp = routePowers[pair].data / normConstants[pair] choices = np.arange(rp.size) for _ in range(n_ij): obsNum = 0 goRandom = np.random.rand() < pRandom if goRandom: observed = np.random.rand(shiftNo) < pObserve else: observed = np.zeros(shiftNo, dtype=bool) route = np.random.choice(choices, p=rp) for locInd, station in enumerate(stations): observed[locInd] = ( station in inspectedRoutes and (source, sink) in inspectedRoutes[station] and route in inspectedRoutes[station][ (source, sink)]) tuples = [] for locInd in np.nonzero(observed)[0]: time = self.travelTimeModel.sample() start, end = times[locInd] if start <= time <= end and np.random.rand() < self.complianceRate: if np.random.rand() < self.properDataRate: sinkID = sinkIndexToSinkID[sink] else: sinkID = b'' tuples.append(( stationIndexToStationID[stations[locInd]], day, start, end, time, sourceIndexToSourceID[source], sinkID, True )) if len(tuples) == 1 or not limitToOneObservation or not goRandom: for t in tuples: observations.add_tuple(t) obsNum += 1 if len(tuples): multObservations[len(tuples)] += 1 for s, t in zip(stations, times): start, end = t observations.add_tuple(( stationIndexToStationID[s], day, start, end, 0., b'', b'', False )) observations = observations.get_array() observations.sort(order="stationID") return observations, multObservations
[docs] @inherit_doc(simulate_count_data) def save_simulated_observations(self, parameters=None, parametersConsidered=None, shiftNumber=None, dayNumber=None, stationSets=None, fileName=None): """Simulate observation data that would be obtained if the model were True. Parameters ---------- shiftNumber : int Number of observation shifts to be considered. dayNumber : int Number of days on which the shifts were conducted. stationSets : int[][] Sets/lists of survey location IDs at which inspections could be conducted simultaneously. fileName : str Name of the file to which the generated observations shall be saved. """ if fileName is None: fileName = self.fileName if parameters is None: parameters = self.flowModelData["parameters"] parametersConsidered = self.flowModelData["parametersConsidered"] self.prst("Simulating observations for static parameters", parameters, "with considered parameters", parametersConsidered) #self.prst(self.travelTimeModel.location, self.travelTimeModel.kappa) if not shiftNumber: shiftData = self.surveyData["shiftData"].copy() else: shiftData = np.zeros(shiftNumber, dtype=self.surveyData["shiftData"].dtype) shiftData["shiftStart"] = np.maximum(np.minimum( np.random.vonmises( (-3)*np.pi/12, 5, shiftNumber) *(12/np.pi) + 12, 23), 4) shiftData["shiftEnd"] = np.maximum(np.minimum( np.random.vonmises( 3*np.pi/12, 5, shiftNumber) *(12/np.pi) + 12, 23), 4) considered = shiftData["shiftStart"] >= shiftData["shiftEnd"] shiftData["shiftEnd"][considered] += shiftData["shiftStart"][ considered]+3 shiftData["shiftEnd"] = np.minimum(shiftData["shiftEnd"], 23.5) pNewDay = dayNumber / len(shiftData) if stationSets is None: shiftData["stationIndex"] = np.random.choice(np.unique( self.surveyData["shiftData"]["stationIndex"]), shiftNumber) dayIndex = 0 for row in range(shiftData): row["dayIndex"] = dayIndex dayIndex += np.random.rand() < pNewDay else: dayIndex = 0 shiftIndex = 0 stationIDToStationIndex = self.roadNetwork.stationIDToStationIndex while shiftIndex < len(shiftData): chosenSet = np.random.choice(stationSets) chosenStations = chosenSet[np.random.rand(len(chosenSet)) < 1/(pNewDay*len(chosenSet))] for station in chosenStations: if shiftIndex < len(shiftData): shiftData["stationIndex"][shiftIndex] = \ stationIDToStationIndex[station] shiftData["dayIndex"][shiftIndex] = dayIndex shiftIndex += 1 dayIndex += 1 #shiftData["shiftStart"]=11 #shiftData["shiftEnd"]=16 shiftData["shiftEnd"] += np.random.rand(shiftData.size)*1e-5 observations = [] countData = defaultdict(lambda: 0) newDay = ~(np.roll(shiftData["dayIndex"], -1) == shiftData["dayIndex"]) newDay[-1] = True dayStartIndex = 0 size = 0 for dayEndIndex in np.nonzero(newDay)[0]+1: stationTimes = {} for shiftIndex in range(dayStartIndex, dayEndIndex): stationIndex = shiftData["stationIndex"][shiftIndex] stationTimes[stationIndex] = (shiftData["shiftStart"][shiftIndex], shiftData["shiftEnd"][shiftIndex]) obsData, cData = self.simulate_count_data( stationTimes, shiftData["dayIndex"][dayStartIndex], parameters, parametersConsidered) observations.append(obsData) size += obsData.size for obsNo, count in cData.items(): countData[obsNo] += count dayStartIndex = dayEndIndex totalObsNo = 0 distinctObsNo = 0 for obsNo, count in countData.items(): totalObsNo += obsNo*count distinctObsNo += count self.prst(count, "boaters have been observed", obsNo, "time(s).") self.prst("In total, we have", totalObsNo, "observations of", distinctObsNo, "distinct boaters in", shiftData.size, "shifts.") observationsArr = np.zeros(size, dtype=observations[0].dtype) sectionStart = 0 for subArr in observations: observationsArr[sectionStart:sectionStart+subArr.size] = subArr sectionStart += subArr.size df = pd.DataFrame(observationsArr) for name in "stationID", "sourceID": df[name] = df[name].apply(lambda x: str(x)[2:-1]) df["sinkID"] = df["sinkID"].apply(lambda x: str(x)[3:-1]) df.to_csv(fileName + "_SimulatedObservations.csv", index=False) self.prst("Done.")
[docs] @staticmethod_inherit_doc(read_origin_data, read_destination_data, read_survey_data, read_postal_code_area_data, set_compliance_rate, TransportNetwork) def new(fileNameBackup, trafficFactorModel_class=None, fileNameEdges=None, fileNameVertices=None, fileNameOrigins=None, fileNameDestinations=None, fileNamePostalCodeAreas=None, fileNameObservations=None, complianceRate=None, preprocessingArgs=None, edgeLengthRandomization=0.001, routeParameters=None, considerInfested=None, destinationToDestination=False, restart=False, **restartArgs): """Constructs a new :py:class:`HybridVectorModel`, thereby reusing saved previous results if possible. Parameters ---------- fileNameBackup : str Name of the file to load and save the model; without file extension trafficFactorModel_class : class Class representing the gravity model; must be inherited from :py:class:`BaseTrafficFactorModel` considerInfested : bool If given, only origins with the provided infestation state will be considered to fit the model; see :py:meth:`HybridVectorModel.set_origins_considered` restart : bool If ``True``, earlier results will be ignored and the model will be constructed from scratch. routeParameters : tuple Parameters defining which routes are deemed admissible. See :py:meth:`find_potential_routes`. --------------------------------- **restartArgs : keyword arguments The arguments below specify which parts of the model construction process shall be repeated even if earler results are available. If the arguments are set to ``True``, the respective model constrution process will take place (provided the necessary arguments, such as file names, are provided. _____________________________ readOriginData : bools Read csv with data on boater origins readDestinationData : bool Read csv with data on boater destinations readPostalCodeAreaData : bool Read csv with population data for postal code regions readRoadNetwork : bool Read csv with road network data findShortestDistances : boold Find the shortest distances between boater origins and destinations and between destinations and postal code area centres readSurveyData : bool Read csv file with boater survey data properDataRate : float Rate of complete data (inferred from the data if not given) fitTravelTimeModel : bool Fit the model for boaters' travel timing travelTimeParameters : float[] If the traffic time model shall not be fitted but rather created with known parameters, this argument contains these parameters preprocessSurveyData: bool Prepare the boater observation data for the fit of the full traffic flow model findPotentialRoutes : bool Determine potential routes that boaters might take fitRouteChoiceModel : bool Fit the model assigning probabilities to the potential boater routes routeChoiceParameters : float[] If the route choice model shall not be fitted but rather created with known parameters, this argument contains these parameters continueRouteChoiceOptimization : bool If ``True``, the :py:obj:`routeChoiceParameters` will be interpreted as initial guess rather than the best-fit parameters for the route choice model preapareTrafficFactorModel : bool Prepare the traffic factor model fitFlowModel : bool Fit the gravity model for the vector flow between origins and destinations permutations : bool[][] Permutations of parameters to be considered. The number of columns must match the maximal number of parameters of the model (see :py:attr:`BaseTrafficFactorModel.SIZE` and :py:attr:`BaseTrafficFactorModel.PERMUTATIONS`) flowParameters : float[] If the flow model shall not be fitted but rather created with known parameters, this argument contains these parameters continueTrafficFactorOptimization : bool If ``True``, the :py:obj:`flowParameters` will be interpreted as initial guess rather than the best fitting parameters for the flow model """ if restart or not exists(fileNameBackup + ".vmm"): model = HybridVectorModel(fileNameBackup, trafficFactorModel_class, destinationToDestination) else: print("Loading model from file", fileNameBackup + ".vmm") model = saveobject.load_object(fileNameBackup + ".vmm") model.fileName = fileNameBackup if not model.hasattr("destinationToDestination"): model.destinationToDestination = False restartArgs = defaultdict(lambda: False, restartArgs) if not destinationToDestination: if ((not model.hasattr("rawOriginData") or restartArgs["readOriginData"]) and fileNameOrigins is not None): model.read_origin_data(fileNameOrigins) if ((not model.hasattr("rawDestinationData") or restartArgs["readDestinationData"]) and fileNameDestinations is not None): model.read_destination_data(fileNameDestinations) if ((not model.hasattr("postalCodeAreaData") or restartArgs["readPostalCodeAreaData"]) and fileNamePostalCodeAreas is not None): model.read_postal_code_area_data(fileNamePostalCodeAreas) if ((not model.hasattr("roadNetwork") or restartArgs["readRoadNetwork"]) and fileNameEdges is not None and fileNameVertices is not None): model.create_road_network(fileNameEdges, fileNameVertices, preprocessingArgs, edgeLengthRandomization) if (not model.hasattr("complianceRate") or (complianceRate is not None and model.complianceRate != complianceRate)): model.set_compliance_rate(complianceRate) model.prst("Compliance rate set to ", complianceRate) if considerInfested is not None: model.set_origins_considered(None, considerInfested) if (model.hasattr("roadNetwork") and (not model.roadNetwork.hasattr("shortestDistances") or restartArgs["findShortestDistances"])): model.find_shortest_distances() if not destinationToDestination: #!!!!!!!!!!!!! if ((not model.hasattr("surveyData") or restartArgs["readSurveyData"]) and model.hasattr("roadNetwork") and fileNameObservations is not None): properDataRate = restartArgs.get("properDataRate", None) model.read_survey_data(fileNameObservations, properDataRate=properDataRate) if ((not model.hasattr("travelTimeModel") or restartArgs["fitTravelTimeModel"]) and model.hasattr("surveyData")): travelTimeParameters = restartArgs.get("travelTimeParameters", None) model.create_travel_time_model(travelTimeParameters, model.fileName) else: if restart: if (model.hasattr("roadNetwork") and routeParameters is not None): if restartArgs["preprocessSurveyData"]: model._erase_processed_survey_data() if (not hasattr(model.roadNetwork, "inspectedPotentialRoutes") or model.roadNetwork.inspectedPotentialRoutes is None or restartArgs["findPotentialRoutes"]): model.find_potential_routes(*routeParameters) if destinationToDestination: raise NotImplementedError("A model with destination to destination traffic" + " has not yet been" + " implemented completely.") if model.hasattr("travelTimeModel"): save = model.create_route_choice_model(restartArgs["createRouteChoiceModel"]) save = model.preprocess_survey_data() or save if save: pass if model.hasattr("travelTimeModel"): save = False routeChoiceParameters = restartArgs.get("routeChoiceParameters", None) continueRouteChoiceOptimization = restartArgs[ "continueRouteChoiceOptimization"] refit = restartArgs["fitRouteChoiceModel"] save = model.fit_route_choice_model(refit, routeChoiceParameters, continueRouteChoiceOptimization) if save: pass flowParameters = restartArgs.get("flowParameters", None) continueTrafficFactorOptimization = restartArgs["continueTrafficFactorOptimization"] #if model.fit_flow_model(parameters, refit=refit, flowParameters=flowParameters): if (not model.hasattr("trafficFactorModel") or restartArgs["preapareTrafficFactorModel"]): model.prepare_traffic_factor_model() refit = restartArgs["fitFlowModel"] permutations = restartArgs.get("permutations", None) if model.fit_flow_model(permutations, refit, flowParameters, continueTrafficFactorOptimization): model.test_1_1_regression(20, model.fileName + str(routeParameters)) model.create_quality_plots(saveFileName= model.fileName+str(routeParameters)) save = True if save: #model.create_quality_plots(parameters, # model.fileName + str(parameters)) return model