Source code for lopaths.graph

Module implementing objects representing graphs and different algorithms to
find shortest and potential alternative paths.

from functools import partial
from itertools import product as iterproduct, repeat, starmap, count as itercount
from itertools import chain as iterchain
import warnings
from collections import deque, defaultdict
import os
import copy as cp
from copy import deepcopy
from multiprocessing import Pool, Queue, Manager, Array
import ctypes
from queue import Queue as ThreadQueue
import threading
from multiprocessing import SimpleQueue as MultiprocessingQueue
import timeit
import datetime
import time
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
import sharedmem

from vemomoto_core.npcollections.FixedOrderedIntDict import FixedOrderedIntDict
from vemomoto_core.npcollections.intquickheapdict import intquickheapdict
from vemomoto_core.npcollections.npextc import FlexibleArray, FlexibleArrayDict, \
    unique_tol, find_next_nonzero2d
from vemomoto_core.npcollections.npext import fields_view, add_alias, add_names, \
    FlexibleArrayDict as FlexibleArrayDictO, csr_matrix_nd, merge_arrays

from import profile
from import HierarchichalPrinter
from import Repeater, DictIterator
from import Tee
from import SeparatelySaveable
from import DocMetaSuperclass
from vemomoto_core.concurrent.nicepar import getCounter, Counter, Lockable, \
    Locked, ParallelCounter, CircularParallelCounter
from vemomoto_core.concurrent.concurrent_futures_ext import \
    ProcessPoolExecutor as ProcessPoolExecutor_ext 

    from .sig_fig_rounding import RoundToSigFigs_fp as round_rel
except ImportError:
    from sig_fig_rounding import RoundToSigFigs_fp as round_rel
    from .graph_utils import find_shortest_distance, in_sets
except ImportError:
    from graph_utils import find_shortest_distance, in_sets

    import line_profiler
except ImportError:

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    teeObject = Tee(sys.argv[1])

CPU_COUNT = os.cpu_count() 
"Number of CPU cores to be used at most. Defaults to the number of installed cores."

[docs]class FlexibleGraph(HierarchichalPrinter): ''' Graph with a flexible structure that supports efficient addition and removal of vertices and edges. ''' def __init__(self, edges, edgeData, vertices, vertexData, replacementMode="overwrite", lengthLabel=None, significanceLabel=None, defaultVertexData=None, defaultEdgeData=None, **printerArgs): """ Construtor """ super().__init__(**printerArgs) for obj, prop in ((edges, edgeData), (vertices, vertexData)): if not obj.shape[0] == prop.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Properties must have the same length " + "as the list of object that they discribe.") if (significanceLabel and significanceLabel not in edges.array.dtype.names): raise ValueError("There is no field " + str(lengthLabel) + " in the edge data array.") self.significanceLabel = significanceLabel overrideExisting = replacementMode == "override" ignoreNew = replacementMode == "ignore" useShortest = replacementMode == "shortest" useLongest = replacementMode == "longest" if not (overrideExisting or ignoreNew or useShortest or useLongest): raise ValueError("replacementMode not understood. It must be one " + "of 'override', 'ignore', 'shortest', or " + "'longest'.") vertexIDs = add_names(vertices, "ID") vertexData = rfn.merge_arrays((vertexIDs, vertexData), flatten=True) vertexData.sort(order="ID") includedVertices = np.zeros(len(vertices), dtype=bool) vertexData = np.rec.array(vertexData, copy=False) edgeCount = 0 if useShortest or useLongest: if not lengthLabel in edgeData.dtype.names: raise ValueError("lengthLabel must match one of the field " + "names of edgeData.") lengthArr = edgeData[lengthLabel] graph = self.graph = {} overwroteSome = False loopsOccurred = False for row, pair in enumerate(edges): if pair[0] == pair[1]: loopsOccurred = True continue for i, direction in enumerate((1, -1)): thisVertex, otherVertex = pair[::direction] try: vertexDataList = graph[thisVertex] except KeyError: vertexIndex = np.searchsorted(vertexData.ID, thisVertex) try: if not vertexData.ID[vertexIndex] == thisVertex: vertexIndex = None except IndexError: vertexIndex = None graph[thisVertex] = vertexDataList = [vertexIndex, {}, {}] if not vertexIndex is None: includedVertices[vertexIndex] = True if otherVertex in vertexDataList[i+1]: overwroteSome = True if ((useShortest and lengthArr[vertexDataList[i+1][otherVertex]] > lengthArr[row]) or (useLongest and lengthArr[vertexDataList[i+1][otherVertex]] < lengthArr[row]) or overrideExisting): vertexDataList[i+1][otherVertex] = row if i: break else: break vertexDataList[i+1][otherVertex] = row else: edgeCount += 1 if overwroteSome: warnings.warn("Some edges occured multiple times. I " + ("overwrote them." if overrideExisting else ("ignored them." if ignoreNew else ("used the shortest edges." if useShortest else ("used the longest edges."))))) if loopsOccurred: warnings.warn("Some edges were loops. I ignored them.") for vertexIndex in np.nonzero(~includedVertices)[0]: graph[vertexData.ID[vertexIndex]] = [vertexIndex, {}, {}] add_names(edges, ("fromID", "toID")) from_to = edges.ravel() if vertexData.size: vertices = FlexibleArray(vertexData, recArray=True) else: vertices = FlexibleArray(10, recArray=True, dtype=vertexData.dtype) edges = FlexibleArray(merge_arrays((from_to, edgeData)), copy=False, recArray=True) if defaultVertexData is None: self.defaultVertexIndex = None else: vertices.expand(1) self.defaultVertexIndex = vertices.add(defaultVertexData) if defaultEdgeData is None: self.defaultEdgeIndex = None else: edges.expand(1) self.defaultEdgeIndex = edges.add(defaultEdgeData) self.vertices = vertices self.edges = edges self._edgeCount = edgeCount
[docs] def add_vertex(self, vertexID, vertexData=None): graph = self.graph vertices = self.vertices if vertexID in graph: raise KeyError("A vertex with the specified ID already exists") if vertexData is None: vertexIndex = None else: vertexIndex = vertices.add(vertexData) vertices[vertexIndex].ID = vertexID graph[vertexID] = [vertexIndex, {}, {}]
[docs] def remove_vertex(self, vertexID, counter=None): #self.increase_print_level() #self.prst("Removing", vertexID) if counter: count = if count: self.prst(count) graph = self.graph vertexIndex, successors, predecessors = graph.pop(vertexID) self._edgeCount -= len(successors) + len(predecessors) del self.vertices[vertexIndex] edges = self.edges for i, neighbors in enumerate((predecessors, successors)): for neighbor in neighbors: del edges[graph[neighbor][i+1].pop(vertexID)]
[docs] def add_edge(self, fromID, toID, edgeData=None): graph = self.graph successorDict = graph[fromID][1] predecessorDict = graph[toID][2] if toID in successorDict and fromID in predecessorDict: raise KeyError("The specified edge exists already") if edgeData is None: edgeIndex = None else: edgeIndex = self.edges.add((fromID, toID, *edgeData)) successorDict[toID] = edgeIndex predecessorDict[fromID] = edgeIndex self._edgeCount += 1
[docs] def remove_edge(self, fromID, toID): graph = self.graph successors = graph[fromID][1] predecessors = graph[toID][2] del self.edges[successors.pop(toID)] del predecessors[fromID] self._edgeCount -= 1
[docs] def set_vertex_data(self, vertexID, data): vertexInformation = self.graph[vertexID] vertexIndex = vertexInformation[0] vertices = self.vertices if vertexIndex is None: vertexInformation[0] = vertices.add(data, ID=vertexID) else: self.vertices.array[vertexIndex] = data
[docs] def set_edge_data(self, fromID, toID, data): graph = self.graph vertexFromSuccessors = graph[fromID][1] edges = self.edges edgeIndex = vertexFromSuccessors[toID] if edgeIndex is None: edgeIndex = edges.add(data, fromID=fromID, toID=toID) vertexFromSuccessors[toID] = edgeIndex graph[toID][0][fromID] = edgeIndex else: self.edges.array[edgeIndex] = data
[docs] def set_default_vertex_data(self, data=None): if data is None: if self.defaultVertexIndex is None: return del self.vertices[self.defaultVertexIndex] self.defaultVertexIndex = None elif self.defaultVertexIndex is None: self.defaultVertexIndex = self.vertices.add(data) else: self.vertices[self.defaultVertexIndex] = data
[docs] def set_default_edge_data(self, data=None): if data is None: if self.defaultEdgeIndex is None: return del self.edges[self.defaultEdgeIndex] self.defaultEdgeIndex = None if self.defaultEdgeIndex is None: self.defaultEdgeIndex = self.edges.add(data) else: self.vertices[self.defaultVertexIndex] = data
[docs] def get_vertex_data(self, vertexID, copy=True): vertexInformation = self.graph[vertexID] vertexIndex = vertexInformation[0] vertices = self.vertices defaultVertexIndex = self.defaultVertexIndex if vertexIndex is None: if defaultVertexIndex is None: raise ValueError("Vertex has no specific properties, " + "but no default values are given.") if not copy: self.set_vertex_data( vertexID, vertices.array[defaultVertexIndex] ) return vertices.array[vertexInformation[0]] else: vertexData = vertices.array[defaultVertexIndex].copy() vertexData.ID = vertexID return vertexData else: if not copy: return vertices.array[vertexIndex] else: return vertices.array[vertexIndex].copy()
[docs] def get_edge_data(self, fromID, toID, copy=True): vertexFromSuccessors = self.graph[fromID][1] edgeIndex = vertexFromSuccessors[toID] defaultEdgeIndex = self.defaultEdgeIndex edges = self.edges if edgeIndex is None: if defaultEdgeIndex is None: raise ValueError("Edge has no specific properties, " + "but no default values are given.") if copy: self.set_edge_data(fromID, toID, edges.array[defaultEdgeIndex]) return edges.array[vertexFromSuccessors[toID]] else: edgeData = edges.array[defaultEdgeIndex].copy() edgeData.fromID, edgeData.toID = fromID, toID return edgeData else: if copy: return edges.array[edgeIndex].copy() else: return edges.array[edgeIndex]
[docs] def get_edge_count(self): return self._edgeCount
[docs] def get_vertex_count(self): return len(self.graph)
[docs] def get_successors(self, vertexID): return list(self.graph[vertexID][1].keys())
[docs] def get_predecessors(self, vertexID): return list(self.graph[vertexID][2].keys())
[docs] def get_neighbor_edges(self, vertexID, getSuccessors=True, copy=True): predSuccI = int(not getSuccessors) order = 1 if getSuccessors else -1 neighborDict = self.graph[vertexID][predSuccI+1] edgeIndices = neighborDict.values() defaultEdgeIndex = self.defaultEdgeIndex edges = self.edges if not None in edgeIndices: if copy: return edges.array[list(edgeIndices)].copy() else: return edges.array[list(edgeIndices)] else: if defaultEdgeIndex is None: raise ValueError("Edge has no specific properties, " + "but no default values are given.") if copy: indexList = [(index if index is not None else defaultEdgeIndex) for index in edgeIndices] nones = [(i, item[0]) for i, item in enumerate(neighborDict.items()) if item[1] is None] neighbors = self.edges.array[indexList].copy() fromArr = neighbors.fromID toArr = neighbors.toID for i, neighbor in nones: fromArr[i], toArr[i] = (vertexID, neighbor)[::order] else: indexList = [] for neighbor, edgeIndex in neighborDict.items(): if edgeIndex is None: self.set_edge_data(*(vertexID, neighbor)[::order], data=edges.array[defaultEdgeIndex]) indexList.append(neighborDict[neighbor]) else: indexList.append(edgeIndex) return self.edges.array[indexList]
[docs] def add_edge_attributes(self, names, dtypes, fillVal=None): self.edges.add_fields(names, dtypes, fillVal)
[docs] def add_vertex_attributes(self, names, dtypes, fillVal=None): self.vertices.add_fields(names, dtypes, fillVal)
[docs] def remove_insignificant_dead_ends(self, significanceLabel=None, standardSignificant=False): self.prst("Removing insignificant dead ends from the graph") graph = self.graph vertices = self.vertices allVertexNumber = len(graph) if significanceLabel is None: significanceLabel = self.significanceLabel else: if type(significanceLabel) == str: self.significanceLabel = significanceLabel if type(significanceLabel) == str: significanceArr = vertices.array[significanceLabel] elif hasattr(significanceLabel, "__iter__"): significanceArr = list(significanceLabel) elif significanceLabel is not None: significanceArr = vertices.array[significanceLabel] else: significanceArr = Repeater(False) if not self.defaultVertexIndex is None: try: standardSignificant = significanceArr[self.defaultVertexIndex] except IndexError: pass queue = deque() counter = Counter(1, 1000) for vertexID in list(graph.keys()): queue.appendleft(vertexID) while len(queue): vertexID = queue.pop() try: vertexIndex, successors, predecessors = graph[vertexID] except KeyError: continue if vertexIndex is None: significant = standardSignificant else: try: significant = significanceArr[vertexIndex] except (TypeError, IndexError): significant = standardSignificant if not significant: if not len(successors): queue.extendleft(predecessors.keys()) self.remove_vertex(vertexID, counter) elif (not len(predecessors) or (len(successors) == 1 and predecessors.keys() == successors.keys())): queue.extendleft(successors.keys()) self.remove_vertex(vertexID, counter) self.prst("Removed {} out of {} vertices (".format(counter.index, allVertexNumber), end="") self.prst(counter.index / allVertexNumber, ")", percent=True)
[docs]class FastGraph(SeparatelySaveable, metaclass=DocMetaSuperclass): ''' ''' def __init__(self, flexibleGraph): SeparatelySaveable.__init__(self, extension='.rn') #can leave vertexIDs as iterator??? rawVertexData = list(sorted(flexibleGraph.graph.items())) self.significanceLabel = flexibleGraph.significanceLabel translateVertices = {vertexID[0]:index for index, vertexID in enumerate(rawVertexData)} neighbors = np.zeros(len(rawVertexData), dtype={"names":["predecessors", "successors"], "formats":[object, object]}) oldVertexData = flexibleGraph.vertices.array oldEdgeData = flexibleGraph.edges.array vertexData = np.zeros(len(rawVertexData), dtype=flexibleGraph.vertices.array.dtype) edges = np.zeros(flexibleGraph.get_edge_count(), dtype=flexibleGraph.edges.array.dtype.descr + [("fromIndex", "int"), ("toIndex", "int")]) edgeFromIDArr = edges["fromID"] edgeToIDArr = edges["toID"] edgeFromIndexArr = edges["fromIndex"] edgeToIndexArr = edges["toIndex"] edgesViewOld = edges[list(flexibleGraph.edges.array.dtype.names)] if flexibleGraph.defaultVertexIndex is None: hasDefaultVertexData = False else: hasDefaultVertexData = True defaultVertexData = oldVertexData[flexibleGraph.defaultVertexIndex] defaultEdgeIndex = flexibleGraph.defaultEdgeIndex toBeAddedPredecessors = [] edgeBlockIndex = 0 for i, data in enumerate(rawVertexData): vertexID, vertexDataRecord = data if vertexDataRecord[0] is None: if not hasDefaultVertexData: raise ValueError("Some vertices have missing information " + "and no default data are given") vertexData[i] = defaultVertexData vertexData[i].ID = vertexID else: vertexData[i] = oldVertexData[vertexDataRecord[0]] successorIndices = [translateVertices[vertexID] for vertexID in vertexDataRecord[1].keys()] neighbors[i]["successors"] = { vertexIndex:j+edgeBlockIndex for j, vertexIndex in enumerate(successorIndices) } neighbors[i]["predecessors"] = {} toBeAddedPredecessors.extend((item[0], (i, edgeBlockIndex+j)) for j, item in enumerate(vertexDataRecord[1].items())) indexList = [(index if index is not None else defaultEdgeIndex) for index in vertexDataRecord[1].values()] nones = [(j, item[0]) for j, item in enumerate(vertexDataRecord[1].items()) if item[1] is None] try: edgesViewOld[edgeBlockIndex:edgeBlockIndex+len(indexList)] = \ oldEdgeData[indexList] except IndexError as e: if None in indexList: raise ValueError("Some edges have missing information " + "and no default data are given") else: raise e edgeFromIndexArr[edgeBlockIndex:edgeBlockIndex+len(indexList)] = i edgeToIndexArr[edgeBlockIndex:edgeBlockIndex + len(indexList)] = successorIndices for j, neighbor in nones: edgeFromIDArr[edgeBlockIndex+j] = vertexID edgeToIDArr[edgeBlockIndex+j] = neighbor edgeBlockIndex += len(indexList) for vertexID, predecessorData in toBeAddedPredecessors: neighbors[translateVertices[vertexID]]["predecessors" ][predecessorData[0]] = predecessorData[1] mergeArr = np.empty(vertexData.shape[0], dtype=vertexData.dtype.descr+neighbors.dtype.descr) view = fields_view(mergeArr, vertexData.dtype.names) view[:] = vertexData view = fields_view(mergeArr, neighbors.dtype.names) view[:] = neighbors self.vertices = FlexibleArray(mergeArr, copy=False) self.edges = FlexibleArray(edges, copy=False) self.set_save_separately('vertices', 'edges') # this method is not needed.
[docs] def make_edges_contiguous(self): _, newEdgeIndices = self.edges.make_contiguous() if not len(newEdgeIndices): return self.edges.cut() vertices = self.vertices edgeArr = self.edges.array for indexName, oppositeIndexName, neighborName in ( ("fromIndex", "toIndex", "successors"), ("toIndex", "fromIndex", "predecessors")): neighborVertices = edgeArr[newEdgeIndices][indexName] oppositeNeighborVertices = edgeArr[newEdgeIndices][ oppositeIndexName] for neighbors, oppositeNeighbor, newEdgeIndex in ( vertices.array[neighborName][neighborVertices], oppositeNeighborVertices, newEdgeIndices): neighbors[oppositeNeighbor] = newEdgeIndex
[docs] def add_vertex(self, vertexData): return self.vertices.add(vertexData)
[docs] def remove_vertex(self, vertexIndex): vertices = self.vertices edges = self.edges vertexData = vertices[vertexIndex] predSuccEssors = ("successors", "predecessors") for i, j in enumerate(predSuccEssors): for neighbor in vertexData[predSuccEssors[i-1]].keys(): del edges[vertices[neighbor][j].pop(vertexIndex)] del vertices[vertexIndex]
[docs] def add_edge(self, fromIndex, toIndex, edgeData): vertices = self.vertices if not vertices.exists(fromIndex, toIndex): raise IndexError("One of the given vertices " + "{0} and {1} does not exist".format(fromIndex, toIndex)) if toIndex in vertices[fromIndex].successors: raise IndexError("The specified edge exists already") edgeID = self.edges.add(edgeData) vertices[fromIndex].successors[toIndex] = edgeID vertices[toIndex].successors[fromIndex] = edgeID
[docs] def remove_edge(self, fromIndex, toIndex): vertices = self.vertices del self.edges[vertices[fromIndex].successors.pop(toIndex)] del vertices[toIndex].predecessors[fromIndex]
[docs] def add_edge_attributes(self, names, dtypes, fillVal=None): self.edges.add_fields(names, dtypes, fillVal)
[docs] def add_vertex_attributes(self, names, dtypes, fillVal=None): self.vertices.add_fields(names, dtypes, fillVal)
[docs]class FlowPointGraph(FastGraph, HierarchichalPrinter, Lockable): def __init__(self, flexibleGraph, lengthLabel, significanceLabel=None, **printerArgs): """ FastGraph.__init__(flexibleGraph) HierarchichalPrinter.__init__(self, **printerArgs) """ FastGraph.__init__(self, flexibleGraph=flexibleGraph) HierarchichalPrinter.__init__(self, **printerArgs) Lockable.__init__(self) if not significanceLabel: if flexibleGraph.significanceLabel: significanceLabel = flexibleGraph.significanceLabel else: raise ValueError("A significance label must be given either by " + "the flexible graph input or explicitely in " + " FlowPointGraph's constructor.") if (significanceLabel not in self.vertices.array.dtype.names): raise ValueError("There is no field " + str(significanceLabel) + " in the vertex data array.") if not significanceLabel == "significant": if "significant" in self.vertices.array.dtype.names: raise ValueError("The vertex data array must not contain a " + "field 'significant', if 'significant' is " + "not the significance label.") add_alias(self.vertices.array, significanceLabel, "significant") if lengthLabel not in flexibleGraph.edges.array.dtype.names: raise ValueError("There is no field " + str(lengthLabel) + " in the edge data array.") if not lengthLabel == "length": if "length" in flexibleGraph.edges.array.dtype.names: raise ValueError("The edge data array must not contain a field " + "'length', if 'length' is not the length " + "label.") add_alias(self.edges.array, lengthLabel, "length")
[docs] def preprocessing(self, initialBound, boundFactor=3, pruneFactor=4, additionalBoundFactor=1.1, expansionBounds=None, degreeBound=5, maxEdgeLength=None): if expansionBounds is None: expansionBounds = Repeater(1) elif hasattr(expansionBounds, "__getitem__"): expansionBounds = iterchain(expansionBounds, Repeater(expansionBounds[-1])) edges = self.edges vertices = self.vertices self.prst("Preprocessing the graph...") self.prst("initialBound:", initialBound) self.prst("boundFactor:", boundFactor) self.prst("pruneFactor:", pruneFactor) self.prst("additionalBoundFactor:", additionalBoundFactor) self.prst("expansionBounds:", expansionBounds) self.prst("degreeBound:", degreeBound) self.prst("maxEdgeLength:", maxEdgeLength) self.increase_print_level() if pruneFactor < 2: raise ValueError("The pruneFactor must be at least 2.") temporaryEdgesFields = ["reachBound", "considered"] edges.add_fields(temporaryEdgesFields + ["originalEdge1", "originalEdge2"], ["double", "bool", "int", "int"], [0, True, -1, -1]) temporaryVerticesFields = ["tmp_predecessors", "tmp_successors", "inPenalty", "outPenalty", "inPenalty_original", "unbounded"] # the graph G' vertices.add_fields(["reachBound"] + temporaryVerticesFields, ["double", "object", "object", "double", "double", "double", "bool"], [0, deepcopy(vertices.array["predecessors"]), deepcopy(vertices.array["successors"]), 0, 0, 0, vertices.considered]) if not == 'posix': warnings.warn("Parallelization with shared memory is ony possible " + "on Unix-based systems. Thus, the code will not be " + "executed in parallel.") vertexArr = vertices.array[:vertices.size] tmp_predecessorsArr = vertexArr["tmp_predecessors"] tmp_successorsArr = vertexArr["tmp_successors"] inPenaltyArr = vertexArr["inPenalty_original"] outPenaltyArr = vertexArr["outPenalty"] totalVertexNumber = len(vertices) bound = initialBound changeIndex = -1 edgeSize = edges.size while True: # break statement, if all edges are bounded self.prst("Computing reach bounds smaller than", bound) self.increase_print_level() if (not edges.changeIndex == changeIndex or not edgeSize == edges.size): edgeArr = edges.array[:edges.size] edgeConsideredArr = edges.considered[:edges.size] changeIndex = edges.changeIndex edgeSize = edges.size # we do not have to process vertices that do not have successors. # trees rooting there will consist of the root only. vertexArr["unbounded"] = np.logical_and(vertexArr["unbounded"], vertexArr["tmp_successors"]) consideredVertexIndices = np.nonzero(vertexArr["unbounded"])[0] self._bypass_vertices(consideredVertexIndices, bound, expansionBounds.__next__(), degreeBound, maxEdgeLength) deletedVerticesNumber = (totalVertexNumber - np.sum(vertexArr["unbounded"])) self.prst(deletedVerticesNumber, "out of", totalVertexNumber, "vertices have been removed ({:6.2%}).".format( deletedVerticesNumber/totalVertexNumber)) if (not edges.changeIndex == changeIndex or not edgeSize == edges.size): edgeArr = edges.array[:edges.size] edgeConsideredArr = edges.considered[:edges.size] changeIndex = edges.changeIndex edgeSize = edges.size vertexArr["inPenalty"] = inPenaltyArr vertexArr["inPenalty"], edgeArr["toIndex"][edgeConsideredArr], edgeArr["length"][edgeConsideredArr] ) vertexArr["inPenalty"] =[vertexArr["inPenalty"] <= (pruneFactor-2)*bound], [vertexArr["inPenalty_original"]], bound) consideredVertexIndices = np.nonzero(vertexArr["unbounded"])[0] counter = getCounter(len(consideredVertexIndices), 0.01) pruneConstant = bound*pruneFactor wrappedFunc = partial(self._get_reach_bounds_starting_from, bound=bound, additionalBoundFactor=additionalBoundFactor, pruneConstant=pruneConstant, counter=counter) lengths = edgeArr["length"][edgeArr["considered"]] edgeArr["reachBound"][edgeArr["considered"]] = (lengths < bound,), (lengths,), (np.inf,) ) if == 'posix': #and bound < 26 edges.array = np.rec.array(sharedmem.copy(edges.array), copy=False) with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=CPU_COUNT) as pool:, consideredVertexIndices) else: any(map(wrappedFunc, consideredVertexIndices)) edgeArr = edges.array[:edges.size] edgeConsideredArr = edges.considered[:edges.size] changeIndex = edges.changeIndex edgeSize = edges.size self.decrease_print_level() # Delete edges with bounded reach and add penalties toBeDeleted = np.logical_and(np.logical_and( edgeArr["reachBound"] < np.inf, edgeArr["considered"] ), edgeConsideredArr) edgeArr["considered"][toBeDeleted] = False totalEdgeNumber = len(edgeArr) boundedEdgesNumber = totalEdgeNumber - np.sum(edgeArr["considered"]) self.prst(boundedEdgesNumber, "edge reaches out of", totalEdgeNumber, "are bounded (" + "{:6.2%}".format(boundedEdgesNumber/totalEdgeNumber) + ").") if not edgeArr["considered"].any(): # break statement for loop break for edge in edgeArr[toBeDeleted]: fromIndex, toIndex = edge["fromIndex"], edge["toIndex"] del tmp_predecessorsArr[toIndex][fromIndex] del tmp_successorsArr[fromIndex][toIndex] # add penalties if outPenaltyArr[fromIndex] < edge["reachBound"]: outPenaltyArr[fromIndex] = edge["reachBound"] if inPenaltyArr[toIndex] < edge["reachBound"]: inPenaltyArr[toIndex] = edge["reachBound"] bound *= boundFactor self._convert_edge_reaches_to_vertex_reaches() self.vertices.remove_fields(temporaryVerticesFields) self.edges.remove_fields(temporaryEdgesFields) self._sort_neighbors() self.edges.cut() self.decrease_print_level()
def _get_reach_bounds_starting_from(self, rootIndex, bound, additionalBoundFactor, pruneConstant=np.inf, counter=None): if counter: percentage = if percentage: self.prst(percentage, percent=True) rTol = 1+1e-7 increasedBound = bound * additionalBoundFactor successorArr = self.vertices.array["tmp_successors"] costArr = self.edges.array["length"] inPenaltyArr = self.vertices.array["inPenalty"] outPenaltyArr = self.vertices.array["outPenalty"] reachBoundArr = self.edges.array["reachBound"] tree = FlexibleArrayDict(4000, dtype={"names":["vertexIndex", "depth", "parentMinHeight", "parent", "extension", "xCost", "successors", "visited", "edge", "relevant", "improvableInnerVertex"], "formats":["int", "double", "double", "int", "double", "double", "object", "bool", "int", "bool", "bool"]}) tree.setitem_by_keywords(rootIndex, vertexIndex=rootIndex, parent=0, successors=set(), relevant=True) queue = intquickheapdict() rootPenalty = inPenaltyArr[rootIndex] queue[rootIndex] = rootPenalty boundableEdges = set() relevantCount = 1 # grow the tree while relevantCount: vertex, cost = queue.popitem() if cost-rootPenalty > pruneConstant: queue[vertex] = cost break vertexIndexInTree = tree.indexDict[vertex] vertexData = tree[vertex] vertexData["depth"] = cost # add vertex as successor of parent tree.array[vertexData["parent"] ]["successors"].add(vertexIndexInTree) vertexData["successors"] = set() if vertexData["improvableInnerVertex"]: boundableEdges.add((vertexIndexInTree, vertexData["edge"])) # for the successors of vertex, vertex is the parent parentIndexInTree = vertexIndexInTree parentextension = vertexData["extension"] xCost = vertexData["xCost"] parentInPenalty = inPenaltyArr[vertex] parentOutPenalty = outPenaltyArr[vertex] parentRelevant = vertexData["relevant"] parentCost = cost depthParentSmallerInPenaltyParent = \ parentCost*rTol < parentInPenalty if parentRelevant: relevantCount -= 1 for successor, edge in successorArr[vertex].items(): edgeCost = costArr[edge] newCost = parentCost + edgeCost if successor in queue: successorCost = queue[successor] update = successorCost > newCost * rTol #+ tolerance else: # if the vertex is not in the queue, # it either has been removed or its # value is infinity if not successor in tree: update = True tree.setitem_by_keywords(successor, vertexIndex=successor) else: update = False if update: # put vertex in queue / update it queue[successor] = newCost newVertexData = tree[successor] newVertexData["parent"] = parentIndexInTree if not parentIndexInTree: xCost = newCost-inPenaltyArr[successor] newVertexData["xCost"] = xCost newVertexData["edge"] = edge # check relevance of the vertex and include it in the # queue, if necessary # 1.: Check whether inner vertex innerVertex = (not parentIndexInTree or ((newCost-xCost)*rTol < bound and not depthParentSmallerInPenaltyParent)) # calculate extension # check whether improvable with Locked(self): edgeReachBound = reachBoundArr[edge] if newCost > edgeReachBound*rTol and innerVertex: newVertexData["extension"] = edgeCost newVertexData["improvableInnerVertex"] = True else: newVertexData["extension"] = parentextension + edgeCost # 2. check all relevance criteria if (innerVertex or (parentRelevant and (parentextension+parentOutPenalty)*rTol < bound and newVertexData["extension"] + outPenaltyArr[successor] <= increasedBound)): if not newVertexData["relevant"]: relevantCount += 1 newVertexData["relevant"] = True elif newVertexData["relevant"]: relevantCount -= 1 newVertexData["relevant"] = False treeArr = tree.array # process leafs that have not been extended for leaf, depth in queue.items(): leafIndexInTree = tree.indexDict[leaf] leafData = treeArr[leafIndexInTree] leafData["depth"] = depth treeArr[leafData["parent"]]["successors"].add(leafIndexInTree) if leafData["improvableInnerVertex"]: boundableEdges.add((leafIndexInTree, leafData["edge"])) # compute height of elements in tree. Thereby, assign to each vertex # the height of its parent, if it would be reached through this vertex stack = [0] while stack: vertexData = treeArr[stack[-1]] if not vertexData["visited"] and vertexData["successors"]: vertexData["visited"] = True stack.extend(vertexData["successors"]) else: stack.pop() parentData = treeArr[vertexData["parent"]] newHeight = (max(vertexData["parentMinHeight"], outPenaltyArr[vertexData["vertexIndex"]]) + costArr[vertexData["edge"]]) # change the own height to the height of the parent, if it # would be reached through the vertex vertexData["parentMinHeight"] = newHeight # change the real height of the parent # (now parentMinHeight contains the real height, not the # parent's - this will be changed later - see above) if parentData["parentMinHeight"]*rTol < newHeight: parentData["parentMinHeight"] = newHeight depthArray = tree.array["depth"] heightArray = tree.array["parentMinHeight"] for successorIndexInTree, edge in boundableEdges: newReachBound = min(depthArray[successorIndexInTree], heightArray[successorIndexInTree]) if newReachBound*rTol >= bound: newReachBound = np.inf with Locked(self): if newReachBound > reachBoundArr[edge]: reachBoundArr[edge] = newReachBound def _bypass_vertices(self, vertexIndices, reachBound, expansionBound, degreeBound, maxEdgeLength=None): self.prst("Determining vertex weights.") self.increase_print_level() counter = ParallelCounter(len(vertexIndices), 0.01) wrappedFunc = partial(self._determine_vertex_weight, reachBound=reachBound, expansionBound=expansionBound, degreeBound=degreeBound, maxEdgeLength=maxEdgeLength, counter=counter) if == 'posix': with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=CPU_COUNT) as pool: vertexWeights = np.array(, vertexIndices)) else: vertexWeights = np.array(tuple(map(wrappedFunc, vertexIndices))) considered = np.logical_not(np.isnan(vertexWeights)) vertexWeights = intquickheapdict(zip(vertexIndices[considered], vertexWeights[considered]), ) self.decrease_print_level() self.prst("Bypassing vertices") self.increase_print_level() counter = Counter(1, 1000) dictIterator = DictIterator(vertexWeights, np.inf) any(map(partial(self._bypass_vertex, reachBound=reachBound, expansionBound=expansionBound, degreeBound=degreeBound, vertexWeights=vertexWeights, maxEdgeLength=maxEdgeLength, counter=counter), dictIterator)) self.prst("Bypassed", dictIterator.count, "out of", len(vertexIndices), "vertices ({:6.2%}).".format(dictIterator.count/ len(vertexIndices))) self.decrease_print_level() def _determine_vertex_weight(self, vertexIndex, reachBound, expansionBound, degreeBound, maxEdgeLength=None, vertexWeights=None, counter=None): if vertexWeights is not None and vertexIndex not in vertexWeights: return if not counter is None: percentage = if percentage: self.prst(percentage, percent=True) vertexData = self.vertices.array[vertexIndex] successors = vertexData["tmp_successors"] predecessors = vertexData["tmp_predecessors"] successorArr = self.vertices.array["successors"] costBound = reachBound / 2 # check simple absolute bounds inDegree = len(predecessors) outDegree = len(successors) if not inDegree + outDegree: self.vertices.array["unbounded"][vertexIndex] = False if vertexWeights: del vertexWeights[vertexIndex] return else: return np.nan # 1. Degree bound if inDegree >= degreeBound or outDegree >= degreeBound: # the degree can decrease within one bypassing run, if neighbors # get deleted if vertexWeights: vertexWeights[vertexIndex] = np.inf return else: return np.inf # determining expansion (# of new edges (including remaining old edges) # / # of old edges) if vertexData["significant"]: replaceEdges = False else: replaceEdges = (inDegree == len(vertexData["predecessors"]) and outDegree == len(vertexData["successors"])) lengthArr = self.edges.array["length"] inPenalty = vertexData["inPenalty_original"] outPenalty = vertexData["outPenalty"] if maxEdgeLength and successors and predecessors: successorEdgeList = list(successors.values()) predecessorEdgeList = list(predecessors.values()) successorList = list(successors.keys()) predecessorList = list(predecessors.keys()) maxSuc1 = np.argmax(lengthArr[successorEdgeList]) maxSucVal1 = lengthArr[successorEdgeList[maxSuc1]] maxPred2 = np.argmax(lengthArr[predecessorEdgeList]) maxPredVal2 = lengthArr[predecessorEdgeList[maxPred2]] try: del predecessorEdgeList[predecessorList.index(successorList[maxSuc1])] except ValueError: pass try: del successorEdgeList[successorList.index(predecessorList[maxPred2])] except ValueError: pass maxLen = -1 if predecessorEdgeList: maxLen = maxSucVal1 + np.max(lengthArr[predecessorEdgeList]) if successorEdgeList: maxLen = max(maxPredVal2 + np.max(lengthArr[successorEdgeList]), maxLen) if maxLen > maxEdgeLength: if vertexWeights: vertexWeights[vertexIndex] = np.inf return else: return np.inf if expansionBound is None: stopper = np.inf else: # if we cannot replace edges, we are not allowed to create as # many new edges stopper = min((outDegree+inDegree) * (expansionBound-(not replaceEdges)), 2*degreeBound - inDegree - outDegree) # Could use list comprehension in order to improve speed... newEdgeCount = 0 cost = 0 for successorItem, predecessorItem in iterproduct(successors.items(), predecessors.items()): successor, successorEdge = successorItem predecessor, predecessorEdge = predecessorItem if successor == predecessor: continue newEdgeCount += successor not in successorArr[predecessor] cost = max(lengthArr[successorEdge] + inPenalty, lengthArr[predecessorEdge] + outPenalty, lengthArr[successorEdge] + lengthArr[predecessorEdge], cost) # 2. Expansion bound if newEdgeCount > stopper: if vertexWeights: # the expansion can change within this bypassing round # => we do not delete the vertex vertexWeights[vertexIndex] = np.inf return else: return np.inf # 3. Cost bound if cost > costBound: if vertexWeights: # the vertex cost can only decrease within this round if the # triangle inequality is not satisfied. Though this is possile, # it will not happen often and reexamining the vertex again # would not be worth it => we delete the vertex vertexWeights[vertexIndex] = np.inf return else: return np.inf expansion = newEdgeCount / (outDegree + inDegree) + (not replaceEdges) if vertexWeights: vertexWeights[vertexIndex] = expansion * cost else: return expansion * cost def _bypass_vertex(self, vertexIndex, reachBound, expansionBound, degreeBound, vertexWeights, maxEdgeLength=None, counter=None): # note: if the vertex does not belong to any shortest path that is # not included in G' anymore, we can completely remove it from # the graph (i.e. replace edges instead of only adding ne ones) if counter: count = if count: self.prst(count) edges = self.edges vertices = self.vertices edgeArr = edges.array vertexArr = vertices.array successorArr = vertexArr["successors"] predecessorArr = vertexArr["predecessors"] tmp_successorArr = vertexArr["tmp_successors"] tmp_predecessorArr = vertexArr["tmp_predecessors"] inPenaltyArr = vertexArr["inPenalty_original"] outPenaltyArr = vertexArr["outPenalty"] successors = tmp_successorArr[vertexIndex] predecessors = tmp_predecessorArr[vertexIndex] lengthArr = edgeArr["length"] consideredArr = edgeArr["considered"] reachBoundArr = edgeArr["reachBound"] inspectionArr = edgeArr["inspection"] previousNeighbors = set(iterchain(successors.keys(), predecessors.keys())) vertexArr["unbounded"][vertexIndex] = False if vertexArr["significant"][vertexIndex]: replaceEdges = False else: replaceEdges = (len(predecessors) == len(predecessorArr[vertexIndex]) and len(successors) == len(successorArr[vertexIndex])) if not replaceEdges: inPenalty = inPenaltyArr[vertexIndex] outPenalty = outPenaltyArr[vertexIndex] changeIndex = edges.changeIndex for successorItem, predecessorItem in iterproduct(successors.items(), predecessors.items()): successor, successorEdge = successorItem predecessor, predecessorEdge = predecessorItem # introduce new edges if not successor == predecessor: newLength = lengthArr[successorEdge] + lengthArr[predecessorEdge] if newLength > maxEdgeLength: if vertexIndex in vertexWeights: print("vertexWeights[vertexIndex]", vertexWeights[vertexIndex]) else: print("vertex not in VertexWeights") print("Too long edge inserted", vertexArr[vertexIndex]["ID"], newLength, self._determine_vertex_weight(vertexIndex, reachBound=reachBound, expansionBound=expansionBound, degreeBound=degreeBound, maxEdgeLength=maxEdgeLength)) successorsOfPredecessor = successorArr[predecessor] if inspectionArr[successorEdge]: if inspectionArr[predecessorEdge]: newInspection = inspectionArr[successorEdge ].union(inspectionArr[ predecessorEdge]) else: newInspection = inspectionArr[successorEdge] elif inspectionArr[predecessorEdge]: newInspection = inspectionArr[predecessorEdge] else: newInspection = None if successor not in successorsOfPredecessor: newIndex = edges.add_by_keywords(fromIndex=predecessor, toIndex=successor, length=newLength, considered=True, originalEdge1=predecessorEdge, originalEdge2=successorEdge, inspection=newInspection) successorArr[predecessor][successor] = newIndex predecessorArr[successor][predecessor] = newIndex tmp_successorArr[predecessor][successor] = newIndex tmp_predecessorArr[successor][predecessor] = newIndex elif lengthArr[successorsOfPredecessor[successor]] > newLength: newIndex = successorsOfPredecessor[successor] edges.setitem_by_keywords(newIndex, fromIndex=predecessor, toIndex=successor, length=newLength, considered=True, originalEdge1=predecessorEdge, originalEdge2=successorEdge, inspection=newInspection) if successor not in tmp_successorArr[predecessor]: tmp_successorArr[predecessor][successor] = newIndex tmp_predecessorArr[successor][predecessor] = newIndex if not changeIndex == edges.changeIndex: edgeArr = edges.array inspectionArr = edgeArr["inspection"] lengthArr = edgeArr["length"] consideredArr = edgeArr["considered"] reachBoundArr = edgeArr["reachBound"] changeIndex = edges.changeIndex # delete old edges for items, neighborArr in ((successors.items(), tmp_predecessorArr), (predecessors.items(), tmp_successorArr)): for neighbor, edge in items: #neighborArr[neighbor].pop(vertexIndex, None) del neighborArr[neighbor][vertexIndex] consideredArr[edge] = False if replaceEdges: for neighbors, neighborArr in ((successors.keys(), predecessorArr), (predecessors.keys(), successorArr)): for neighbor in neighbors: #neighborArr[neighbor].pop(vertexIndex, None) del neighborArr[neighbor][vertexIndex] successorArr[vertexIndex].clear() predecessorArr[vertexIndex].clear() # this step is is not necessary, but good style # (setting the reach of deleted edges to 0) for neighborEdges in (successors.values(), predecessors.values()): reachBoundArr[list(neighborEdges)] = 0 else: for neighborItems, penalty, penaltyArr in ((successors.items(), inPenalty, inPenaltyArr), (predecessors.items(), outPenalty, outPenaltyArr)): for item in neighborItems: vertex, edge = item deletedPathLength = lengthArr[edge] + penalty # set reach of deleted edge reachBoundArr[edge] = deletedPathLength # update inpenalty of the neighbor if deletedPathLength > penaltyArr[vertex]: penaltyArr[vertex] = deletedPathLength successors.clear() predecessors.clear() any(map(partial(self._determine_vertex_weight, reachBound=reachBound, expansionBound=expansionBound, degreeBound=degreeBound, maxEdgeLength=maxEdgeLength, vertexWeights=vertexWeights), previousNeighbors)) def _convert_edge_reaches_to_vertex_reaches(self): edgeReachArr = self.edges.array["reachBound"] for vertex in self.vertices: if (not vertex["predecessors"] or not vertex["successors"]): vertex["reachBound"] = 0 continue predecessorEdgeReaches = edgeReachArr[ list(vertex["predecessors"].values()) ] successorEdgeReaches = edgeReachArr[ list(vertex["successors"].values()) ] predecessorList = list(vertex["predecessors"].keys()) successorList = list(vertex["successors"].keys()) predArgMax1 = np.argmax(predecessorEdgeReaches) predMax1 = predecessorEdgeReaches[predArgMax1] try: predArgMax1Succ = \ successorList.index(predecessorList[predArgMax1]) except ValueError: # if maximal predecessor is not successor vertex["reachBound"] = min(predMax1, np.max(successorEdgeReaches)) continue succArgMax2 = np.argmax(successorEdgeReaches) succMax2 = successorEdgeReaches[succArgMax2] try: succArgMax1Pred = \ predecessorList.index(successorList[succArgMax2]) except ValueError: # if maximal successor is not predecessor vertex["reachBound"] = min(succMax2, np.max(predecessorEdgeReaches)) continue try: succMax1 = max(reach for i, reach in enumerate(successorEdgeReaches) if not i == predArgMax1Succ) except ValueError: succMax1 = 0 try: predMax2 = max(reach for i, reach in enumerate(predecessorEdgeReaches) if not i == succArgMax1Pred) except ValueError: predMax2 = 0 vertex["reachBound"] = max(min(predMax1, succMax1), min(succMax2, predMax2)) def _sort_neighbors(self): self.prst("Sorting the neighbor dictionaries with respect to reach", "bounds") vertexArr = self.vertices.get_array() reachArr = self.vertices.array["reachBound"] counter = ParallelCounter(2*len(vertexArr), 0.01) def getOrderedDicts(neighbors): percentage = if percentage: self.prst(percentage, percent=True) keys = np.array(tuple(neighbors.keys()), dtype=int) values = np.array(tuple(neighbors.values()), dtype=int) order = np.argsort(reachArr[keys])[::-1] return FixedOrderedIntDict(keys[order], values[order], neighbors, copy=False, check=False) for name in "predecessors", "successors": if == 'posix': with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=CPU_COUNT) as pool: vertexArr[name] =, vertexArr[name]) else: vertexArr[name] = tuple(map(getOrderedDicts, vertexArr[name])) """ with Pool(CPU_COUNT) as pool: vertexArr[name] =, vertexArr[name]) """
[docs] def find_shortest_path(self, fromIndex, toIndex, getPath=False, initSize=2000): vertexArr = self.vertices.array reachArr = vertexArr["reachBound"] successorArr = vertexArr["successors"] predecessorArr = vertexArr["predecessors"] edgeArr = self.edges.array lengthArr = edgeArr["length"] forwardData = FlexibleArrayDict(initSize, dtype={"names":["cost", "parent", "edge"], "formats":[float, int, int]}) forwardData[fromIndex] = (0, -1, -1) forwardDataDict = forwardData.indexDict backwardData = FlexibleArrayDict(initSize, dtype={"names":["cost", "parent", "edge"], "formats":[float, int, int]}) backwardData[toIndex] = (0, -1, -1) backwardDataDict = backwardData.indexDict forwardQueue = intquickheapdict(((fromIndex, 0),), initSize) backwardQueue = intquickheapdict(((toIndex, 0),), initSize) forwardVertex, forwardCost = fromIndex, 0 backwardVertex, backwardCost = toIndex, 0 bestLength = np.inf while bestLength > forwardCost + backwardCost: if forwardCost <= backwardCost: thisQueue = forwardQueue oppositeQueue = backwardQueue thisVertex = forwardVertex thisCost = forwardCost oppositeCost = backwardCost neighborArr = successorArr thisDataDict = forwardDataDict thisData = forwardData oppositeDataDict = backwardDataDict oppositeData = backwardData else: thisQueue = backwardQueue oppositeQueue = forwardQueue thisVertex = backwardVertex thisCost = backwardCost oppositeCost = forwardCost neighborArr = predecessorArr thisDataDict = backwardDataDict thisData = backwardData oppositeDataDict = forwardDataDict oppositeData = forwardData # delete item from queue thisQueue.popitem() # prune, if necessary (This step is necessary, since # early pruning is weakened in order to allow for the fancy # termination criterion if not reachArr[thisVertex] < thisCost: # check whether the vertex has been labeled from the opposite # side reverseCost = oppositeQueue.get(thisVertex, -1.) if reverseCost >= 0: # if yes totalLength = thisCost + reverseCost # update best path if necessary if totalLength < bestLength: bestLength = totalLength bestPathMiddleEdge = oppositeData[thisVertex]["edge"] # set the vertex cost thisData[thisVertex]["cost"] = thisCost # process successors for neighbor, edge in neighborArr[thisVertex].items(): # early pruning reach = reachArr[neighbor] length = lengthArr[edge] newCost = thisCost + length if reach < oppositeCost: if reach < thisCost: break elif reach < newCost: continue # if not pruned neighborCost = thisQueue.get(neighbor, -1.) if neighborCost >= 0: # if neighbor is in the queue if neighborCost > newCost: neighborData = thisData[neighbor] neighborData["parent"] = thisVertex neighborData["edge"] = edge update = True else: update = False else: #check whether neighbor already scanned if not neighbor in thisDataDict: thisData[neighbor] = (np.nan, thisVertex, edge) update = True else: update = False if update: thisQueue[neighbor] = thisCost + length # check whether neighbor has been scanned from the # opposite direction and update the best path # if necessary oppositeIntIndex = oppositeDataDict.get(neighbor, -1.) if oppositeIntIndex >= 0: reverseCost = oppositeData.array["cost" ][oppositeIntIndex] if not np.isnan(reverseCost): totalLength = (thisCost + length + reverseCost) if totalLength < bestLength: bestLength = totalLength bestPathMiddleEdge = edge if bestLength > forwardCost + backwardCost: try: if forwardCost <= backwardCost: forwardVertex, forwardCost = thisQueue.peekitem() else: backwardVertex, backwardCost = thisQueue.peekitem() except IndexError: warnings.warn("Vertices {} and {} are disconnected.".format( self.vertices[fromIndex]["ID"], self.vertices[toIndex]["ID"])) break if getPath: fromIndexArr = edgeArr["fromIndex"] toIndexArr = edgeArr["toIndex"] originalEdgeArr = edgeArr[["originalEdge2", "originalEdge1"]] isShortcutArr = edgeArr["originalEdge1"] >= 0 def expandEdge(edgeIndex): result = [] stack = [edgeIndex] while stack: edge = stack.pop() if isShortcutArr[edge]: stack.extend(originalEdgeArr[edge]) else: result.append(edge) return result pathEdgeIndices = deque(expandEdge(bestPathMiddleEdge)) while not fromIndexArr[pathEdgeIndices[0]] == fromIndex: pathEdgeIndices.extendleft(expandEdge(forwardData[fromIndexArr[ pathEdgeIndices[0]]]["edge"])[::-1]) while not toIndexArr[pathEdgeIndices[-1]] == toIndex: pathEdgeIndices.extend(expandEdge(backwardData[toIndexArr[ pathEdgeIndices[-1]]]["edge"])) return bestLength, edgeArr[list(pathEdgeIndices)] return bestLength
[docs] def find_shortest_distance_array(self, fromIndices, toIndices): self.prst("Computing shortest distance array") self.increase_print_level() sinkNumber = len(toIndices) sourceNumber = len(fromIndices) dists = np.empty((sourceNumber, sinkNumber)) sourceSinkCombinations = np.array(list(iterproduct(fromIndices, toIndices))) combinationNumber = sourceSinkCombinations.shape[0] chunk_number = 5 min_chunk_size = 1 cpu_count = max(min(CPU_COUNT, len(sourceSinkCombinations) // 10), 1) chunksize = max(min_chunk_size, len(sourceSinkCombinations)// (cpu_count*chunk_number)) const_args = (self.vertices.array, self.edges.array) printCounter = Counter(combinationNumber, 0.01) with ProcessPoolExecutor_ext(cpu_count, const_args) as pool: mapObj = find_shortest_distance, sourceSinkCombinations[:,0], sourceSinkCombinations[:,1], chunksize=chunksize ) for i, distance in enumerate(mapObj): percentage = if percentage is not None: self.prst(percentage, percent=True) dists[i // sinkNumber, i % sinkNumber] = distance self.decrease_print_level() return dists
[docs] def find_alternative_paths(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("The function `find_alternative_paths` has been renamed" "to `find_locally_optimal_paths.`", DeprecationWarning) return self.find_locally_optimal_paths(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def find_locally_optimal_paths(self, fromIndices, toIndices, shortestDistances=None, stretchConstant=1.5, # beta localOptimalityConstant=.2, # alpha acceptionFactor=0.9, rejectionFactor=1.1, testing=False ): self.prst("Finding alternative paths (parallelly)") self.increase_print_level() self.prst("Stretch Constant:", stretchConstant) self.prst("local Optimality Constant:", localOptimalityConstant) self.prst("acception factor:", acceptionFactor) self.prst("rejection factor:", rejectionFactor) self.prst("|O|, |D| = ", len(fromIndices), len(toIndices)) if testing: self.prst("Testing:", testing) if hasattr(testing, "__contains__"): testing_args = testing else: testing_args = {} testResults = {"time":{}, "result":{}} startTime = startTimeTot = time.time() # compute shortest distances @@@ if shortestDistances is None: dists = self.find_shortest_distance_array(fromIndices, toIndices) # treat disconnected sources and sinks well sourcesConsidered = np.min(dists, 1) < np.inf sinksConsidered = np.min(dists, 0) < np.inf dists = dists[sourcesConsidered][:,sinksConsidered] fromIndices = fromIndices[sourcesConsidered] toIndices = toIndices[sinksConsidered] if (dists == np.inf).any(): warnings.warn("Some sources and sinks are disconnected though " + "no source is separated from all sinks and " + "vice versa. That is, the graph has separate " + "subgraphs.") else: dists = shortestDistances endTime = time.time() testResults["time"]["shortest path"] = endTime-startTime self.prst("Searching shortest paths took {} seconds.".format(round(endTime-startTime, 2))) startTime = endTime max_source_dists = np.max(dists, 1) max_sink_dists = np.max(dists, 0) min_source_dists = np.min(dists, 1) min_sink_dists = np.min(dists, 0) sourceNumber = len(fromIndices) sinkNumber = len(toIndices) startIndices = np.concatenate((fromIndices, toIndices)) manager = Manager() closestSourceQueue = manager.Queue() cpu_count = min(CPU_COUNT, max(sinkNumber//10, 1)) const_args = [self.vertices.array, self.edges.array["length"], self.edges.array["inspection"].astype(bool), stretchConstant, localOptimalityConstant, closestSourceQueue] taskLength = len(startIndices) self.prst("Labelling vertices.") self.increase_print_level() printCounter = Counter(taskLength, 0.005) labelData = [] closestSourceDists = np.full(self.vertices.size, np.inf) edgesVisitedSources = defaultdict(set) edgesVisitedSinks = defaultdict(set) # task must be split to have the correct lower distence bounds with ProcessPoolExecutor_ext(cpu_count, const_args) as pool: mapObj =, fromIndices, Repeater(True), min_source_dists, max_source_dists, Repeater("tree_bound" in testing_args), Repeater("pruning_bound" in testing_args), chunksize=1) decreaseThread = threading.Thread( target=FlowPointGraph._decrease_closest_source_distance, args=(closestSourceQueue, closestSourceDists) ) decreaseThread.start() for i, item in enumerate(mapObj): percentageDone = if percentageDone: self.prst(percentageDone, percent=True) tree, edgesVisited = item for s in edgesVisited: edgesVisitedSources[s].add(i) labelData.append(tree) closestSourceQueue.put(None) decreaseThread.join() self.prst("Processed sources. Now processing the sinks.") const_args[-1] = closestSourceDists with ProcessPoolExecutor_ext(cpu_count, const_args) as pool: mapObj =, toIndices, Repeater(False), min_sink_dists, max_sink_dists, Repeater("tree_bound" in testing_args), Repeater("pruning_bound" in testing_args), Repeater("pruning_bound_extended" in testing_args), chunksize=5) for i, item in enumerate(mapObj): percentageDone = if percentageDone: self.prst(percentageDone, percent=True) tree, edgesVisited = item for s in edgesVisited: if s in edgesVisitedSources: edgesVisitedSinks[s].add(i) labelData.append(tree) self.prst("Vertex labelling done.") endTime = time.time() testResults["time"]["labelling"] = endTime-startTime self.prst("Labelling took {} seconds.".format(round(endTime-startTime, 2))) startTime = endTime self.decrease_print_level() consideredEdges = np.array(tuple(edgesVisitedSinks.keys())) if "reject_identical" in testing_args or "find_plateaus" in testing_args: plateauPeakEdges = np.array(list(set(consideredEdges).intersection( edgesVisitedSources.keys()))) else: plateauPeakEdges = self._find_plateau_peaks(consideredEdges, edgesVisitedSources, edgesVisitedSinks) endTime = time.time() testResults["result"]["number plateau peaks"] = len(plateauPeakEdges) testResults["result"]["number labelled edges"] = len(consideredEdges) testResults["time"]["plateau peaks"] = endTime-startTime self.prst("Identifying plateau peaks took {} seconds.".format(round(endTime-startTime, 2))) startTime = endTime lengths = self.edges.array["length"][plateauPeakEdges] #print("Mean length", np.mean(lengths)) #print("50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, 90th, 95th percentile", np.percentile(lengths, [50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95])) self.prst("Noting the distances from the significant edges", "to all sources and sinks") self.increase_print_level() findPairProduct = lambda i: len(edgesVisitedSources[i])*len(edgesVisitedSinks[i]) order = np.argsort(tuple(map(findPairProduct, plateauPeakEdges))) plateauPeakEdges = plateauPeakEdges[order[::-1]] taskLength = len(plateauPeakEdges) const_args = [labelData] sourceDistances = np.empty((taskLength, sourceNumber)) sinkDistances = np.empty((taskLength, sinkNumber)) printCounter = Counter(taskLength, 0.005) # we only need to consider the toIndex of the edges, # because the outer vertex might have been pruned in the # backwards labelling process and there the outer vertex is the # fromVertex with ProcessPoolExecutor_ext(None, const_args) as pool: mapObj =, [edgesVisitedSources[e] for e in plateauPeakEdges], [edgesVisitedSinks[e] for e in plateauPeakEdges], self.edges.array["toIndex"][plateauPeakEdges], repeat(sourceNumber), repeat(sinkNumber), tasklength=taskLength) for i, distanceTuple in enumerate(mapObj): percentageDone = if percentageDone: self.prst(percentageDone, percent=True) sourceDistances[i] = distanceTuple[0] sinkDistances[i] = distanceTuple[1] endTime = time.time() testResults["time"]["source sink distance preparation"] = endTime-startTime self.prst("Noting distances to sources and sinks took {} seconds.".format(round(endTime-startTime, 2))) startTime = endTime self.decrease_print_level() self.prst("Determining unique candidates per plateau.") self.increase_print_level() taskLength = sourceNumber*sinkNumber printCounter = Counter(taskLength, 0.005) const_args = (dists, sourceDistances, sinkDistances, stretchConstant, self.edges.array["toIndex"][plateauPeakEdges]) dtype = [("source", np.int_), ("sink", np.int_), ("distance", float)] pairData = defaultdict(lambda: FlexibleArray(500, dtype=dtype)) pairVertexCount = 0 with ProcessPoolExecutor_ext(None, const_args) as pool: mapObj =, iterproduct(range(sourceNumber), range(sinkNumber)), repeat("reject_identical" not in testing_args), tasklength=taskLength) for pair, res in zip(iterproduct(range(sourceNumber), range(sinkNumber)), mapObj): pairViaVertices, lengths = res percentageDone = if percentageDone: self.prst(percentageDone, percent=True) for v, l in zip(pairViaVertices, lengths): pairData[v].add_tuple((*pair, l)) pairVertexCount += len(pairViaVertices) self.prst("{} via candidates are left. ({} vertices per pair)".format( len(pairData), pairVertexCount/sourceNumber/sinkNumber)) self.decrease_print_level() endTime = time.time() testResults["time"]["length and uniqueness"] = endTime-startTime testResults["result"]["number unique candidates"] = len(pairData) testResults["result"]["number unique candidates pair"] = pairVertexCount self.prst("Determining unique candidates per plateau took {} seconds.".format(round(endTime-startTime, 2))) startTime = endTime self.prst("Checking the admissibility of the candidate vertices.") taskLength = len(pairData) self.increase_print_level() printCounter = Counter(taskLength, 0.005) chunksize = 40 if taskLength > 100: cpu_count = None else: cpu_count = 1 # We cannot use only the vertices, because if a vertex appears once # with sources 1, 2, 3 and sinks A, B and once with 2, B, C, then # merging sinks and sources would leave us with 1, 2, 3 times A, B, C. # This could become a very disadvantageous increase in combinations. # Furthermore, we only want to consider sources and sinks that reach # the vertex from different directions. # Therefore, we can merge the vertices only, if we find a smart way # to keep the number of considered pairs small. countVia = 0 #debug only countNotLO = 0 #debug only disorder = np.arange(taskLength, dtype=int) np.random.shuffle(disorder) viaVertices = np.zeros((sourceNumber, sinkNumber), dtype=object) if testing: pathLengths = [] else: pathLengths = np.zeros((sourceNumber, sinkNumber), dtype=object) viaVertexCount = np.zeros((sourceNumber, sinkNumber), dtype=int) inspectedRoutes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) inspectionArr = self.edges.array["inspection"] stationCombinations = defaultdict(list) viaCandidates = np.array(list(pairData.keys())) viaData = np.array([arr.get_array() for arr in pairData.values()]) const_args = [self.vertices.array, self.edges.array, dists, labelData, viaData, localOptimalityConstant, acceptionFactor, rejectionFactor] testing_no_joint_reject = "joint_reject" in testing_args testing_no_length_lookups = "reuse_queries" in testing_args with ProcessPoolExecutor_ext(cpu_count, const_args) as pool: mapObj =, viaCandidates[disorder], disorder, repeat(testing_no_joint_reject), repeat(testing_no_length_lookups), tasklength=taskLength, chunksize=chunksize) for num in mapObj: viaIndex, sourceIndices, sinkIndices, pathLengthsTmp, \ res, notLO = num percentageDone = if percentageDone: self.prst(percentageDone, percent=True) countVia += res countNotLO += notLO viaVertexCount[sourceIndices, sinkIndices] += 1 if testing: pathLengths.extend(pathLengthsTmp) continue sourceInspections = {source: FlowPointGraph._find_inspection_spots( viaIndex, #labelData[source][viaIndex]["parent"], labelData[source], inspectionArr) for source in np.unique(sourceIndices)} sinkInspections = {sink:FlowPointGraph._find_inspection_spots( viaIndex, labelData[sink+sourceNumber], inspectionArr) for sink in np.unique(sinkIndices)} for sourceIndex, sinkIndex, pathLength in zip(sourceIndices, sinkIndices, pathLengthsTmp): if not pathLengths[sourceIndex, sinkIndex]: viaVertices[sourceIndex, sinkIndex] = [viaIndex] pathLengths[sourceIndex, sinkIndex] = [pathLength] pathIndex = 0 else: pathIndex = len(pathLengths[sourceIndex, sinkIndex]) viaVertices[sourceIndex, sinkIndex].append(viaIndex) pathLengths[sourceIndex, sinkIndex].append(pathLength) stations = sourceInspections[sourceIndex].union( sinkInspections[sinkIndex]) for inspectionIndex in stations: inspectedRoutes[inspectionIndex][ (sourceIndex, sinkIndex)].append(pathIndex) stationCombinations[frozenset(stations)].append( (sourceIndex, sinkIndex, pathIndex) ) self.decrease_print_level() startTime = endTime endTime = time.time() self.prst("Checking the admissibility of the candidate vertices took {} seconds.".format(round(endTime-startTime, 2))) self.prst("In total, {} seconds elapsed.".format(round(endTime-startTimeTot, 2))) if testing: testResults["result"]["mean paths"] = np.mean(viaVertexCount) testResults["result"]["median paths"] = np.median(viaVertexCount) for thrsh in range(1, 31): testResults["result"]["> {} paths".format(thrsh)] = np.mean(viaVertexCount > thrsh) testResults["result"]["pct 0.01"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 1) testResults["result"]["pct 0.02"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 2) testResults["result"]["pct 0.03"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 3) testResults["result"]["pct 0.04"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 4) testResults["result"]["pct 0.05"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 5) testResults["result"]["pct 0.10"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 10) testResults["result"]["pct 0.30"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 30) testResults["result"]["pct 0.70"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 70) testResults["result"]["pct 0.90"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 90) testResults["result"]["pct 0.95"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 95) testResults["result"]["pct 0.96"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 96) testResults["result"]["pct 0.97"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 97) testResults["result"]["pct 0.98"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 98) testResults["result"]["pct 0.99"] = np.percentile(viaVertexCount, 99) testResults["result"]["mean shortest dists"] = np.mean(dists) testResults["result"]["median shortest dists"] = np.median(dists) testResults["result"]["mean dists"] = np.mean(pathLengths) testResults["result"]["median dists"] = np.median(pathLengths) testResults["time"]["admissibility"] = endTime-startTime testResults["time"]["total"] = endTime-startTimeTot testResults["time"]["path"] = testResults["time"]["total"] / testResults["result"]["mean paths"] testResults["time"]["slowdown"] = testResults["time"]["total"] / testResults["time"]["shortest path"] self.decrease_print_level() return testResults # because we excluded some via edges, it can theoretically happen that # some pairs have no via vertex at all. This should not be the case - # at least the shortest path should always be included. Therefore, we # have to consider this case separately, if necessary. if not pathLengths.all(): dSources, dSinks = np.nonzero(~pathLengths.astype(bool)) warnings.warn("Not all pairs are connected. " + str(len(dSources))) for so, si in zip(dSources, dSinks): print("Disconnected:", so, self.sourceIndexToSourceID[so], si, self.sinkIndexToSinkID[si], dists[so, si]) """ self.prst("Adding additional via vertex for not yet connected", "pairs.") raise NotImplementedError("Finding the inspection paths on a " + "shortest route has not been implemented", + " yet because it seemed not to be " + " necessary. Obviously this is wrong..." ) for source, sink in zip(np.nonzero(~pathLengths.astype(bool))): pathLengths[source, sink] = [dists[source, sink]] # TODO # here I have to implement an inspection spot finder for the # shortest path """ #pathLengths[0,0]=0 pathLengths = csr_matrix_nd(pathLengths) self.prst(countVia/(sourceNumber*sinkNumber), "via vertices per pair") self.prst(countNotLO/(sourceNumber*sinkNumber), "via vertices per pair were pruned because they were not locally optimal") minCount = np.min(viaVertexCount) maxCount = np.max(viaVertexCount) #bins=maxCount-minCount #if bins: # print(np.histogram(viaVertexCount, bins=bins)) """ def getVertexByID(ID, subset=None): if subset is None: return np.nonzero(self.vertices.array["ID"]==ID)[0][0] return np.nonzero(self.vertices.array["ID"][subset]==ID)[0][0] """ self.decrease_print_level() self.prst("done.") #print(inspectedRoutes) # pathLengths is a 3D array that contains for each source-sink pair a # list (as a sparse matrix) of the lengths of all paths that go from # the source to the sink # # inspectedRoutes is a dict that contains for each inspection station # (key) another dict with key source-sink pair and as value a list of # the indices of all paths that go through the inspection spot from the # source to the sink. The paths's index refers to its index in # pathLengths. That is, the lengths of the paths going from i to j # through spot s are given by # [pathLengths[i, j, p] for p in inspectedRoutes[s][i, j]] # # stationCombinations is a dictionary that contains frozen sets of # inspection stations as key and the flows that go exactly via these # sets of inspection stations as values - in form of a list of tuples # (sourceIndex, sinkIndex, flowIndex) (see above) inspectedRoutes = dict(inspectedRoutes) for key, value in inspectedRoutes.items(): inspectedRoutes[key] = dict(value) return pathLengths, inspectedRoutes, dict(stationCombinations)
@staticmethod def _decrease_closest_source_distance(queue, closestSourceDists): while True: data = queue.get() if data is not None: for vertexIndex, dist in data: if closestSourceDists[vertexIndex] > dist: closestSourceDists[vertexIndex] = dist else: return closestSourceDists @staticmethod def _grow_bounded_tree(vertexArr, lengthArr, inspectionArr, stretchConstant, localOptimalityConstant, closestSourceDistCommunicator, #treeIndex, startIndex, forward, shortestShortestDist, longestShortestDist, naiveBound=False, naivePruning=False, noBackwardPruning=False, ): edgesVisited = set() #tolerance = 1e-11 rTol = 1+1e-7 chunk = [] chunksize = 1000 if forward: closestSourceQueue = closestSourceDistCommunicator else: closestSourceDists = closestSourceDistCommunicator initSize = 25000 reachArr = vertexArr["reachBound"] if forward: neighborArr = vertexArr["successors"] else: neighborArr = vertexArr["predecessors"] queue = intquickheapdict(((startIndex, 0),), initSize=initSize) dataDtype = {"names":["parent", "edge", "cost", "parent_inspection"], "formats":["int", "int", "double", "int"]} data = FlexibleArrayDict(initSize, dtype=dataDtype) data[startIndex] = (-1, -1, 0, -1) if naiveBound: bound = longestShortestDist * stretchConstant else: bound = (longestShortestDist * stretchConstant * max(1-localOptimalityConstant, 0.5)) while queue: thisVertex, thisCost = queue.popitem() if naivePruning: # for testing only pruned = (reachArr[thisVertex]*rTol < localOptimalityConstant/2 * thisCost) else: pruned = (reachArr[thisVertex]*rTol < min(thisCost, localOptimalityConstant/2 * max(thisCost, shortestShortestDist))) # set the vertex information # However, we need only one overlapping vertex from the vertex # perspective. From the edge perspective we do need one overlapping # edge, too, but not both its end points. # therefore, we can save memory here by deleting the unnecessary # end point. edge = data[thisVertex]["edge"] if edge >= 0: edgesVisited.add(edge) """ # uncomment this, if some vertices are not allowed to be # via vertices parent, edge, _, _ = data[thisVertex] if forward: if edge >= 0 and potentialViaVertexArr[thisVertex]: edgesVisited[edge] = True else: if edge >= 0 and potentialViaVertexArr[parent]: edgesVisited[edge] = True #vertexDists[thisVertex, treeIndex] = thisCost """ if not forward and pruned: del data[thisVertex] continue else: data[thisVertex]["cost"] = thisCost if forward: chunk.append((thisVertex, thisCost)) if len(chunk) > chunksize: closestSourceQueue.put(chunk) chunk = [] # prune, if necessary if pruned: continue if inspectionArr[edge] and edge >= 0: inspection = thisVertex else: inspection = data[thisVertex]["parent_inspection"] # the edge to this vertex must be considered (unless pruned) # even if the vertex is farther away than the bound. However, # it does not need to be expanded. if thisCost > bound: """ if DEBUG2: print("thisCost > bound") """ continue # process successors for neighbor, edge in neighborArr[thisVertex].items(): #print("neighbor") newCost = thisCost + lengthArr[edge] # early pruning only from one side so that # paths are always closed. # Furthermore, there are no # lower distance bounds in forward direction if not forward: if naivePruning or noBackwardPruning: pruned = False else: pruned = (reachArr[neighbor]*rTol < min(newCost, localOptimalityConstant/2 * max(newCost, shortestShortestDist), closestSourceDists[neighbor])) if pruned: #if reach < thisCost: # break # ! This must be deleted, because the neighbors have different distances to the sources. #elif reach < newCost: """ if DEBUG2: print("reach < newCost and reach < closestSourceDists[neighbor]", vertexArr[neighbor]["ID"]) """ continue # if not pruned neighborCost = queue.get(neighbor, -1.) if neighborCost >= 0: # if neighbor is in the queue update = neighborCost > newCost*rTol else: #check whether neighbor already scanned update = neighbor not in data """ if DEBUG2: print("Update", vertexArr[neighbor]["ID"], update, neighborCost, newCost + tolerance, neighborCost-(newCost + tolerance)) """ # reach < thisCost is the weakened early pruning #????? if update: # and reach >= thisCost: ???? data[neighbor] = (thisVertex, edge, np.inf, inspection) queue[neighbor] = newCost if forward: closestSourceQueue.put(chunk) data.cut() return data, edgesVisited """ j = 0 for i in range(10000000000): j = i print("done2") return 0, 0 #""" @staticmethod def _find_edge_superneighbours(edgeVisitedSources, edgeVisitedSinks, edgeIndex, predecessorEdges, successorEdges): """ If we disregard empty sets, we know that each edge has at most one superset or subset for each predecessor or successor. Here we determine the respective neighbour edges. If there is a superset neighbour, we know that the respective edge is no plateau peak. Hence, _find_edge_superneighbours returns None. Otherwise, _find_edge_superneighbours returns the indices of the edges (predecessor, successor) that have the same set of sources and sinks. If there is no such predecessor or successore, the entry is None respectively. For example, direct plateau peaks have only strict subsets and will return (None, None). """ sources, sinks = edgeVisitedSources[edgeIndex], edgeVisitedSinks[edgeIndex] for neighborEdgeIndex in predecessorEdges.values(): # recall that each edge in edgeVisitedSinks is also in # edgeVisitedSources by construction if neighborEdgeIndex not in edgeVisitedSources: continue neighborSources = edgeVisitedSources[neighborEdgeIndex] neighborSinks = edgeVisitedSinks[neighborEdgeIndex] if sources.issubset(neighborSources) and sinks.issubset(neighborSinks): if neighborSources == sources and neighborSinks == sinks: predecessor = neighborEdgeIndex break else: return None else: predecessor = None for neighborEdgeIndex in successorEdges.values(): # recall that each edge in edgeVisitedSinks is also in # edgeVisitedSources by construction if neighborEdgeIndex not in edgeVisitedSources: continue neighborSources = edgeVisitedSources[neighborEdgeIndex] neighborSinks = edgeVisitedSinks[neighborEdgeIndex] if sources.issubset(neighborSources) and sinks.issubset(neighborSinks): if neighborSources == sources and neighborSinks == sinks: successor = neighborEdgeIndex break else: return None else: successor = None return predecessor, successor def _find_plateau_peaks(self, candidateEdges, edgesVisitedSources, edgesVisitedSinks): successorArr = self.vertices.array["successors"] predecessorArr = self.vertices.array["predecessors"] vertexFromIndices = self.edges.array["fromIndex"] vertexToIndices = self.edges.array["toIndex"] plateauPeaks = [] unprocessedCandidates = {} self.prst("Searching for plateau peak edges. ({} candidates)".format( len(candidateEdges))) self.increase_print_level() taskLength = len(edgesVisitedSinks) const_args = (edgesVisitedSources, edgesVisitedSinks) printCounter = Counter(len(candidateEdges), 0.01) with ProcessPoolExecutor_ext(None, const_args) as pool: mapObj =, candidateEdges, predecessorArr[vertexFromIndices[candidateEdges]], successorArr[vertexToIndices[candidateEdges]], tasklength=taskLength) for edgeIndex, neighborTuple in zip(candidateEdges, mapObj): percentageDone = if percentageDone: self.prst(percentageDone, percent=True) if neighborTuple is None: # this edge has a superset neighbour continue elif neighborTuple == (None, None): # this edge is known to be a plateau peak plateauPeaks.append(edgeIndex) else: unprocessedCandidates[edgeIndex] = neighborTuple self.prst("Traversing the graph.") noNeighbour = (False, False) while unprocessedCandidates: edgeIndex, neighborTuple = unprocessedCandidates.popitem() predecessorIndex, successorIndex = neighborTuple # traverse predecessors and successors of plateaus # until either no superset is found (index is None) or there is an # index that has already been discarded because it is known to be # no plateau peak (then the entry is missing). while predecessorIndex or (predecessorIndex is not None and predecessorIndex is not False): predecessorIndex = unprocessedCandidates.pop(predecessorIndex, noNeighbour)[0] if predecessorIndex is not None: continue while successorIndex or (successorIndex is not None and successorIndex is not False): successorIndex = unprocessedCandidates.pop(successorIndex, noNeighbour)[1] if successorIndex is None: plateauPeaks.append(edgeIndex) self.decrease_print_level() self.prst("Found", len(plateauPeaks) ,"plateau peak edges.") return np.array(plateauPeaks) """ @staticmethod def _get_edge_source_sink_distances(fbLabelData, edgesVisitedArray, vertexIndex): return [(labelData[vertexIndex]["cost"] if visited else np.nan) for labelData, visited in zip(fbLabelData, edgesVisitedArray)] """ @staticmethod def _get_edge_source_sink_distances(fbLabelData, edgeVisitedSources, edgeVisitedSinks, vertexIndex, sourceNo, sinkNo): resultSources = np.full(sourceNo, np.nan) resultSinks = np.full(sinkNo, np.nan) for s in edgeVisitedSources: resultSources[s] = fbLabelData[s][vertexIndex]["cost"] for s in edgeVisitedSinks: resultSinks[s] = fbLabelData[s+sourceNo][vertexIndex]["cost"] return resultSources, resultSinks @staticmethod def _get_vertex_source_sink_distances(fbLabelData, vertexIndex): return [(labelData.array[labelData.indexDict[vertexIndex]]["cost"] if vertexIndex in labelData.indexDict else np.nan) for labelData in fbLabelData] @staticmethod def _find_vertexCandidates(shortestDistances, sourceDistances, sinkDistances, stretchConstant, candidates, pair, unique=True): roundNo = 8 sourceIndex, sinkIndex = pair viaDistances = sourceDistances[:,sourceIndex]+sinkDistances[:,sinkIndex] with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): viaDistanceIndices = np.nonzero(viaDistances <= shortestDistances[sourceIndex, sinkIndex]*stretchConstant)[0] lengths = viaDistances[viaDistanceIndices] # only for testing purposes we may want to return the same path multiple # times if not unique: return candidates[viaDistanceIndices], lengths lengths, candidateIndices = unique_tol( round_rel(lengths, roundNo), round_rel(lengths, roundNo, True), lengths ) return candidates[viaDistanceIndices[candidateIndices]], lengths @staticmethod def _find_admissible_via_vertices( vertexArr, edgeArr, shortestDistances, labelData, viaData, localOptimalityConstant, acceptionFactor, rejectionFactor, vertexIndex, viaIndex, testing_no_joint_reject=False, testing_no_length_lookups=False): """ vertexArr Structured Array with the vertex information. Indexed by vertexIndex edgeArr Structured Array with the edge information. Indexed by edgeIndex shortestDistances 2D double Array; has at [i,j] the distance from source i to sink j i,j: are the index of the source/sink in their respective lists and NOT the vertexIndices of the respective vertices! labelData list of FlexibleArrayDicts with fields ["parent", "edge", "cost"]; has at [i][j] the distance of vertex j to source/sink i i: number of the via vertex, NOT its vertex index j: index of the source/sink in the source/sink list. NOT the vertex index! If j is a sink, then the index in the sink list is given by j-SourceNumber localOptimalityConstant search parameter acceptionFactor, rejectionFactor determie the precision of the results. Paths with local optimality above localOptimalityConstant*acceptFactor might be accepted. Local optimal paths with local optimality below localOptimalityConstant*rejectFactor might be rejected. Perfect results are obtained with the values being (1, 1) A 2-approximation can be obtained with the values (2/3, 4/3) candidateIndex number of the via vertex (NOT its vertex index) that is to be checked for admissibility w.r.t. all source/sink pairs vertexIndex vertex index of the vertex that is to be checked for admissibility w.r.t. all source/sink pairs """ rTol = 1e-6 rTolFact = 1+rTol #========= Performing T-Tests ========================================== # save the pair data in a convenient way pairList = viaData[viaIndex] sourceNumber, sinkNumber = shortestDistances.shape # get the original indices of the sources and sinks consideredSourceIndices = np.unique(pairList["source"]) # for the sinks we add the sourceNumber, so that we reach the correct # entry in the labelData consideredSinkIndices_plain = np.unique(pairList["sink"]) consideredSinkIndices = consideredSinkIndices_plain + sourceNumber consideredSources = np.arange(consideredSourceIndices.size) consideredSinks = np.arange(consideredSinkIndices.size) sourceIndexToSource = np.zeros(sourceNumber, dtype=int) sourceIndexToSource[consideredSourceIndices] = consideredSources sinkIndexToSink = np.zeros(sinkNumber, dtype=int) sinkIndexToSink[consideredSinkIndices_plain] = consideredSinks shortestDistances = shortestDistances[consideredSourceIndices][:,consideredSinkIndices_plain] # replace source and sink indices in pairList with internal indices pairList["source"] = sourceIndexToSource[pairList["source"]] pairList["sink"] = sinkIndexToSink[pairList["sink"]] # distances[i,j] contains the distance of the via path from source i # to sink j distances =, consideredSinks.size)), mask=True) distances[pairList["source"], pairList["sink"]] = pairList["distance"] if np.isnan(pairList["distance"]).any(): print("ISNAN0", pairList["distance"], pairList) admissiblePairs = ~distances.mask sourcePairIndices, sinkPairIndices = np.meshgrid( np.arange(distances.shape[0]), np.arange(distances.shape[1]), indexing='ij' ) pairList.sort(order="distance") vertexVisitedFromSource = FlexibleArrayDict((1000, distances.shape[0]), dtype=bool) vertexVisitedFromSink = FlexibleArrayDict((1000, distances.shape[1]), dtype=bool) # note for each sink the maximal distance of a pair involving it maxPairDistSinks = np.max(distances, 0) maxPairDistSinks = maxPairDistSinks[~maxPairDistSinks.mask] # do the same for each source maxPairDistSources = np.max(distances, 1) maxPairDistSources = maxPairDistSources[~maxPairDistSources.mask] reverseSourceLabelData = {} # for each source and sink, mark all vertices visited on the way to # the respective end point as visited for endPoints, endPointIndices, maxPairDist, visitedArr, rSLD in ( (consideredSources, consideredSourceIndices, maxPairDistSources, vertexVisitedFromSource, reverseSourceLabelData), (consideredSinks, consideredSinkIndices, maxPairDistSinks, vertexVisitedFromSink, None), ): #visitedArr[vertexIndex] = False for endPoint, maxDist in zip(endPoints, maxPairDist): thisLabelData = labelData[endPointIndices[endPoint]] maxDist = localOptimalityConstant * maxDist thisVertex = vertexIndex parent, _, cost, _ = thisLabelData[thisVertex] stopCost = cost - maxDist #visitedArr[thisVertex][endPoint] = True if rSLD is not None: reverseData = {} rSLD[endPoint] = reverseData while cost >= stopCost and thisVertex >= 0: parent, _, cost, _ = thisLabelData[thisVertex] if thisVertex not in visitedArr: visitedArr[thisVertex] = False visitedArr[thisVertex][endPoint] = True if rSLD is not None and parent >= 0: reverseData[parent] = (thisVertex, cost) thisVertex = parent sourcePointers = defaultdict(lambda: vertexIndex) # Dict that contains all the pairs for which we have confirmed that # the subpath between them is locally optimal # Key: test vertex on the sink branch # Value: set(tuple(test partner on source branch, # its predecessor (w.r.t. v))) successfullyTested = defaultdict(lambda: set()) resultSourceIndices = [] resultSinkIndices = [] resultLengths = [] # now check all pairs for their admissibility sourceSinkIndex = -1 sourceList = pairList["source"] sinkList = pairList["sink"] while True: # if we have already found out that we do not have to consider the # pair (anymore), continue sourceSinkIndex = find_next_nonzero2d(admissiblePairs, sourceList, sinkList, sourceSinkIndex+1) if sourceSinkIndex is None: break source, sink, dist = pairList[sourceSinkIndex] sourceLabelData = labelData[consideredSourceIndices[source]] sinkLabelData = labelData[consideredSinkIndices[sink]] thisReverseSourceLabelData = reverseSourceLabelData[source] # T is the local optimal length T = localOptimalityConstant * dist extT = rejectionFactor * T # baseCostSink is the cost of the via vertex from the sink parent, _, baseCostSink, _ = sinkLabelData[vertexIndex] _, _, baseCostSource, _ = sourceLabelData[vertexIndex] # if the via vertex is an end vertex of the total path, # it is locally optimal, if the via cost is equal the shortest cost # (note that the via vertex is just the end point of the actual NO A via edge must be scanned from both direction. Hence, only the shortest path will be used. # via edge - therefore, the via cost can be higher than the actual # cost to the end point) or not locally optimal (because we are # guaranteed that pruning does not lead to wrong results for # sufficiently locally optimal paths. However, we obtained that the # end vertex will be reached with too high cost, which is a wring # result. Therefore, the via path cannot be locally optimal. # We only have to compare the costs if baseCostSink <= rTol or baseCostSource <= rTol: #if np.isclose(dist, shortestDistances[source, sink], rTol): resultSourceIndices.append(source) resultSinkIndices.append(sink) resultLengths.append(dist) continue # go to the x_T vertex (farthest vertex within the test range) # (this could be sped up, if necessary) thisSourceVertex = sourcePointers[source] sourceParent, _, sourceCost, _ = sourceLabelData[thisSourceVertex] sourceParentTmp, _, sourceCostParent, _ = sourceLabelData[ sourceParent] stopCost = baseCostSource - T # note: I want to know the farthest vertex in T-Range and then # use its parent for the test while sourceCostParent >= stopCost and sourceParentTmp >= 0: thisSourceVertex = sourceParent sourceParent = sourceParentTmp sourceCost = sourceCostParent sourceParentTmp, _, sourceCostParent, _ = sourceLabelData[ sourceParent] # Note the source branch end of the considered subpath sourceSubpathBound = sourceParent sinkSubpathBound = -1 # Due to our skewed graph we have some very long edges. We do not # want them to interfere with the local optimality checks. if sourceCost - sourceCostParent >= 2*T: sourceParent = thisSourceVertex #thisSourceVertex = thisSourceChield sourceCostParent = sourceCost # update the source pointer sourcePointers[source] = thisSourceVertex # Do the T-Tests sinkCost = baseCostSink started = True # necessary in case the first check vertex is a # direct neighbor of the via vertex thisSinkVertex = vertexIndex sinkParent, _, sinkCost, _ = sinkLabelData[thisSinkVertex] while sourceCostParent < baseCostSource and sinkSubpathBound < 0: # find the partner vertex on the sink branch sinkCostOld = sinkCost # Possible optimization: if stopCost <= 0, we could set the # sinkParent to the sink right away and save some interations. # we do not have to go further than T away from the via # vertex stopCost = max(baseCostSink + baseCostSource - sourceCost - extT, baseCostSink - T) # needed because we can use previous results only if the # distance is sufficiently large minStopCost = max(baseCostSink + baseCostSource - sourceCost - T, baseCostSink - T) sinkParentTmp, _, sinkCostParent, _ = \ sinkLabelData[sinkParent] # we might be able to exploit earlier tests sourceParentTested = successfullyTested.get(sourceParent, False) alreadyTested = False if sinkCostParent >= stopCost and sinkParentTmp >= 0: while sinkCostParent >= stopCost and sinkParentTmp >= 0: thisSinkVertex = sinkParent sinkParent = sinkParentTmp sinkCost = sinkCostParent sinkParentTmp, _, sinkCostParent, _ = sinkLabelData[ sinkParent] # if we know that the path between sourceParent and # sinkParent is a shortest paht, then we can skip a shortest # path query if (sinkCostParent <= minStopCost and sourceParentTested and sinkParent in sourceParentTested): alreadyTested = True break elif sourceParentTested and sinkParent in sourceParentTested: alreadyTested = True # Again: Due to our skewed graph we have some very long # edges. We do not want them to interfere with the local # optimality checks. if sinkCost - sinkCostParent >= 2*T: sinkSubpathBound = sinkParent sinkParent = thisSinkVertex sinkCostParent = sinkCost # if a step has been done, if not alreadyTested and (not sinkCostOld == sinkCost or started): started = False compCost = (baseCostSink + baseCostSource - sinkCostParent - sourceCostParent) # if considered section is shortest path #if (localDistBound + aTol >= compCost or if (find_shortest_distance(vertexArr, edgeArr, sourceParent, sinkParent) * rTolFact >= compCost): #if localDist + aTol >= compCost: if not testing_no_length_lookups: successfullyTested[sourceParent].add(sinkParent) else: if testing_no_joint_reject: admissiblePairs[source, sink] = False break # note all vertices with via paths over # this subsection as not considered admissiblePairs[np.ix_( vertexVisitedFromSource[sourceParent], vertexVisitedFromSink[sinkParent], )] = False break # update the vertex on the source branch stopCost = baseCostSink + baseCostSource - sinkCost - T while True: sourceParent = thisSourceVertex sourceCostParent = sourceCost try: thisSourceVertex, sourceCost = \ thisReverseSourceLabelData[thisSourceVertex] except KeyError: assert sourceCostParent >= baseCostSource break if sourceCost > stopCost: break # if all tests were sucessful else: # only for testing purposes: continue without accepting # further origin-destination pairs if testing_no_joint_reject: resultSourceIndices.append(source) resultSinkIndices.append(sink) resultLengths.append(dist) continue # if we have not stopped the search artificially because of a # too long edge if sinkSubpathBound < 0: sinkSubpathBound = sinkParent # we consider all not yet processed pairs for which local # optimality for the tested path is sufficient (taking into # account the acception factor) considered = np.ix_(vertexVisitedFromSource[sourceSubpathBound], vertexVisitedFromSink[sinkSubpathBound]) considered2 = np.logical_and(admissiblePairs[considered], distances[considered] <= T/(acceptionFactor* localOptimalityConstant)*rTolFact) sourceProcessIndices = sourcePairIndices[considered][considered2] sinkProcessIndices = sinkPairIndices[considered][considered2] # mark the respective pairs as processed admissiblePairs[sourceProcessIndices, sinkProcessIndices] = False # note the results resultSourceIndices.extend(sourceProcessIndices) resultSinkIndices.extend(sinkProcessIndices) resultLengths.extend(distances[considered][considered2]) ########### Be careful with machine imprecision! # return result admissiblePairNumber = len(resultSourceIndices) notLO = len(pairList) - admissiblePairNumber return (vertexIndex, consideredSourceIndices[resultSourceIndices], consideredSinkIndices_plain[resultSinkIndices], resultLengths, admissiblePairNumber, notLO) @staticmethod def _find_inspection_spots(start, labelData, inspectionArr): if start < 0 or labelData[start]["edge"] < 0: return set() if inspectionArr[labelData[start]["edge"]]: spots = cp.copy(inspectionArr[labelData[start]["edge"]]) else: spots = set() thisVertex = labelData[start]["parent_inspection"] while thisVertex >= 0: #print("thisVertex", thisVertex) #print('labelData[thisVertex]["edge"]', labelData[thisVertex]["edge"]) #print("spots", inspectionArr[labelData[thisVertex]["edge"]]) spots.update(inspectionArr[labelData[thisVertex]["edge"]]) thisVertex = labelData[thisVertex]["parent_inspection"] return spots
if __name__ == "__main__": import traceback import timeit iDType = "|S10" #""" fileNameEdges = "LakeNetworkExample_full.csv" fileNameVertices = "LakeNetworkExample_full_vertices.csv" #fileNameEdges = "LakeNetworkExample_small.csv" #fileNameVertices = "LakeNetworkExample_small_vertices.csv" """ fileNameEdges = "ExportEdges.csv" fileNameVertices = "ExportVertices2.csv" #fileNameEdges = "ExportEdges_North.csv" #fileNameVertices = "ExportVertices2.csv" pairList = ((b'231421', b'768396'), (b'J54131', b'768396'), (b'J54175', b'670659'), (b'J54153', b'998327'), (b'J54163', b'463830'), (b'J54185', b'91769')) #pairList = ((b'231421', b'768396'),) """ print("Starting test. (29)") print("Reading files.") edges = np.genfromtxt(fileNameEdges, delimiter=",", skip_header = True, dtype = {"names":["ID", "from_to_original", "cost", "inspection", "lakeID"], 'formats':[iDType, '2' + iDType, "double", "3" + iDType, iDType]}, autostrip = True) vertexData = np.genfromtxt(fileNameVertices, delimiter=",", skip_header = True, dtype = {"names":["ID", "type", "infested"], 'formats':[iDType, 'int', 'bool']}, autostrip = True) #TODO: make inspection such that each edge has only one inspection flag! ft = np.vstack((edges["from_to_original"][:,::-1], edges["from_to_original"])) edata = np.concatenate((edges[["ID", "cost", "inspection", "lakeID"]], edges[["ID", "cost", "inspection", "lakeID"]])) print("Creating flexible graph.") g = FlexibleGraph(ft, edata, vertexData["ID"], vertexData[["type", "infested"]], replacementMode="shortest", lengthLabel="cost") g.set_default_vertex_data((0, 0, False)) """ print(g.get_edge_data(b'2', b'8', False)) print(g.edges.get_array()[["fromID", "toID"]]) print(g.edges.get_array().size) print(g.get_neighbor_edges(b'2', copy=True)) """ g.add_vertex_attributes("significant", bool, g.vertices.array.type > 0) #g.add_vertex_attributes("significant", bool, (True,)) print("Removing insignificant dead ends.") g.remove_insignificant_dead_ends("significant") #g.vertices.array["significant"][:] = True """ print(g.edges.get_array()[["fromID", "toID"]]) print(g.edges.get_array().size) print("--------------------------") """ #print("Creating fast graph.") #g2 = FastGraph(g) """ print(g2.edges.get_array()[["fromID", "toID"]]) print(g2.vertices.array) g2.remove_vertex(0) print(g2.edges.get_array()[["fromID", "toID", "fromIndex", "toIndex"]]) print(g2.vertices.get_array().ID) """ """ parameterList = [(1, 3, 3, (1.5, 1.5, 2.5)), (1, 3, 4, (1.5, 1.5, 2.5)), (1, 3, 4, (1, 1, 1.5)), (1, 3, 4, (2, 2, 3)), (2, 2, 3, (1.5, 1.5, 2.5)), (2, 3, 3, (1.5, 1.5, 2.5)), (0.5, 2, 3, (1.5, 1.5, 2.5)), (0.5, 3, 4, (1.5, 1.5, 2.5)), (3, 2, 3, (1.5, 1.5, 2.5)), (3, 3, 3, (1.5, 1.5, 2.5))] """ parameterList=[(1, 3, 4, (2, 2, 3))] #""" g3 = FlowPointGraph(g, "cost", "significant") #g3.set_silent_status(True) profile("g3.preprocessing(1, 3, 4, expansionBounds=(2, 2, 3))", globals(), locals()) fromIndices = g3.vertices.get_array_indices("type", 1) toIndices = g3.vertices.get_array_indices("type", 2) for parameters in parameterList: try: print("Creating FlowPointGraph.") print("Preprocessing...") profile("g3.find_alternative_paths(fromIndices, toIndices, 1.5, 0.2, 1)", globals(), locals()) """ prepStr = "g3.preprocessing({}, {}, {}, expansionBounds={})".format(*parameters) print(prepStr) #profile("g3.preprocessing(2, 2, 3, expansionBounds=(1.5, 1.5, 2.5))", globals(), locals()) print("full:", timeit.timeit(prepStr, number=1, globals=globals())) """ #g3.preprocessing(1, 3, expansionBounds=(1, 1.5, 1.5, 2)) #g3.vertices.array.significant = g3.vertices.array.type > 0 except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() print("Done.")