Source code for lopaths.sig_fig_rounding

Retrieved on 08.07.2019

@author: odysseus9672


#Library to implement significant figure rounding using numpy functions

import decimal as decim
__context = decim.getcontext()
__context.prec = 64

__logBase10of2_decim = decim.Decimal(2).log10()
__logBase10of2 = float(__logBase10of2_decim)
__logBase10ofe_decim = 1 / decim.Decimal(10).ln()
__logBase10ofe = float(__logBase10ofe_decim)

import numpy as np

# __res = decim.Decimal(str(np.finfo(float).resolution))

Land = np.logical_and
Lor = np.logical_or
Lnot = np.logical_not

[docs]def RoundToSigFigs_fp( x, sigfigs, upper=False): """ Rounds the value(s) in x to the number of significant figures in sigfigs. Return value has the same type as x. Restrictions: sigfigs must be an integer type and store a positive value. x must be a real value or an array like object containing only real values. """ if not ( type(sigfigs) is int or type(sigfigs) is long or isinstance(sigfigs, np.integer) ): raise TypeError( "RoundToSigFigs_fp: sigfigs must be an integer." ) if sigfigs <= 0: raise ValueError( "RoundToSigFigs_fp: sigfigs must be positive." ) if not np.all(np.isreal( x )): raise TypeError( "RoundToSigFigs_fp: all x must be real." ) #temporarily suppres floating point errors errhanddict = np.geterr() np.seterr(all="ignore") matrixflag = False if isinstance(x, np.matrix): #Convert matrices to arrays matrixflag = True x = np.asarray(x) xsgn = np.sign(x) absx = xsgn * x mantissas, binaryExponents = np.frexp( absx ) decimalExponents = __logBase10of2 * binaryExponents omags = np.floor(decimalExponents) mantissas *= 10.0**(decimalExponents - omags) if type(mantissas) is float or isinstance(mantissas, np.floating): if mantissas < 1.0: mantissas *= 10.0 omags -= 1.0 else: #elif np.all(np.isreal( mantissas )): fixmsk = mantissas < 1.0, mantissas[fixmsk] *= 10.0 omags[fixmsk] -= 1.0 result = xsgn * 10.0**omags if upper: result *= np.around(mantissas+10**(1-sigfigs), decimals=sigfigs - 1) else: result *= np.around(mantissas, decimals=sigfigs - 1) if matrixflag: result = np.matrix(result, copy=False) np.seterr(**errhanddict) return result
[docs]def RoundToSigFigs_decim( x, sigfigs ): """ Rounds the value(s) in x to the number of significant figures in sigfigs. Uses logarithm function and Python's Decimal library, so will be slower. Restrictions: sigfigs must be an integer type and store a positive value. x must be a Python Decimal value. No arrays accepted. """ if not ( type(sigfigs) is int or type(sigfigs) is long or isinstance(sigfigs, np.integer) ): raise TypeError( "RoundToSigFigs_Decim: sigfigs must be an integer." ) if sigfigs <= 0: raise ValueError( "RoundToSigFigs_Decim: sigfigs must be positive." ) if not (type(x) == type(decim.Decimal(1))): raise TypeError( "RoundToSigFigs_Decim: x must by a Python Decimal." ) xsgn = decim.Decimal(1).copy_sign(x) absx = x * xsgn if absx.is_nan(): result = decim.Decimal("NaN") elif absx > 0 and not absx.is_infinite(): dec10 = decim.Decimal(10) log10x = absx.log10() omag = int(log10x.quantize(1, rounding=decim.ROUND_FLOOR)) mantissas = absx * dec10**(-omag) result = xsgn * mantissas.quantize( dec10**(1 - sigfigs) ) * dec10**omag result = result.normalize() elif absx == 0: result = decim.Decimal(0) else: # absx.is_infinite(): result = xsgn * decim.Decimal("inf") return result
[docs]def ValueWithUncsRounding( x, uncs, uncsigfigs=1 ): """ Rounds all of the values in uncs (the uncertainties) to the number of significant figures in uncsigfigs. Then rounds the values in x to the same decimal pace as the values in uncs. Return value is a two element tuple each element of which has the same type as x and uncs, respectively. Restrictions: - uncsigfigs must be a positive integer. - x must be a real value or an array like object containing only real values. - uncs must be a real value or an array like object containing only real values. """ if not ( type(uncsigfigs) is int or type(uncsigfigs) is long or isinstance(uncsigfigs, np.integer) ): raise TypeError( "ValueWithUncsRounding: uncsigfigs must be an integer." ) if uncsigfigs <= 0: raise ValueError( "ValueWithUncsRounding: uncsigfigs must be positive." ) if not np.all(np.isreal( x )): raise TypeError( "ValueWithUncsRounding: all x must be real." ) if not np.all(np.isreal( uncs )): raise TypeError( "ValueWithUncsRounding: all uncs must be real." ) if np.any( uncs <= 0 ): raise ValueError( "ValueWithUncsRounding: uncs must all be positive." ) #temporarily suppres floating point errors errhanddict = np.geterr() np.seterr(all="ignore") matrixflag = False if isinstance(x, np.matrix): #Convert matrices to arrays matrixflag = True x = np.asarray(x) #Pre-round unc to correctly handle cases where rounding alters the # most significant digit of unc. uncs = RoundToSigFigs_fp( uncs, uncsigfigs ) mantissas, binaryExponents = np.frexp( uncs ) decimalExponents = __logBase10of2 * binaryExponents omags = np.floor(decimalExponents) mantissas *= 10.0**(decimalExponents - omags) if type(mantissas) is float or np.issctype(np.dtype(mantissas)): if mantissas < 1.0: mantissas *= 10.0 omags -= 1.0 else: #elif np.all(np.isreal( mantissas )): fixmsk = mantissas < 1.0 mantissas[fixmsk] *= 10.0 omags[fixmsk] -= 1.0 scales = 10.0**omags prec = uncsigfigs - 1 result = ( np.around( x / scales, decimals=prec ) * scales, np.around( mantissas, decimals=prec ) * scales ) if matrixflag: result = np.matrix(result, copy=False) np.seterr(**errhanddict) return result
import math # import decimal as decim
[docs]def FormatValToSigFigs( x, sigfigs, sciformat=True ): """ Rounds the value(s) in x to the number of significant figures in sigfigs. Return value is a string. The keyword argument sciformat will force scientific notation if true. Restrictions: sigfigs must be an integer type and store a positive value. x must be a real value or an array like object containing only real values. """ if not ( type(sigfigs) is int or np.issubdtype(sigfigs, np.integer) ): raise TypeError( "FormatValToSigFigs: sigfigs must be an integer." ) if sigfigs <= 0: raise ValueError( "FormatValToSigFigs: sigfigs must be positive." ) if not np.isreal(x): raise TypeError( "FormatValToSigFigs: x must be real." ) if sciformat: formstrn = "{:." + str(sigfigs-1) + "f}e{:+d}" def formatter( m, e ): return formstrn.format(m, int(e)) else: formstrn = "{:." + str(sigfigs-1) + "g}" def formatter( m, e ): return formstrn.format(m*10.0**e) x = float(x) xsgn = np.sign(x) absx = xsgn*x mantissa, binaryExponent = np.frexp( absx ) decimalExponent = __logBase10of2 * binaryExponent omag = np.floor(decimalExponent) mantissa *= 10.0**(decimalExponent - omag) if mantissa < 1.0: mantissa *= 10.0 omag -= 1 mantissa = xsgn * np.around( mantissa, decimals=sigfigs - 1 ) if ( not math.isinf(absx) and not math.isinf(omag) and not math.isnan(x) and absx > 0.0 ): result = formatter( mantissa, omag ) elif math.isinf(absx): mantissa = float(xsgn) * float("inf") result = "{:f}".format(mantissa) elif not math.isnan(x): result = formatter( 0.0, 0 ) else: result = "nan" return result
[docs]def FormatValWithUncRounding( x, unc, uncsigfigs=1, sciformat=True ): """ Rounds unc (the uncertainty) to the number of significant figures in uncsigfigs. Then rounds the value in x to the same decimal pace as the value in unc. Uses the decimal package for maximal accuracy. Return value is a tuple containing two strings. The keyword argument sciformat will force scientific notation if true. Restrictions: - uncsigfigs must be a positive integer. - x must be a real value or floating point. - unc must be a real value or floating point """ if not ( type(uncsigfigs) is int or type(uncsigfigs) is long or isinstance(uncsigfigs, np.integer) ): raise TypeError( "FormatValWithUncRounding: uncsigfigs must be an integer." ) if uncsigfigs <= 0: raise ValueError( "FormatValWithUncRounding: uncsigfigs must be positive." ) if not np.isreal(x): raise TypeError( "FormatValWithUncRounding: x must be real." ) if not np.isreal(unc) or unc <= 0.0: raise TypeError( "FormatValWithUncRounding: unc must be a positive real." ) if isinstance(x, np.matrix): #Convert matrices to arrays x = np.asarray(x) #sys.stderr.write("Warning: FormatValWithUncRounding is untested.\n") #Pre-round unc to correctly handle cases where rounding alters the # most significant digit of unc. unc = RoundToSigFigs_fp( unc, uncsigfigs ) xsgn = np.sign(x) absx = xsgn * x mantissa, binaryExponent = np.frexp( absx ) uncmant, uncbinExponent = np.frexp( unc ) decimalExponent = __logBase10of2 * binaryExponent uncdecExponent = __logBase10of2 * uncbinExponent omag = np.floor(decimalExponent) uncomag = np.floor(uncdecExponent) uncmant *= 10**(uncdecExponent - uncomag) if not np.isnan(uncmant) and uncmant < 1.0: uncmant *= 10.0 uncomag -= 1.0 mantissa *= 10**(decimalExponent - omag) if not np.isnan(mantissa) and mantissa < 1.0: mantissa *= 10.0 omag -= 1.0 omagdiff = omag - uncomag prec = uncsigfigs - 1 + int(omagdiff) mantissa, uncOut = ( np.around( mantissa, decimals=prec ), np.around( unc * 10**(-omag), decimals=prec ) ) if sciformat: def formatter( m, u, e, prec ): s = "{:." + str(max(prec, 0)) + "f}e{:+d}" return (s.format(m, int(e)), s.format(u, int(e))) else: def formatter( m, u, e, prec ): s = "{:." + str(max(prec, 0)) + "g}" return (s.format(m*10.0**e), s.format(u*10**e)) return formatter( mantissa, uncOut, omag, prec )
[docs]def SetDecimalPrecision( precision ): if not ( type(sigfigs) is int or type(sigfigs) is long or isinstance(sigfigs, np.integer) ): raise TypeError( "SetDecimalPrecision: prec must be an integer." ) if precision < 0: raise ValueError( "SetDecimalPrecision: prec cannot be negative." ) global __context __context.prec = precision decim.setcontext(__context) global __logBase10of2_decim, __logBase10ofe_decim __logBase10of2_decim = decim.Decimal(2).log10() __logBase10ofe_decim = 1 / decim.Decimal(10).ln() return None
if __name__ == '__main__': a = [0.9989, 1., 0.9999999999] print(RoundToSigFigs_fp(a, 3, True)) print(RoundToSigFigs_fp(a, 3)) # __testsigfigs = (1, 3, 6) # __finfo = np.finfo(float) # __testnums = [ 0.0, -1.2366e22, 1.2544444e-15, 0.001222, 0.0, # float("nan"), float("inf"), float.fromhex("0x4.23p-1028"), # 0.5555, 1.5444, 1.72340, 1.256e-15, 10.5555555, # __finfo.max, __finfo.min, # 0.5555, 0.5555*(1.0 + __finfo.eps), 0.5555*(1.0 - __finfo.epsneg) ] # __testres = {1: [ 0.0, -1e22, 1e-15, 1e-3, 0.0, # float("nan"), float("inf"), 1e-309, # 0.6, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0e-15, 10.0, # float("inf"), -float("inf"), # 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 ], # 3: [ 0.0, -1.24e22, 1.25e-15, 1.22e-3, 0.0, # float("nan"), float("inf"), 1.44e-309, # 5.56e-1, 1.54, 1.72, 1.26e-15, 10.6, # float("inf"), -float("inf"), # 0.556, 0.556, 0.555 ], # 6: [ 0.0, -1.2366e22, 1.25444e-15, 0.001222, 0.0, # float("nan"), float("inf"), 1.43820e-309, # 0.5555, 1.5444, 1.72340, 1.256e-15, 10.5556, # 1.79769e+308, -1.79769e+308, # 0.5555, 0.5555, 0.5555 ] } # def TestFuncs(): # finfo = np.finfo(float) # if finfo.bits != 64 or finfo.nexp != 11 or finfo.nmant != 52: # raise RuntimeError("Test only implemented for 64 bit floats.") # testarr = np.array(__testnums) # for sf in __testsigfigs: # out = RoundToSigFigs_fp( testarr, sf ) # standard = np.array(__testres[sf]) # infmsk = np.isinf(standard) # nanmsk = np.isnan(standard) # normmsk = Lnot(Lor( infmsk, nanmsk )) # absdiff = np.abs( out[normmsk] - standard[normmsk] ) # if ( np.any(absdiff > 16.0 * __finfo.eps) or # np.any(out[infmsk] != standard[infmsk]) or # np.any(Lnot(np.isnan( out[nanmsk] ))) ): # raise RuntimeError( # "RoundToSigFigs_fp test failed at sigfigs={:d}".format(sf) ) # out = np.asarray([ float(RoundToSigFigs_decim( decim.Decimal(x), sf )) # for x in testarr ]) # standard = np.array(__testres[sf]) # infmsk = np.isinf(standard) # nanmsk = np.isnan(standard) # normmsk = Lnot(Lor( infmsk, nanmsk )) # absdiff = np.abs( out[normmsk] - standard[normmsk] ) # if ( np.any(absdiff > 16.0 * __finfo.eps) or # np.any(out[infmsk] != standard[infmsk]) or # np.any(Lnot(np.isnan( out[nanmsk] ))) ): # print(absdiff > 16.0 * __finfo.eps) # print(absdiff) # raise RuntimeError( # "RoundToSigFigs_decim test failed at sigfigs={:d}".format(sf) ) # return None