Source code for lopaths.test_graph

import sys
import os
from builtins import FileNotFoundError
from functools import wraps
from time import time
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import repeat
from copy import copy

import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from vemomoto_core.npcollections.npext import add_fields
    from .graph import FlowPointGraph, FlexibleGraph
except ImportError:
    from graph import FlowPointGraph, FlexibleGraph
IDTYPE = "|S11" 
from import saveobject
from import HierarchichalPrinter

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from import Tee
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        teeObject = Tee(sys.argv[1])

FILE_EXT = ".rn"

FIGARGS = {"figsize":(2.2,2)}
FIGADJUSTMENT = dict(left=0.2, right=0.99, top=0.99, bottom=0.15)

TICKS = {"mean dists":[600, 800, 1000],
         "time slowdown":([8, 13, 18]),
         "mean paths":([0, 15, 30]),
         "number unique candidates":([10, 20, 30], (0.1, 0.2)),
         "time path":([0, 7.5, 15], (0.1, 0.1)),
         "time total":[100, 400, 700]}

[docs]def adjust_ticks(xticks, yticks, fact=0.1, hideMid=True, ax=None): if hasattr(yticks[0], "__iter__"): lowerF, upperF = yticks[1] yticks = yticks[0] else: lowerF, upperF = fact, fact if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if hideMid: ax.set_yticks(yticks[1:-1], minor=True) ax.set_xticks(xticks[1:-1], minor=True) ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) yticks = (yticks[0], yticks[-1]) xticks = (xticks[0], xticks[-1]) ax.set_yticks(yticks) lower, upper = min(yticks), max(yticks) diffV = upper-lower ax.set_ylim(lower-diffV*lowerF, upper+diffV*upperF) ax.set_xticks(xticks) left, right = min(xticks), max(xticks) diffH = right-left ax.set_xlim(left-diffH*fact, right+diffH*fact)
[docs]def arrstr(iterarg): r = "" for elem in iterarg: if hasattr(elem, "__iter__"): r += str(list(elem)) else: r += str(elem) r += ", " return r[:-2]
[docs]def timing(f): @wraps(f) def wrap(self, *args, **kw): ts = time() result = f(self, *args, **kw) te = time() self.prst("Executing >{}< took {} seconds.".format(f.__name__, te-ts)) return result return wrap
[docs]def time_call(f, *args, **kwargs): ts = time() result = f(self, *args, **kwargs) te = time() return result, te-ts
[docs]def split_figure_vertical(figsize_1, additional_width, rect_1, rect_2): """ figsize_1 is the size of the figure without the color bar additional_width is the additional width used for the color bar rect_1, rect_2 define where the plotting area and color bar are located in their respective sections of the figure """ oldWidth_1 = figsize_1[0] newWidth = oldWidth_1 + additional_width factor_1 = oldWidth_1 / newWidth factor_2 = additional_width / newWidth figsize = (newWidth, figsize_1[1]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) rect_1[0] *= factor_1 rect_1[2] *= factor_1 rect_2[0] *= factor_2 rect_2[2] *= factor_2 rect_2[0] += factor_1 ax1 = fig.add_axes(rect_1) ax2 = fig.add_axes(rect_2) return ax1, ax2
[docs]def create_min_paths_graph(data, x, xlabel, xticks=None, maxPathBound=30, xlim=None, colorBar=False): cmap ='viridis') Y = [np.ones_like(x)] YErr = [np.zeros_like(x)] colors = [cmap(0)] figsize = (3, 3) rect = [0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0.7] if colorBar: ax1, ax2 = split_figure_vertical(figsize, 1, rect, [0., 0.2, 0.2, 0.7]) else: ax1 = plt.figure(figsize=figsize).add_axes(rect) for i in range(1, maxPathBound): name = "> {} paths".format(i) Y.append(data[name][:,0]) YErr.append(data[name][:,1]) colors.append(cmap(i/(maxPathBound-1))) for y, color in zip(Y, colors): ax1.fill_between(x, y, color=color) """ for y, yErr, color in zip(Y, YErr, colors): plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yErr, elinewidth=0.5, capsize=1.5, capthick=0.5, color=color) """ ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel("Fraction of orig.-dest. pairs") #ax1.set_ylim(0, 1) adjust_ticks(xticks, [0, 0.5, 1], 0, ax=ax1) #if xlim is not None: # ax1.set_xlim(xlim) #nticks = 4 #ax1.locator_params(nticks=4) #ax1.locator_params(nbins=3) if colorBar: norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=1,vmax=maxPathBound) sm =, norm=norm) sm.set_array([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, ticks=[0.5, maxPathBound//2-0.5, maxPathBound-0.5], boundaries=np.arange(maxPathBound+1), cax=ax2 )[r'$\geq 1$', r'$\geq {}$'.format(maxPathBound//2), r'$\geq {}$'.format(maxPathBound)]) cbar.set_label("Number of paths")
[docs]def create_min_paths_graph2(data, x, xlabel, xticks=None, maxPathBound=30, xlim=None, colorBar=False): cmap ='viridis') YErr = [np.zeros_like(x)] colors = [cmap(0)] figsize = (3, 3) rect = [0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0.7] y = np.arange(0.5, maxPathBound+1, 1) y[0] = 1 y[-1] = maxPathBound xx = x[:-1] + np.diff(x)/2 xx = np.concatenate([[x[0]], xx, [x[-1]]]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xx, y) Z = np.zeros_like(X[:-1, :-1]) if colorBar: ax1, ax2 = split_figure_vertical(figsize, 1, rect, [0., 0.2, 0.2, 0.7]) else: ax1 = plt.figure(figsize=figsize).add_axes(rect) rest = 0 power = 0.4 f = lambda x: np.log(np.maximum(x, 1e-5)) f = lambda x: np.power(x, power) for i in range(1, maxPathBound)[::-1]: name = "> {} paths".format(i) Z[i] = data[name][:,0] - rest rest = data[name][:,0] Z[0] = 1 - rest m = ax1.pcolormesh(X, Y, f(Z), cmap=cmap, vmin=f(0), vmax=f(0.4)) print(np.max(Z)) """ for y, yErr, color in zip(Y, YErr, colors): plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yErr, elinewidth=0.5, capsize=1.5, capthick=0.5, color=color) """ ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel("Fraction of pairs") #ax1.set_ylim(0, 1) adjust_ticks(xticks, [1, 10, 20], 0, ax=ax1) #if xlim is not None: # ax1.set_xlim(xlim) #nticks = 4 #ax1.locator_params(nticks=4) #ax1.locator_params(nbins=3) if colorBar: ti = np.array([0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.4]) cbar = plt.colorbar(m, cax=ax2, ticks=f(ti)) cbar.set_label("Number of paths")
[docs]class GraphTester(FlowPointGraph): def __init__(self, fileName, fileNameEdges=None, preprocessingArgs=None): self.result_dir = "REVC_results_" + fileName self.figure_dir = "REVC_figures_" + fileName self.fileName = fileName HierarchichalPrinter.__init__(self) if not fileNameEdges: return self.prst("Reading file", fileNameEdges) edges = np.genfromtxt(fileNameEdges, delimiter=",", skip_header = True, dtype = {"names":["ID", "from_to_original", "length", "inspection", "lakeID"], 'formats':[IDTYPE, '2' + IDTYPE, "double", "3" + IDTYPE, IDTYPE]}, autostrip = True) from_to = np.vstack((edges["from_to_original"], edges["from_to_original"][:,::-1])) edgeData = rf.repack_fields(edges[["ID", "length", "lakeID"]]) edgeData = np.concatenate((edgeData, edgeData)) edgeData = add_fields(edgeData, ["inspection"], [object], [None]) vertexID = np.zeros(0, dtype=IDTYPE) vertexData = np.zeros(0, dtype=[("significant", bool)]) graph = FlexibleGraph(from_to, edgeData, vertexID, vertexData, replacementMode="shortest", lengthLabel="length") graph.set_default_vertex_data(True) super().__init__(graph, "length", "significant") self.preprocessing(preprocessingArgs) if fileName:
[docs] @staticmethod def new(fileName, fileNameEdges, restart=False): if restart: return GraphTester(fileName, fileNameEdges) try: print("Loading file", fileName+FILE_EXT) return saveobject.load_object(fileName+FILE_EXT) except FileNotFoundError: return GraphTester(fileName, None)
[docs] def save(self, fileName=None): if not hasattr(self, "vertices"): return if fileName is None: fileName = self.fileName self.lock = None if fileName is not None: self.prst("Saving the model as file", fileName + FILE_EXT) self.save_object(fileName)
[docs] @timing def preprocessing(self, preprocessingArgs=None): if preprocessingArgs is None: FlowPointGraph.preprocessing(self, 1, 3, 3, expansionBounds=(1.5, 1.5, 2.5), maxEdgeLength=20) #20) else: if type(preprocessingArgs) == dict: FlowPointGraph.preprocessing(self, **preprocessingArgs) else: FlowPointGraph.preprocessing(self, *preprocessingArgs)
[docs] def test_REVC_range_avg(self, *args, **kwargs): result = self.test_REVC_range(*args, **kwargs) result["time path"] /= (result["sourceNo"]*result["sinkNo"])[:,None] result["time path"] *= 1000 dtype = [] for t in result.dtype.descr: if len(t) <= 2: dtype.append(t) else: dtype.append((*t[:2], (2,))) resultAvg = np.zeros(result.size, dtype=dtype) for t in result.dtype.descr: name = t[0] if len(t) <= 2: resultAvg[name] = result[name] else: resultAvg[name][:,0] = np.mean(result[name], 1) resultAvg[name][:,1] = np.std(result[name], 1, ddof=1) #if name=="number labelled edges": #print(name, resultAvg[name], result[name]) return resultAvg
[docs] def test_REVC_range(self, sourceNo=100, sinkNo=100, stretchConstant=1.5, localOptimalityConstant=0.2, acceptionFactor=0.9, rejectionFactor=1.1, repetitions=10, testing=True, restart=False): args = copy(locals()) SAVEEXT = ".res" testing_optimizations = not type(testing) == bool if not testing_optimizations: del args["testing"] del args["self"] del args["restart"] fileName = arrstr(args.values()) if self.result_dir: if not os.access(self.result_dir, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(self.result_dir) fileName = os.path.join(self.result_dir, fileName) if not restart: try: result = saveobject.load_object(fileName+SAVEEXT) for n in result.dtype.names: try: if np.max(result[n]) >= 10000: result[n] = result[n] / 1000 except AttributeError: pass return result except FileNotFoundError: pass del args["repetitions"] dtype = [] for var, val in args.items(): if not hasattr(val, "__iter__"): varType = type(val) args[var] = repeat(val) else: if type(val)==tuple: val = np.linspace(*val) args[var] = val varType = type(val[0]) dtype.append((var, varType)) argArr = np.array(list(zip(*args.values())), dtype=dtype) result = argArr.copy() for i, arg in enumerate(argArr): partResult = self.test_REVC_repetition(*arg, repetitions=repetitions) for resultType, resultTypeStr in ("time", "time "), ("result", ""): for resName, resVal in partResult[resultType].items(): resStr = resultTypeStr+resName try: result[i][resStr] = resVal except ValueError: result = rf.append_fields(result, resStr, np.zeros(1), dtypes=str(repetitions)+"double") result[i][resStr] = resVal saveobject.save_object(result, fileName+SAVEEXT) #df = pd.DataFrame(result) #df.to_csv(fileName+".csv", index=False) with open(fileName+".txt", "w") as file: file.write(str(result.dtype.names) + "\n") np.rec.array(result).tofile(file, "\n") return result
[docs] def get_origin_destination_indices(self, sourceNo, sinkNo, trialIndex=None): if not hasattr(self, "trial_dict"): self.trial_dict = {} if trialIndex is None or trialIndex not in self.trial_dict: self.prst("Drawing origins and destinations") endpoints = np.random.choice(len(self.vertices), sourceNo + sinkNo, replace=False) fromIndices = endpoints[:sourceNo] toIndices = endpoints[sourceNo:] if trialIndex is not None: self.trial_dict[trialIndex] = (fromIndices, toIndices) else: fromIndices, toIndices = self.trial_dict[trialIndex] fromDiff = max(sourceNo - fromIndices.size, 0) toDiff = max(sinkNo - toIndices.size, 0) if fromDiff or toDiff: allIndices = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(self.vertices)), np.concatenate((fromIndices, toIndices)), True) if not allIndices.size: return fromIndices[:sourceNo], toIndices[:sinkNo] newIndices = np.random.choice(allIndices, fromDiff+toDiff, False) fromIndices = np.concatenate((fromIndices, newIndices[:fromDiff])) toIndices = np.concatenate((toIndices, newIndices[fromDiff:])) self.trial_dict[trialIndex] = (fromIndices, toIndices) return fromIndices[:sourceNo], toIndices[:sinkNo]
[docs] def test_REVC_once(self, sourceNo, sinkNo, *args, trialIndex=None): if sourceNo + sinkNo > len(self.vertices): sourceNo = int(round(len(self.vertices) * sourceNo / (sourceNo + sinkNo))) sinkNo = len(self.vertices) - sourceNo fromIndices, toIndices = self.get_origin_destination_indices(sourceNo, sinkNo, trialIndex) if len(args) <= 4: return self.find_locally_optimal_paths(fromIndices, toIndices, None, *args, testing=True) return self.find_locally_optimal_paths(fromIndices, toIndices, None, *args)
[docs] def test_REVC_repetition(self, sourceNo, sinkNo, *args, repetitions=10, printResult=True): results = {"time":defaultdict(list), "result":defaultdict(list), "setup":{"number sources":sourceNo, "number sinks":sinkNo, "number repetitions":repetitions, "arguments":args, }} for i in range(repetitions): times, resultsItems = self.test_REVC_once(sourceNo, sinkNo, *args, trialIndex=i).values() for key, val in times.items(): results["time"][key].append(val) for key, val in resultsItems.items(): results["result"][key].append(val) if printResult: print() print("=== Results for {} origins, {} destinations, {} repetitions, arguments={} ===".format( sourceNo, sinkNo, repetitions, args )) print("Timing results:") resultsTime = results["time"] resultsResult = results["result"] for key, resultlist in resultsTime.items(): resultsTime[key] = resultlist if printResult: print(" {}: {:4.2f} (std: {:4.2f})".format(key, np.mean(resultlist), np.std(resultlist, ddof=1))) if printResult: print("Result characteristics:") for key, resultlist in resultsResult.items(): resultsResult[key] = resultlist if printResult: print(" {}: {:4.2f} (std: {:4.2f})".format(key, np.mean(resultlist), np.std(resultlist, ddof=1))) if printResult: print() return results
[docs] def test_REVC_approximations(self, acceptionFactors=None, rejectionFactors=None, SoSiNo=100, repetitions=10, show=False): self.prst("Testing REVC approximation constants.") self.increase_print_level() if acceptionFactors is None: acceptionFactors = np.array([0.6, 0.8, 1.]) if rejectionFactors is None: rejectionFactors = np.array([1., 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 2.]) results = {} for acceptionFactor in acceptionFactors: results[acceptionFactor] = self.test_REVC_range_avg( sourceNo=SoSiNo, sinkNo=SoSiNo, acceptionFactor=acceptionFactor, rejectionFactor=rejectionFactors, repetitions=repetitions) if not os.access(self.figure_dir, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(self.figure_dir) characteristics = list(TICKS.keys()) for characteristic in characteristics: plt.figure(**FIGARGS) for acceptionFactor, result in results.items(): plt.errorbar(rejectionFactors, result[characteristic][:,0], yerr=result[characteristic][:,1], label=r"$\gamma = " + str(acceptionFactor)+ r"$", elinewidth=0.5, capsize=1.5, capthick=0.5) if SHOWCAPTIONS: plt.legend() plt.xlabel(r"$\delta$") plt.ylabel(characteristic) if characteristic in TICKS: if characteristic == "time total": l = plt.legend(loc='upper left', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) #frameon=False l.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) maxt = np.max(rejectionFactors) adjust_ticks([1, (maxt+1)/2, maxt], TICKS[characteristic]) plt.subplots_adjust(**FIGADJUSTMENT) fileName = os.path.join(self.figure_dir, "Apprx_"+characteristic) plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") self.decrease_print_level() if show: plt.close('all')
[docs] def test_REVC_source_sink(self, pairBased=False, show=True): self.prst("Testing REVC O-D numbers.") self.increase_print_level() sqrtPairs = np.array([50, 100, 200, 300, 400]) if pairBased: sources1 = sinks1 = sqrtPairs sources2 = sqrtPairs // 2 sinks2 = sqrtPairs * 2 else: sources1 = sinks1 = sqrtPairs sources2 = sqrtPairs*2 // 5 sinks2 = sources2*4 results = {} for sources, sinks, sourceFrac in ((sources1, sinks1, "|O|:|D| = 1:1"), (sources2, sinks2, "|O|:|D| = 1:4")): results[sourceFrac] = self.test_REVC_range_avg( sourceNo=sources, sinkNo=sinks) if not os.access(self.figure_dir, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(self.figure_dir) characteristics = list(TICKS.keys()) mult = lambda a, b: a*b/1000 add = lambda a, b: a+b for f, xlabel in ((mult, "O-D pairs"), (add, "End points")): for characteristic in characteristics: plt.figure(**FIGARGS) for sourceFrac, result in results.items(): plt.errorbar(f(result["sourceNo"], result["sinkNo"]), result[characteristic][:,0], yerr=result[characteristic][:,1], label=sourceFrac, elinewidth=0.5, capsize=1.5, capthick=0.5) if SHOWCAPTIONS: plt.legend() plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(characteristic) if characteristic in TICKS: if characteristic == "time total": l = plt.legend(loc='upper left', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) #frameon=False l.get_frame().set_linewidth(0.0) xmax = np.max(f(result["sourceNo"], result["sinkNo"])) adjust_ticks([0, xmax//2, xmax], TICKS[characteristic]) plt.subplots_adjust(**FIGADJUSTMENT) fileName = os.path.join(self.figure_dir, "OD_"+characteristic) plt.savefig(fileName + xlabel + ".png", dpi=1000) plt.savefig(fileName + xlabel + ".pdf") self.decrease_print_level() if show: plt.close('all')
[docs] def test_REVC_stretch(self, show=True): self.prst("Testing REVC stretch constant.") self.increase_print_level() stretch = np.array([1., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2]) result = self.test_REVC_range_avg(stretchConstant=stretch) if not os.access(self.figure_dir, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(self.figure_dir) create_min_paths_graph(result, stretch, r"$\beta$", [1.1, 1.4, 1.7, 2], 20, stretch[[0, -1]], True) fileName = os.path.join(self.figure_dir, "Stretch_PathDist") plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") characteristics = list(TICKS.keys()) for characteristic in characteristics: plt.figure(**FIGARGS) plt.errorbar(stretch, result[characteristic][:,0], yerr=result[characteristic][:,1], elinewidth=0.5, capsize=1.5, capthick=0.5) if SHOWCAPTIONS: plt.xlabel(r"$\beta$") plt.ylabel(characteristic) if characteristic in TICKS: adjust_ticks([1, 1.5, 2], TICKS[characteristic]) plt.subplots_adjust(**FIGADJUSTMENT) fileName = os.path.join(self.figure_dir, "Stretch_"+characteristic) plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") self.decrease_print_level() if show: plt.close('all')
[docs] def test_REVC_LOC(self, show=True): self.prst("Testing REVC local optimality constant.") self.increase_print_level() LOC = np.array([0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5]) result = self.test_REVC_range_avg(localOptimalityConstant=LOC) if not os.access(self.figure_dir, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(self.figure_dir) create_min_paths_graph(result, LOC, r"$\alpha$", [0.05, 0.2, 0.35, 0.5], 20, LOC[[0, -1]], False) fileName = os.path.join(self.figure_dir, "LOC_PathDist") plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") characteristics = list(TICKS.keys()) for characteristic in characteristics: plt.figure(**FIGARGS) plt.errorbar(LOC, result[characteristic][:,0], yerr=result[characteristic][:,1], elinewidth=0.5, capsize=1.5, capthick=0.5) if SHOWCAPTIONS: plt.xlabel(r"$\alpha$") plt.ylabel(characteristic) if characteristic in TICKS: adjust_ticks([0, 0.25, 0.5], TICKS[characteristic]) plt.subplots_adjust(**FIGADJUSTMENT) fileName = os.path.join(self.figure_dir, "LOC_"+characteristic) plt.savefig(fileName + ".png", dpi=1000) plt.savefig(fileName + ".pdf") self.decrease_print_level() if show: plt.close('all')
[docs] def test_optimizations(self, repetitions=10, optimizations=None, **kwargs): self.prst("Testing REVC optimizations.") self.increase_print_level() if optimizations is None: optimizations = [ {"None"}, {"tree_bound"}, {"pruning_bound"}, {"pruning_bound_extended"}, {"find_plateaus"}, {"reject_identical"}, {"joint_reject"}, {"reuse_queries"} ] if type(optimizations) == str: optimizations = [{optimizations}] if type(optimizations) == set: optimizations = [optimizations] elif hasattr(optimizations, "__iter__"): optimizations = [set(i) for i in optimizations] else: raise ValueError("Type of `optimizations` not understood.") result = self.test_REVC_range_avg(repetitions=repetitions, testing=optimizations, **kwargs) #default_time = result[0]["time total"][0] default_dists = result[0]["mean dists"] default_paths = result[0]["mean paths"] dtm, dtv = result[0]["time total"] dtv *= dtv def ratio(m, s): v = s*s return (m/dtm-1)*100, np.sqrt((m/dtm)**2 * (v/m**2 + dtv/dtm**2))*100 for opt, row in zip(optimizations, result): self.prst("{:24s} time total {:7.1f} ({:5.1f}); time slowdown " "{:5.2f} ({:4.2f}); % change {:4.1f} ({:4.1f}); " "number plateau peaks {:5.2f}; number labelled edges {:5.2f}; " "number unique candidates {:5.2f}; paths error {:4.2f}; " "dist error {:4.2f}".format(opt.pop()+":", *row["time total"], *row["time slowdown"], *ratio(*row["time total"]), row["number plateau peaks"][0], row["number labelled edges"][0], row["number unique candidates"][0], np.mean(np.abs(row["mean paths"] - default_paths) / default_paths), np.mean(np.abs(row["mean dists"] - default_dists) / default_dists), ) ) ''' print(opt.pop(), ": Time total", row["time total"], "| time slowdown", row["time slowdown"], "| time comparison factor", row["time total"][0]/default_time) ''' """ allOpt = result[0] rejectIdentical = result[5] self.prst("{:6.2f}; {:6.2f}; {:6.2f}; {:6.2f}; {:6.2f}".format( rejectIdentical["time total"][0]/allOpt["time total"][0], rejectIdentical["time length and uniqueness"][0]/allOpt["time length and uniqueness"][0], rejectIdentical["time admissibility"][0]/allOpt["time admissibility"][0], allOpt["time length and uniqueness"][0]/allOpt["time length and uniqueness"][0], rejectIdentical["time length and uniqueness"][0]/rejectIdentical["time length and uniqueness"][0] )) self.prst("allOpt={:4.2f}; rejectIdentical={:6.2f}".format( allOpt["time admissibility"][0]/allOpt["time total"][0], rejectIdentical["time admissibility"][0]/rejectIdentical["time total"][0] )) self.prst("unique ratio={:4.2f}; uniquePair ratio={:6.2f}".format( allOpt["number unique candidates"][0]/rejectIdentical["number unique candidates"][0], allOpt["number unique candidates pair"][0]/rejectIdentical["number unique candidates pair"][0] )) """ self.decrease_print_level()