Source code for vemomoto_core.npcollections.sparse3d

Created on 07.05.2016

@author: Samuel

import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy as np
import copy as cp

[docs]class Sparse3D(): """ Class to store and access 3 dimensional sparse matrices efficiently """ def __init__(self, *sparseMatrices): """ Constructor Takes a stack of sparse 2D matrices with the same dimensions """ = sp.vstack(sparseMatrices, "dok") self.shape = (len(sparseMatrices), *sparseMatrices[0].shape) self._dim1_jump = np.arange(0, self.shape[1]*self.shape[0], self.shape[1]) self._dim1 = np.arange(self.shape[0]) self._dim2 = np.arange(self.shape[1]) def __getitem__(self, pos): if not type(pos) == tuple: if not hasattr(pos, "__iter__") and not type(pos) == slice: return[self._dim1_jump[pos] + self._dim2] else: return Sparse3D(*(self[self._dim1[i]] for i in self._dim1[pos])) elif len(pos) > 3: raise IndexError("too many indices for array") else: if (not hasattr(pos[0], "__iter__") and not type(pos[0]) == slice or not hasattr(pos[1], "__iter__") and not type(pos[1]) == slice): if len(pos) == 2: result =[self._dim1_jump[pos[0]] + self._dim2[pos[1]]] else: result =[self._dim1_jump[pos[0]] + self._dim2[pos[1]], pos[2]].T if hasattr(pos[2], "__iter__") or type(pos[2]) == slice: result = result.T return result else: if len(pos) == 2: return Sparse3D(*(self[i, self._dim2[pos[1]]] for i in self._dim1[pos[0]])) else: if not hasattr(pos[2], "__iter__") and not type(pos[2]) == slice: return sp.vstack([self[self._dim1[pos[0]], i, pos[2]] #or hstack? for i in self._dim2[pos[1]]]).T else: return Sparse3D(*(self[i, self._dim2[pos[1]], pos[2]] for i in self._dim1[pos[0]]))
[docs] def toarray(self): return np.array([self[i].toarray() for i in range(self.shape[0])])
[docs] def sum(self, axis = None): if axis is None: return elif axis == 0: result = sp.dok_matrix(self.shape[1:]) for i in range(self.shape[1]): result[i] =[self._dim1_jump + i].sum(0) elif axis == 1: result = sp.dok_matrix((self.shape[0], self.shape[2])) for i in range(self.shape[0]): result[i] =[self._dim2 + self._dim1_jump[i]].sum(0) elif axis == 2: result = sp.dok_matrix([:2])) else: raise IndexError("too many indices for array") return result
[docs] def imultiply(self, other, axis = 0): if hasattr(other, "__iter__"): if axis == 0: if len(other.shape) == 1: repOther = sp.csc_matrix(np.expand_dims(np.repeat(other, self.shape[1]), 1)) elif len(other.shape) == 2: if other.shape == self.shape[1:]: if type(other) == sp.dok_matrix: other = other.toarray() repOther = np.tile(other.flatten(), self.shape[0]).reshape((self.shape[0] * self.shape[1], self.shape[2])) repOther = sp.csc_matrix(repOther) else: raise IndexError("Factor must have same shape as array[0]") else: raise NotImplementedError("Multiplication with factors with more "+ "than two dimensions has not been implemented "+ "yet.") elif axis == 2: if len(other.shape) == 1: repOther = sp.csr_matrix(other.reshape((1, other.size))) else: raise NotImplementedError("Multiplication w.r.t. the third dimension with " + "factors with more than one dimension " + "has not been implemented yet.") else: raise NotImplementedError("Multiplication with vectors w.r.t. to the" + "second dimension has not been implemented yet.") else: repOther = other = return self
[docs] def multiply(self, other, axis = 0): newObj = cp.deepcopy(self) return newObj.imultiply(other, axis)
[docs]def test1(): d1 = sp.dok_matrix((4,5)) d2 = sp.dok_matrix((4,5)) d3 = sp.dok_matrix((4,5)) d1[1,1] = 1 d1[0,1] = 1.6 d1[2,2] = 7 d2[1,0] = 3 d2[1,1] = 2 d2[1,2] = 1 d2[0,1] = 20 d2[1,1] = 2 d2[2,1] = .2 d3[1,1] = 3 d3[1,2] = 8 d3[0,0] = 9 d = Sparse3D(d1, d2, d3) c = d[:].toarray() print(np.sum(c)-d.sum()) print(np.sum(c, 0)-d.sum(0).toarray()) print(d.sum(0).toarray()) print(c) print("..............................") print(d[1].toarray() - c[1]) print(d[:1].toarray() - c[:1]) print(d[:,1].toarray() - c[:,1]) print("----------------") print(d[:,:,:].toarray() - c[:,:,:]) print(d[:,:,1].toarray() - c[:,:,1]) print(d[:,1,:].toarray() - c[:,1,:]) print(d[:,1,1].toarray() - c[:,1,1]) print(d[1,:,:].toarray() - c[1,:,:]) print(d[1,:,1].toarray() - c[1,:,1]) print(d[1,1,:].toarray() - c[1,1,:]) print(d[1,1,1] - c[1,1,1])
[docs]def test2(): a1 = np.ones((4,5)) a2 = a1 + 1 a3 = a2 + 1 s1 = sp.dok_matrix(a1) s2 = sp.dok_matrix(a2) s3 = sp.dok_matrix(a3) d = Sparse3D(s1, s2, s3) c = d.toarray() t1 = np.arange(3) t2 = np.arange(20).reshape((4,5)) tt1 = np.arange(5) m0 = d.multiply(2, 0) m1 = d.multiply(t1, 0) m2 = d.multiply(t2, 0) mm1 = d.multiply(tt1, 2) print(c) print(m0.toarray()) print(c*2) print(m1.toarray()) print(c*np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(t1,1),1)) print(m2.toarray()) print(c*t2) print(mm1.toarray()) print(c*np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(tt1,0),0))
[docs]def test3(): a1 = np.ones((4,5)) a2 = a1 + 1 a3 = a2 + 1 s1 = sp.dok_matrix(a1) s2 = sp.dok_matrix(a2) s3 = sp.dok_matrix(a3) d = Sparse3D(s1, s2, s3) d1 = sp.dok_matrix((4,5)) d2 = sp.dok_matrix((4,5)) d3 = sp.dok_matrix((4,5)) d1[1,1] = 1 d1[0,1] = 1.6 d1[2,2] = 7 d2[1,0] = 3 d2[1,1] = 2 d2[1,2] = 1 d2[0,1] = 20 d2[1,1] = 2 d2[2,1] = .2 d3[1,1] = 3 d3[1,2] = 8 d3[0,0] = 9 d = Sparse3D(d1, d2, d3) print(d[[0, 2]].toarray()) c = d.toarray() m0 = d.sum(0) m1 = d.sum(1) m2 = d.sum(2) r0 = c.sum(0) r1 = c.sum(1) r2 = c.sum(2) print(c) print(m0.toarray()) print(r0) print(m1.toarray()) print(r1) print(m2.toarray()) print(r2)
if __name__ == '__main__': test3()