Source code for

This module provides decorators and a superclass that allow methods to
"inherit" documentation from other given methods or similar methods from 
super classes when a documentation is generated via Shinx.


If documentation shall be 'inherited' from super classes, the base class must
inherit from the meta-class :py:class:`DocMetaSuperclass`. 
Otherwise, the source of the documentation
must be specified via the :py:meth:`inherit_doc` decorator.

* Documentation of single arguments (numpy format) is taken from the super
  method if not provided for the child.

 * You may add a new description of the method and renew the documentation of 
   arguments to your liking, but undocumented arguments will be documented from the super class.

* Documentation can be replaced, inserted, added, or ignored.

 * The particular procedure can be controlled by adding a marker string to the 
   beginning of the header, footer, type, or argument description.
 * Description starting with ``#`` will be overwritten by the super method.
 * Description starting with ``<!`` will be put before the description from the super method.
 * Description starting with ``!>`` will be put behind the description from the super method.
 * Description without starting marker will replace the description from the super method.

* Super methods can have documentation that is not carried over to the children.

 * Lines after a line starting with ``~+~`` will be ignored by inheriting functions.

* The tool is applicable to both entire classes (via metaclasses) and single 
  methods (via decorators). The two can be combined.

* Via the decorator, multiple methods can be screened for suitable parameter definitions.

 * This is useful if the methods of concern bundles many other methods.

Example 1: Inheriting documentation from the super class

.. code-block:: python
    from import DocMetaSuperclass, inherit_doc
    class BaseClass(metaclass=DocMetaSuperclass)
        def mymethod(myargument):
            """This does something
            This text will not be seen by the inheriting classes
            myargument : int
                Description of the argument
        def mymethod2(myargument, otherArgument):
            """>!This description is added to the description of mymethod
            (ignoring the section below ``~+~``)
            otherArgument : int
                Description of the other argument
            [here the description of ``myargument`` will be inserted from mymethod]
    class MyClass1(BaseClass):
        def mymethod2(myargument):
            """This overwirtes the description of ``BaseClass.mymethod``
            [here the description of ``myargument`` from BaseClass.mymethod2 is inserted
             (which in turn comes from BaseClass.mymethod); otherArgument is ignored]
    class MyClass2(BaseClass):
        def mymethod2(myargument, otherArgument):
            """#This description will be overwritten
            myargument : string <- this changes the type description only
            otherArgument [here the type description from BaseClass will be inserted]
                <! This text will be put before the argument description from BaseClass
            BaseClass.mymethod2(myargument, otherArgument)

Example 2: Inheriting documentation from an other method

.. code-block:: python
    from import inherit_doc
    def method1(arg1):
        """This does something
        arg1 : type
    def method2(arg2):
        """This does something
        arg2 : type
    def method3(arg3):
        """This does something
        arg3 : type
    @inherit_doc(method1, method2, method3)
    def bundle_method(arg1, arg2, arg3):
        """This does something
        [here the parameter descriptions from the other 
         methods will be inserted]


import inspect
import re 


[docs]def should_ignore(string): return not string or not string.strip() or string.lstrip().startswith(IGNORE_STR)
[docs]def should_insert(string): return string.lstrip().startswith(INSERT_STR)
[docs]def should_append(string): return string.lstrip().startswith(APPEND_STR)
[docs]def strip_lines(string): lines = string.splitlines(True) for dirct in 0, -1: while lines: if not lines[dirct].strip(): del lines[dirct] else: break return "".join(lines)
[docs]class DocMetaSuperclass(type): """ Meta-class providing the opportunity to inherit documentation from super classes. """ def __new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict): cls = super().__new__(mcls, classname, bases, cls_dict) if bases: for name, member in cls_dict.items(): for base in bases: if hasattr(base, name): add_parent_doc(member, getattr(bases[-1], name)) break return cls
[docs]def inherit_doc(*fromfuncs): """ Decorator: Copy elements from the docstrings of the ``fromfuncs`` wherever the documentation of the decorated method is not given. """ def _decorator(func): for fromfunc in fromfuncs: add_parent_doc(func, fromfunc) return func return _decorator
[docs]def staticmethod_inherit_doc(*fromfuncs): """ Decorator: Declare the decorated method as a static method and copy elements from the docstrings of the ``fromfuncs`` wherever the documentation of the decorated method is not given. """ def _decorator(func): for fromfunc in fromfuncs: add_parent_doc(func, fromfunc) docstr = func.__doc__ func = staticmethod(func) func.__doc__ = docstr return func return _decorator
[docs]def strip_private(string:str): if PRIVATE_STR not in string: return string result = "" for line in string.splitlines(True): if line.strip()[:len(PRIVATE_STR)] == PRIVATE_STR: return result result += line return result
[docs]def merge(child_str, parent_str, indent_diff=0, joinstr="\n"): parent_str = adjust_indent(parent_str, indent_diff) if should_ignore(child_str): return parent_str if should_append(child_str): return joinstr.join([parent_str.rstrip(), re.sub(APPEND_STR, "", child_str, count=1)]) if should_insert(child_str): return joinstr.join([re.sub(INSERT_STR, "", child_str, count=1).rstrip(), parent_str]) return child_str
[docs]def add_parent_doc(child, parent): if type(parent) == str: doc_parent = parent else: doc_parent = parent.__doc__ if not doc_parent: return doc_child = child.__doc__ if child.__doc__ else "" if not callable(child) or not (callable(parent) or type(parent) is staticmethod or type(parent) == str): indent_child = get_indent_multi(doc_child) indent_parent = get_indent_multi(doc_parent) ind_diff = indent_child - indent_parent if doc_child else 0 try: child.__doc__ = merge(doc_child, strip_private(doc_parent), ind_diff) except AttributeError: pass return vars_parent, header_parent, footer_parent, indent_parent = split_variables_numpy(doc_parent, True) vars_child, header_child, footer_child, indent_child = split_variables_numpy(doc_child) if doc_child: ind_diff = indent_child - indent_parent else: ind_diff = 0 indent_child = indent_parent header = merge(header_child, header_parent, ind_diff) footer = merge(footer_child, footer_parent, ind_diff) variables = list(inspect.signature(child).parameters) varStr = "" def add_varStr(var, var_type, var_descr): return "".join([adjust_indent(" ".join([var, var_type]), indent_child), var_descr]) for var in variables: child_var_type, child_var_descr = vars_child.pop(var, [None, None]) parent_var_type, parent_var_descr = vars_parent.pop(var, ["", ""]) var_type = merge(child_var_type, parent_var_type, ind_diff, joinstr=" ") var_descr = merge(child_var_descr, parent_var_descr, ind_diff, joinstr=" ") if bool(var_type) and bool(var_descr): varStr += add_varStr(var, var_type, var_descr) for var, (child_var_type, child_var_descr) in vars_child.items(): parent_var_type, parent_var_descr = vars_parent.pop(child_var_type, ["", ""]) var_type = merge(child_var_type, parent_var_type, ind_diff, joinstr=" ") var_descr = merge(child_var_descr, parent_var_descr, ind_diff) if bool(var_descr): varStr += add_varStr(var, var_type, var_descr) if varStr.strip(): varStr = "\n".join([adjust_indent("\nParameters\n----------", indent_child), varStr]) child.__doc__ = "\n".join([header, varStr, footer])
[docs]def adjust_indent(string:str, difference:int) -> str: if not string: if difference > 0: return " " * difference else: return "" if not difference: return string if difference > 0: diff = " " * difference return "".join(diff + line for line in string.splitlines(True)) else: diff = abs(difference) result = "" for line in string.splitlines(True): if get_indent(line) <= diff: result += line.lstrip() else: result += line[diff:] return result
[docs]def get_indent(string:str) -> int: return len(string) - len(string.lstrip())
[docs]def get_indent_multi(string:str) -> int: lines = string.splitlines() if len(lines) > 1: return get_indent(lines[1]) else: return 0
[docs]def split_variables_numpy(docstr:str, stripPrivate:bool=False): if not docstr.strip(): return {}, docstr, "", 0 lines = docstr.splitlines(True) header = "" for i in range(len(lines)-1): if lines[i].strip() == "Parameters" and lines[i+1].strip() == "----------": indent = get_indent(lines[i]) i += 2 break header += lines[i] else: return {}, docstr, "", get_indent_multi(docstr) variables = {} while i < len(lines)-1 and lines[i].strip(): splitted = lines[i].split(maxsplit=1) var = splitted[0] if len(splitted) > 1: varType = splitted[1] else: varType = " " varStr = "" i += 1 while i < len(lines) and get_indent(lines[i]) > indent: varStr += lines[i] i += 1 if stripPrivate: varStr = strip_private(varStr) variables[var] = (varType, strip_lines(varStr)) footer = "" while i < len(lines): footer += lines[i] i += 1 if stripPrivate: header = strip_private(header) footer = strip_private(footer) return variables, header, footer, indent